Israel/Palestine – Is there a “workable and realistic” way forward?

The real positions of Hamas, Hizbollah and Iran are not what they are mis-represented to be by Israel, Western governments and the mainstream media.

Hamas makes a distinction (as I do) between the reality of Israel’s existence and Israel’s right to exist. But with that distinction made, Hamas, pragmatic because it has no choice, is ready to live in peace with an Israel inside its borders as they were on the eve of the 1967 war, with East Jerusalem the capital of the Palestinian state or the whole of Jerusalem an open, undivided city and the capital of two states.

Beneath their rhetoric, the real positions of Hizbollah and Iran are also clear. Both, actually, are prepared to accept whatever the Palestinians accept.

THE question is what will the Palestinians accept given Israel’s brutal, ruthless and criminal determination to break their resistance and force them to accept crumbs from Zionism’s table?

I need time to think about this and will offer an answer in my next posting. The headline I’ll give is Israel: Wining in the region, losing in the world.

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