Hart of the Matter #5: Reverend Dr. Stephen Robert Sizer

My guest this evening the Reverend Stephen Sizer.

He is one of the world’s leading authorities on the subject of Christian Zionism and evangelical Christian fundamentalism in all of its forms. In his book Christian Zionism: Road Map to Armageddon, he shows how elements within the Christian Zionist movement have become “the most powerful and destructive force at work in America today.”

  1. David:

    This is the first time I’ve heard Alan Hart. A very balanced and educational interview, and a nice addition to Dr. Sizer’s books (which I have).

  2. Joe Ortiz:

    Dear Mr. Hart:

    I truly enjoyed your interview with Stephen Sizer. I have known and collaberated with Stephen (through email) for over 7 years, have read all of his books and articles and agree in totality with his premise; and genuinely believe he is one of (if not) the greatest ambassadors for world peace by virtue of his unique and genuine sensitivity to all parties and concerned in the Middle East. His academic acumen and biblical insights about the truth concerning the so-called Promised Land claims by both the Jewish and Christian Zionist are unequalled by any other theology writers, preachers and Christian scholars.

    Keep up your great work, I look forward to ordering and reading your book, “Zionism, The Real Enemy of the Jews”.

    In His Peace,

    Joe Ortiz, author
    The End Times Passover (Auhtor House)
    Why Christians Will Suffer Great Tribulation (Author House)
    Saved? What Do You Mean Saved? (GBM Books)

  3. Nelson Wight:

    What a breath (several, in fact) of fresh air to follow your essays and interviews with people who are aware and express themselves well regarding the affairs of the world today. A most fortuitous
    circumstance to read and follow your site!


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