Anti-Semitism: What it IS and is NOT

My own view is that such a catastrophe will most likely happen unless the citizens of the mainly Gentile Western world among whom most Jews live are assisted to understand why it is perfectly possible to be passionately anti-Zionist (opposed to Zionism’s still on-going colonial enterprise) without being in any way, shape or form anti-Semitic.

If the day of understanding comes, it will mark the beginning of the end of Zionism’s freedom and ability to impose its will on the governments of the world that matter most (as well as on the Palestinians) and to remain above and beyond international law.


A few of those who put comments under my articles on various web sites, most notably that of Veterans Today, assert that I am an apologist for Zionism. If they really believe that, they are certifiably m-a-d. But perhaps there is another explanation. Perhaps they are acting for Zionism and it’s their way of seeking to destroy my credibility with those who know that I truly believe Zionism is the cancer at the heart of international affairs…?

Footnote 2

I received the following message from “Ron Law” at “”:

“Your writings are boringly predictable. Assuming you live in the US (I don’t, why assume that?) note that this place is going to hell in a handbasket, the Muslims are killing each other, and will continue to do so, and Israel will win its wars and thrive. Drop dead, painfully. Ron”

Sorry, Ron. Not yet ready to do that.


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  1. Barbara Boudreau:

    Another excellent article, Mr. Hart, and I hope it makes it to many more than a handful of sites.

  2. Vera Gottlieb:

    Not in an amusing way, but what gets me is when – as last resource, those disagreeing with Zionists’ politics (me included)are accused of being ‘self-hating Jews’. To which I counter…’yeah, and those who opposed Hitler were self-hating Germans’. Logic evaporates for lack of argument.

  3. Massimo Mandolini-Pesaresi:

    Great article, Alan, as always.
    Just a brief remark on your very good point that ‘Anti-Semite’ should include Arabs as well.
    The fact is that Jews in Western coountries — and most notably here in the US — have long ceased to be a Semitic race (thence their generalized dislike for, or even scorn of, Arab-Jews, like Yemenites, Egyptians, Iraqis etc.)

  4. ontogram:

    I take a certain pride in describing myself as a “self-hating Jew.” Zionism turned me from pride to despair for Jewishness and Judaism itself. Zionism is the death rattle of Judaism. Rather than be associated in any way with Zionism and Israel, I put away my Jewish paraphernalia, the Menorah, Tankh, Seder dishes etc.

    During the last assault on Gaza, supporters of Israel rallied in a park here and one guy stood proudly at the periphery of the rally with the Zionist flag, hand on hip, looking belligerent, daring anyone to confront him. This is the bully of Zionism, the Jewish thug, the mobsters of Judaism. It was all I could do to not confront him.

    The next rally, I will go around taking pics of each individual. That’ll freak them out, I think.

    Yes, the political cartoon was not anti-Semitic at all yet it was called a “blood libel.” It can only be “libel” if it is untrue and it is not untrue. Besides — I don’t know of any mythology about Jews building walls with the bodies of their enemies. Did I miss this one? Are the Zionists at work inventing more drivel? I do like the identification of an “anti-Semite” as anyone the Jews dislike.

  5. Gene:

    @ontogram. You are falling into the trap that Alan warns about. Do not conflate Zionism with Judaism. If you feel the need to give up Judaism because of Zionism, your adherence to Judaism is not very strong in the first place. No need to hate yourself just because the Zionists do.

    Recommended reading: Shlomo Sand’s new book, “The Invention of the Land of Israel.”

  6. ontogram:

    Gene — thanks for your comments. I feel like we are so powerless to stop this stupidity. In any event, I am not religious and, besides, I can dust off the Menorah if I want. But, being a “self-hating Jew” is a badge of pride for me. I can’t sit still for the BS of Zionism. Alan Hart’s books had a lot to do with my development in this regard.

    Unfortunately, I have trouble getting a Jewish date because so many are brainwashed on Zionism, an utterly false narrative. Actually, I have trouble getting a date whether Jew or Gentile because of my anti-Zionism and activism.

  7. Vera Gottlieb:
    The maker of this documentary (nominated for an Oscar)is being interviewed by Democracy Now!. Some of his comments rather stunning. He is an israeli.

  8. George:

    anti-GENTILISM is the cause of so-called antisemitism. Non-Jews did not sit around campfires and just decide to hate Jews for no reason, and then wait thousands of years for a Jew to come along just so they could pick on him. Jews codified anti-GENTILISM into their Zenophobic Tribalism, and have been creating enemies by their rabid hatred of all “GOYIM”(NON-Jews) ever since.

  9. Roberto:

    I am sorry you got that despicable message from Ron Law.
    I say: Bravo Mr. Hart! Your fight is the fight for human dignity.

  10. Gene:

    Only indirectly related to this post, but related just the same:

  11. George Rudman:

    Alan keep up the enlightening work. Imagine I’m an anti zioinist not an anti semite for criticising the greedy land grabin jews in
    Israel. I’m embrassed for our country that it doesn’t see what you
    have mentioned & let Israel off the hook sooo many times.
    Every Good Wish
    George Rudman

  12. Sam:

    May I make the following comment. Britain had honoured the Balfour declaration ever since it was issued. It opened the door to Jewish immigration to Palestine long before Hitler came to power and introduced measures in Palestine to ensure that the Zionist project is realised. For example, it had not only appointed a Zionist high commissioner, but also enacted laws that allowed the Zionists to have armed militias whilst making the possession of even a small handgun by Arabs punishable by hanging. The Zionist calculated that they also needed to gain world sympathy for their project and what better narrative to garner this than the holocaust? Granted that the Nazis imposed collective punishment on the Jews and subjected them to most brutal and inhuman abuse, yet there is sufficient evidence not to agree with everything they said, particularly about the holocaust which according to Douglas Reed in his invaluable book The Controversy of Zion, has been exaggerated.

  13. Sandy Cheyne:

    The thing I cannot stomach is US President Barak Obama’s unflinching support of Zionism. The man is both a racist and a two-faced hypocrite. Let me put it this way. If a building contractor in the USA were to build a group of dwellings and advertise them for sale with a notice saying: “Whites only. Blacks need not apply”, can we imagine what Obama’s reaction would be? A rhetorical question, of course. But this same Barak Obama turns a blind eye when Israel’s Benjamin Netanyahu does the same thing. In order to punish the Palestinians for having the audacity to seek recognition by the United Nations, he orders the building of more housing settlements, homes for whites only, blacks need not apply. Or, if you like, for Jews only, Palestinians need not apply. It is the same thing. It is EXACTLY the same thing, and if Obama says otherwise he is trying to tell us that the Palestinian people have the wrong skin colour to qualify as victims of racism. A two-faced hypocrite, in other words. Zionism is racism, and it has Obama’s unflinching support.

  14. Rehmat:

    What’s the difference between ‘Antisemitism’ and ‘Anti-Semitism’? The Berlin-born Jewish professor Shmuel Almog (Hebrew University, Jerusalem), has claimed that the term with hyphen and without it has different meanings. The term ‘Antisemitism’ was coined by Wilhelm Marr in the 1870s. It was applied to European Christians who hated Jews. However, when it’s written with hyphen ‘Anti-Semitism’ – it means hatred toward Semite people who are found in far greater numbers among Arab Muslims and Christians than the entire world Jewry.

    Incidently, professor Rabbi Dan Cohn-Sherbok (University of Wales) who has authored three books on Jew-hatred (The Crucified Jew: Twenty Centuries of Christian Antisemitism and Antisemitism: A History and The Paradox of Antisemitism) has always the term without hyphen.

    The ‘Zionism On The Web’ site says: “Anti-Semitism or Antisemitism. It’s all hatred of Jews, Jews hate, the oldest hate in the world“. Then it explains that dislike of Judaism, or denial of the Zionist narrative of Jewish holocaust, or criticism of the state of Israel, or even pointing out a criminal being Jewish – is an old-fashioned Jews hate.

  15. Gene:

    Let’s not split hairs about hyphenated anti-Semitism and non-hyphenated antisemitsm. Anti-Semitism is anti-Semitism no matter how you spell it. We all know what it means, and I think we are now also beginning to know who is propagating it. As Alan so correctly describes it above.

  16. dodo:

    Vera: thanks for the link! Shin-Bet, yet… Who’ll be next?
    Alan: thanks for the article. As always.

  17. Michael:

    a good piece, Mr. Hart

    one small criticism I might make…….you should not need to re-emphasise your horror of genocides/holocausts in order, in some way, to demonstrate your integrity when it comes to your lack of anti-semitic thoughts….it is a given!

  18. davey wavey:

    My own feeling is that, if people wish to term the search for justice “anti-semitic” then such individuals are clearly not “for” justice. When someone says that your criticism is “anti-semitic” the response should be about justice not a demonstration of your non-racist bona fides.

  19. Rehmat:

    The result of a new genetic study published in the British journal Genome Biology and Evolution claims that European Jews (Ashkenazi) don’t belong to the 12 (Semite) tribes of Israel. They’re a mix of genetic ancestries, far more of which than previously thought originating in tribes from the Caucasus – a region that sits between Eastern Europe and Asia Minor. Ashkenazi ancestry comes from Slav, Bulgar, Iranian and Turkic tribes which established the Khazar empire in that region – which at its peak stretched from Kiev in the West to the Aral Sea in the Southeast.

    The study, titled ‘The Missing Link of Jewish European Ancestry: Contrasting the Rhineland and the Khazarian Hypotheses’, was conducted by Dr. Eran Elhaik, a geneticist at the Johns Hopkins School of Public Health in Baltimore, Maryland. Elhaik compared the genomes of 1,287 unrelated individuals who hail from eight Jewish and 74 non-Jewish populations.

    Among the European Jews, Elhaik found ancestral signatures that pointed clearly to the Caucasus and also, but to a smaller degree, the Middle East, where the Israelite (Hebrew tribes) had originated. More than 90% of 12.7 million world Jewish population is Ashkenazi.

    The so-called “Rhineland hypothesis” is based on Zionists’ lie that Jews migrated to Europe when Arab Muslims captured the city of Jerusalem in 638 CE. This lie has been debunked by British academic, Dr. Karen Armstrong, former Catholic Nun, author, historian and a religious authority on Judeo-Christianity, in an article published by the Jewish-owned Time Magazine (April 16, 2001).

  20. TRANSCEND MEDIA SERVICE » Anti-Semitism: What It IS and Is NOT:

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  21. Ponce:

    Me anti-Semite?….I don’t dislike Arabs, yes I said ARABS…besides the Semites Jews of the Bible 30% of all Arabs are semites as are five more nationalities…..being a semite is to be from a certain region of the Middle East and has nothing to do about nothing else.


  22. Bonnie:

    No. anti-semiticism ISN”T on the rise.

    It’s just that you, Hart, in spite of your denial, really want to interpret it the jew way, i.e. that any criticism of Israel, is against the jews.

    You haven’t taken into account, that

    1- The jew-controlled governments of Europe. ALL of them, are bringing in islamics- ENEMIES of jews. And these islamics are the ones committing the crimes against the jews in Europe, NOT the White Europeans.

    2- An ex-gov. official of Israel admitted that the label of ‘anti-semiticism is a trick, that Israel used, whenever Israel doesn’t get its way:

    See Youtube:

    3- Very Important: Everytime there’s been an incident of “anti-semiticism” perpetrated, like a swastika painted somewhere or anti-jew words, or a toppling of gravestones in a jew cemetery, or an “attack” of a jew, the cops/CIA/FBI is called in, the mass media makes a big deal of it, so that everybody gets to hear about, and is scandalized, all non-jews.

    And at the end of the investigation, it turns out that a jew did it to her/himself.

    And then, the truth is relegated to the backpage of a news daily and/or a small paragraph, so that hardly anyone see it.

    The result is the impression left that “OOOHH, THERERE’S A HUGE AMOUNT OF ANTI-JEW CRIME!”- headslap, “what we gonna do! What we gonna do?!”

    The result being, that there is NO increase of anti-semiticism, when one investigates it. Because in truth, non-jews, worldwide, are decent, fair-minded, law-abiding, forbearing, compassionate Human Beings.

  23. Joh Kirby:

    Hello Mr Hart,

    I am 76 years old, and as I have grown older I have come to be wary of Jews. I have personally seen much deliberately anti-gentile arrogance, greed and dishonesty from Jews recently.

    Jewish power is flaunted, with Jews controlling the government, the media, the companies and the money. It is not a Jewish conspiracy, it is blatantly out in the open

    In addition we have the problems of Israel’s conquest and subjugation of the Palestinians, and wars instigated by dual American-Israeli citizens in government.

    I have had some great Jewish friends and colleagues, and when I was young my best teacher was a wonderful Jewish lady, so what happened? I’m not sure, but it took a long time to happen, mainly over the past 15 years,

    Best Regards, John Kirby