Brainwashed for final ethnic cleansing

Some time ago I wrote that my sources were telling me that behind closed doors all European governments were fed up with Israel in general and Netanyahu in particular. Sarkozy’s comment to Obama about Netanyahu – “I can’t look at him anymore, he’s a liar” – suggests that my sources were more right than wrong. And I think Obama’s response – “You may be sick of him but I have to deal with him every day” – adds weight to my own view that the private Obama loathes having to do the bidding of the Zionist lobby and its stooges in Congress.

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  1. Nicholas Downey:

    What do you see as a solution to this deadlock? Looks very depressing.

  2. | Brainwashed for final ethnic cleansing ~ who will dare even call it out? | | truthaholics:

    [...] Brainwashed for final ethnic cleansing Israeli soldier training his gun at unarmed children and their mother [...]

  3. Tom Mysiewicz:

    If humor can be found in this situation–albeit black humor–I did it a number of years ago in my piece “I’m Waiting for my Nobel Peace Prize”. In my fictitious peace plan I suggested that the Israelis grant the Palestinians (and the current Arab residents of “Eretz Israel”) a 99-year lease on lands they occupy in return for accepting forced sterilization and eventual deportation and that regional powers abandon their militaries in return for “protection” by the IDF. Wealthy Arab leaders (some of whom have been deposed since my writing) would be exempt from sterilization and be relocated to Davos, Switzerland. While my peace plan was one sided, I pointed out that all peace plans in the Mid East have been one sided–so this is nothing new. Sadly, my humor seems to be close to what the Israelis really have in mind…

  4. rosemary spiota:

    I just cannot understand how the POTUS can be so cowardly as to put up with the loathsome Netanyahu. The problem is that the MSM have so demonised Iran, that even if Obama was firm now, the US population feel unwarranted fear of Iran. The attitude you describe, of Israelis as victims, is encouraged by the US and increasingly Europe.

    Looking at Tom’s post, I am reminded of a suggestion that Israel could be relocated in the USA (perhaps near Crawford, Texas?) thus ensuring a hearty welcome from the neighbours and a great saving in the USA’s military aid budget. The construction ndustry would be able to rebuild all the famous religious sites, like another theme park.

  5. David King:

    I believe Merkle had something to say about the dishonesty of Netinyahoo as well. And here is the joke of the day:

    A poll conducted by the group Greenber Quinlan Rosner found that 52.3 percent of Americans rate Netanyahu positively, compared to 51.5 percent for Obama. Other polls have Obama’s approval ratings even lower, while Netanyahu has been consistently winning praise.

    The results of the poll were enthusiastically discussed on Israel’s Channel 10 News on Thursday

  6. Art Lloyd:

    “Brainwashed for Final Ethnic Cleansing”. New World Order. North American Union. I don’t think many people realize how deep the “brain washing” goes. We have an author, Mr. Hart, a Historian, dedicating his life to his subject, Palistine and Israel, who has meticulously documented this History and presented it to the world to enable sound understandiong and “Policy Making”. It is an intimate history of both sides; Israel, Palistine. He knows, explains and documents their “mindset”. For arbitration of a problem what better tool does the arbitrator require other than the knowlege of the “mindset” of the people involved.
    Yet our media has done nothing to assist in its publication. Mr. Harts book was introduced to me through The Alex Jones’ interviews on the Internet.
    It was after a few more paragraphs that I realized I wasn’t going where I wanted, but there was something gnawing that I couldn’t put my finger on. A day or so later it dawned; the light gloweth. The word “mindset”; “Mindset”. That’s the secret of his book. When you look at the various subjects on the internet which are many, and of course including “The Muslims”,”Jihad”,Sharia Law” etc.,etc.;nothing about Judaism, Zionism. Its an illusion, keep our attention on the Muslims and forget the real problem, Zionism. Even look up Zionism on Wiki and they give you a brief account and mention Lord Balfor; so what? We know nothing of the people. The Jews snuck by the Christains because they are the “Chosen People” of the Old Testement. We’re the New Testement so everything is A-OK. What a farce. Mr. Hart burst their “bubble.” Their actions of how they are stealing Palistine and creating a holocaust for those people is not any different than Hitler. Worse. The Jews declared War on Hitler in 1933 before he was in complete control. Look it up. Yet another story.
    As was said at a presentation by Mr. Hart with others including Mr.Gilad Atzmon, any time you bring up any subject relating to Jews it automaticaly becomes anti-semitic, racism. It cannot be considered just History,no,they are the chosen people;end of story. “Not Politically Correct”
    .Yet as outlined in his book the Zionists have had a tremendous affect on history;influencing WW1,WW11, Terrorism in Palestine beginning after WW11 up until the present.. Netanyahu doesn’t want peace. Amiad Cohen;”This is our country.We will live here.The question is-will it be with peace,or will they force us to fight?” Then there is the Sharon Plan. De-stabilize Jordan. .They want WW111 with Iran. Why negociate? These people are pathological. “Zionism:The Real Enemy of The World” Check this site for attitude!
    Mr. Hart’s reference to American stooges in congress: Now this is “BrainWashing.”
    America is a Christain Country. Statistics; 75% Christain, 2% Jewish, rest Cults and Misc. Zionists think entirely different. They want to control America and use its power to control the world as they are controling Palistine.They have destroyed our education system. Our students rate from 25th to a new 32nd place world wide standing. It is not in America’s interest to supportr Israel, right or wrong. This is asserted by Mr. Hart and in the paper .
    I concentrate on America’s issues because I hope they are forwarded to as many Americans as possible.
    As of this last week a very encouraging movement has begun. The county Sheriffs are grouping together to form a Constitutional Enforcement of the law. They will united and stand to represent the people. In many cases Sheriffs have jurisdiction over federal authorities. Get involved. Sheriff Mack;
    8 sheriffs;
    While the rest of the world understands 9/11, for Americans; is conclusive.
    I believe The essence of Mr. Hart’s work is the conveyance of the longevity of determination, over years, of these people, Zionists, of subjugating others to their will at any cost. Zionists are invaders, do not own or have any legal ties to Palistine. This is very difficult for Americans to understand. But if Zionist treatment of the Palistinians is an example of their way of life; Who wants it, or them?. When we learn how to contain our Zionists, then we can better help you contain your Zionists. Thank you again Mr.Hart.

  7. David King:

    Wow Art;

    Thanks for that.