Israel/Palestine: A reality check

Generally speaking, the Jews are the intellectual elite of the Western world and the Palestinians are the intellectual elite of the Arab world. What they could do together in peace in a one-state partnership is the stuff that real dreams are made of. They could play a leading role in changing the region for the better and by so doing give hope and inspiration to the whole world.

Put another way, Jews without Zionism and with the Palestinians could become the light unto nations!

That’s the upside. The downside is that Jews with Zionism and without the Palestinians could put the light out.

I must add that it’s not only governments and their diplomats and all who report and comment in the mainstream media who must stop giving credibility to the view that a two-state solution is possible.

Activist groups of all faiths and none which campaign for justice for the Palestinians on the basis of a two-state solution are wasting time, effort and precious resources. They, too, need to come to grips with reality and focus on campaigning for one state with equal rights of every kind for all.

Ultimately Israel’s Jews will have to decide what they want most of all – peace and security in a one state partnership of equals with the Palestinians, or, no peace and an ever worsening security situation provoked by Israel’s domination, repression and humiliation of the Palestinians.

The above should not be taken to imply that I am entertaining any great hope that a one state solution can be achieved. My main point is that the creation of it is all that could stop the countdown to a final Zionist ethnic cleansing of Palestine. And that, in my view, is a good enough reason for all who care about justice for the Palestinians to advocate and promote the need for a one state solution.


When he addressed an audience at Harvard University on 13 October, U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry warned that “unless we get going (with another attempt at peace making) the two-state solution will be conceivably stolen from everybody“.

Because he also spoke about the extent of Israel’s expansion of illegal settlements on the occupied West Bank I imagine he knows better than most that the two-state solution is no longer an option.

The question is what will he do in the 16 months left to him and President Obama in office when he gets going again?

Will he continue with “the farce” or dare to focus on the need for a one state solution?

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  1. ROBERTO rodriguez:

    Given the statu quo, is there any hope that Palestinians would enjoy equal rights in the one-state? Is the government of that future one-state going to go back the land, water and buildings already stolen? Given the sad example of the former Yugoslavia, wouldn’t the bad feelings that will remain be exploited by demagogues of both sides? Given the fact that the stronger partner will be the Jewish, that so far have been totally unwilling to recognize its wrongdoings and atrocities, is the any hope that they would act with justice?
    In any case, I admire your noble work for justice to Palestinians

  2. confoundmeonce:

    Alan, After All that has occurred Over..and On that Territory These Confiscators Have named ‘Isreal’..It is very obvious to all who know what has gone on there…thru these years since 1948 , that These Zionists are NOT interested in any two-State Anything. They want All of the true owners of this area to Just GET Lost. And have proceeded to Kill all who wouldn`t just ”go away and leave their homes to these usurpers. So..Why is this “”Misbegotten idea of a two-part arrangement of ‘one state’..between them and the true owners of this territory..Still being ‘bandied about ? IT IS Nothing but a Delaying Fuss..while these Robbers continue building more Housing on land that will never be matter how long they squabble and point guns and threaten and murder the Palestinians who will never Leave their homeland to these infiltrators. There is no way Peace can Occur between These Two ‘Factions’. This Territory will always rightfully belong to the Palestinians who have been Forcefully removed from their Homes and Out of Their Territory. Peace Will never Come As long as THIS Continues to be the Reality . Time TO Face Up..And Move OUT..All of you Confiscators. Go Back to where you Originated From. So many of you Squatters have Not one drop of jewish Blood..But Moved there because you were paid to make The move and to ”take possession of’..(homestead the Land.) Go Home. Wherever That may be.

  3. David Marchesi:

    Alongside Mr Kerry, it would be good to have some influential religious and secular leaders argue the case for one state. I have in mind the Dalai Lama, Pope Francis,the archbishop of Canterbury,at least one chief rabbi, presidents/prime ministers from Japan and Malaysia etc, and -let’s face it, the UN Secretary-General.There is, of course, a strong case to apply the notorious R2P principle to Palestinians , and the “arguments” could never be more than “advisory opinions” (a la view on the Wall)
    The element missing in all the palaver from the politicians etc is courage to face the truth which Alan Hart succinctly expresses here. Could at least one “leader of opinion” break the ranks of the pusillanimous and point out the positive benefits to all (material, and -dare I suggest ?- spiritual) of a one-state settlement ? As usual, the media will do their best to silence or ignore such views, and time is shortening.A spectacular yet reasoned standpoint is needed, with an emphasis on the material profit for all sides , perhaps eventually with the addition of Lebanon and Jordan in a confederation of the Levant (it used to be said that the Lebanese were the business elite of the region)

  4. Rehmat:

    Professor Edward Said prophesized over 40 years ago that if Palestine is returned to it Muslim natives – a great majority of European Jews would prefer to live under Muslim rule rather going back to their ancestral countries where antisemitism would be waiting for them.

    What Israeli Jews have been doing to native Muslim and Christian Palestinians since 1948, is partly due to their religious and cultural heritage.

    On October 10, tens of thousands of Americans belonging to different faiths and races gathered at US Capitol to commemorate the tenth anniversary of the Million Man March held on October 16, 1995 at the National Mall where African slaves were auctioned in the past.

    The leader of Nation of Islam, Louis Farrakhan, the most hated Afro-American leader by the Jewish Lobby, was the keynote speaker. During his long speech, he chided critics advising the #Justice or Else movement that Black folks should forget their past slavery and move ahead, saying: “Find me a Jew that forgives Hitler, and you say they’re the people of God and they don’t have any forgiveness in them.”