Obama: “The best is yet to come.” Really?

One implication is that it’s not only a growing number of American Jews who now regard Israel as a liability. Though still a minority, a growing number of all Americans are beginning to see the same light.

And that’s why I am not abandoning hope that at a point, most likely in the last year of his second term, President Obama will feel himself free enough to do what I truly believe he really wants to do – confront the Zionist monster, beginning with its lobby in America.


It may also be that events in Greater Israel will assist Obama to abandon the policy of support for it right or wrong. I will explain why in my next post – Israel heading further down the road to fascism?

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  1. Sami Joseph:

    I believe you underestimate the Zionist stranglehold on the corridors of power in DC. Also, we all do know what happened to JFK, but no-one talks about his “elimination”. Besides, anyone in position of authority who may be remotely suspected as a potential threat, or even a credible whistle-blower, is likely to have the same fate as JFK.
    (Entre nous, if you care to look at where in the White House did Obama take the oath of office, the choice of location with a specific picture in the background is very telling for the discerning individual – see the picture at: http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/28780417/ns/politics-white_house/t/obama-retakes-oath-office-after-flub/#.UKLLhodGcYo )

  2. VGF:

    Mr. Alan Hart, I did not realize How Much Sense you Make ! I Totally agree with your
    “Take” Concerning Americas` ”Dimming relationship with Israel. Israel shoots Itself in the foot at least Twice a week. But IT has really DONEIT When it Attacked The Imprisoned Gaza strip Where They have Penned up The Palestinian people .. They are soon going to Have to Pay for All of Their Iniquities..And The Time is Short when This will Occur. The US of A. is Not going TO War for Israel any More..Nowhere . Any “Fight they Instigate Now..Will be Theirs to Deal with. Our Resources ( Militarily, financially, and Human resources >>Will not be Dispersed…Dispensed..Ever again ..To Please That Entity called Israel Ben can put his foot in his Mouth and Keep it there..If he Wants TO help matters for that Piece of Stolen land called Israel.

  3. ontogram:

    Americans of conscience are increasingly horrified with Israel’s turn toward fascism and racism on an ideological level ala Likud. This is marginal politics and not mainstream Americana, not now. Jim Crow is history, and these fear-mongers will be history eventually. It is up to Obama to throw down the challenge to Israelis — keep it up, provide no justice, hammer Palestinians and demolish homes and you will not be supported by the US, not any longer. Let Israelis make the choice to either provide some justice to Palestinians or leave the fold of civilized states on a permanent basis. It must get to the point that a boycott is demanded by Americans taking to the streets.

  4. Richard Steven Hack:

    All I can say is: Good luck with that.

    Obama is owned and operated by Israel-Firsters in Chicago who financed his entire career. He’s not going to suddenly do a 180 on them. Quite the opposite – he’s going to double-down on his policies against Syria, Iran and in support of Israel.

  5. Gene:

    @ Richard Steven Hack – Ditto on good luck with that. It’s not so much that Obama is owned by Chicago Israel-Firsters as the fact that Israel is only doing America’s work in the Middle East, and will continue to do it no matter who is president or which party is in office. Obama makes no decisions, he carries out orders. His promises to address Israel in his second term are worth about as much as any of his other promises. As far as Iran is concerned, it is not Israel who will make the decision. If there is war, you can blame it 100% on the US; just as in Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, Syria, and everywhere else the US is drone bombing.

  6. Gene:

    PS -”The US is using Israel for its dirty wars and, in turn, Israelis are using the US to fight their neighbours. They are unswerving allies, each gaining power and expanding their control over foreign territories and their populations, and their allies are benefiting from it. Whatever pretext is being used, the reasons for waging wars remain the same: power and money. And that is always achieved by demonizing whoever is in the way.”

    This article was originally posted at Global Research

    Copyright © Julie Lévesque, Global Research, 2012

  7. Chris:

    Obama has shown that he is a conciliationist by nature. He will not confront Netanyahu. The Pentagon and military industrial complex determine his actions.

  8. Björn Lindgren:

    Dear Alan Hart,

    I read your blog every week, and find it very valuable and reasonable. Thank you for your careful and exacting analysis.

    History in West Asia/Middle East is dark – in the past, at the present – and, if no change of mind, also for the future.

    Israel: Heading, as you end, down the ditch of fascism, i.e. war with Iran, ethnical cleansing of the Palestinians? And, I add, a civil war?

    With or without Obama, the U.S. is equally divided: collapsing economy, a dysfunctional political class, a military-industrial-congress-complex running amok, growing poverty and apathy, Tea Party populism/fascism, coup d’etat, a nuclear adventure in Iran?

    Hope? Yes! The seed of peace and justice exists in the Palestinian nonviolent movement. Occupy in the U.S. could grow if it leaves “occupy” behind, and expands and expresses the depair and hopes of the 49% and the middle class.

    May they grow and ignite an ever deeper and wider awakening!*

    Cheers, Björn Lindgren

    * To quote Erica Chenoweth: “Participation is
    Everything!,” in conversation with Eric Stoner,
    Waging Nonviolence, 14 July 2012).

  9. John Mann:

    Excellent perspectives, Alan, per usual. However, one thread running behind the subtext of your commentary bothers me.

    If Obama is sufficiently pressured to wait until the final year of his second term, before being well-enough positioned to act decisively against Israel’s defiance of international law, I presume it’s because of the obvious possibilities of politically damaging himself and/or his Party.

    Should this be the case, it begs to be noted that by Obama’s final year the next presidential election tilt will be in full swing. Would not precisely the same kind of worries apply then, at least to the Party? Or will the social evolution of anti-Zionist sentiments minus anti-Semitism have progressed to the point Obama is freed to act?

    On a different tack altogether, I would suggest the widening shake-up of top military command might be signaling a ‘general’ housecleaning of the Pentagon, conducted by Obama. This in turn may signal he’ll act a little more expeditiously toward the Middle East than any of us suspect. Let’s hope so.

  10. Ronald D. Kennedy:


    Good morning Alan: wonderfull up lifting post for freedom.

    the link above might help in this effort.

    Google. Ronald Douglas Kennedy –will bring up this thought

    Every new day,is a good day. Ron

  11. Rehmat:

    When Obama said: “The best yet to come”. What he meant was – “My Christian salvation is in the service of Jews”.

    Obama was confirmed “kosher” when both Netanyahu and Barak blessed his victory by proclaiming: “Obama’s re-election is good for Israel”.

    And what was Obama’s first act in country’s foreign policy – new crippling sanctions against the Islamic Republic.

    The “military poodle of Zionism”, Gen. David Petraeus’ disgraceful sacking over his mistress – is a warning which Obama cannot ignore.


  12. Steve Meikle:

    I would not trust Obama at all, neither hope for anything from him. He is an empty suit, a talking head.

    Given his track record of broken promises He is either totally incompetent or a consummate liar

    His assault on America’s working class shows where his interests lay.

    But that even Americans are starting to see through Zionist criminality is a good sign.

    If I, who was an ardent Zionist 20 years ago, can change my mind on this matter so can others