Open Letter to President Obama – Yes, You Could.

And then, of course, there’s the fear of Israel being annihilated by a nuclear-armed Iran, a fear that is currently being reinforced and exploited to the full by Israel’s deluded leaders and the Zionist lobby in America and elsewhere. I don’t know if Iran wants to possess an atom bomb, but so what if it does and actually succeeds in producing one or some? Israel is and will remain the military and nuclear-armed superpower of the region. It has considerably in excess of 300 nuclear warheads and the missiles to deliver them, and hundreds of tactical battlefield nuclear weapons. In my view only leaders deluded to the point of clinical madness could imagine that a nuclear-armed Iran would initiate a first strike on Israel. To do so would be to invite the certain destruction of all of Iran. None of its present leaders are, and none of its future leaders will be, so stupid. The real problem for Israel’s political and military leaders is that Iran’s possession of an atomic bomb would greatly limit and perhaps end their ability to impose Zionism’s will on the region.

Mr. President, what I’ve been trying to say comes down to this. The only real obstacle to peace in the Middle East is in the fact that Israel’s Jews, most but not all of them, are beyond reason. Against the ever present background of the obscenity of the Nazi holocaust, it’s the way they’ve been conditioned to be by their Zionist leaders. You, Mr. President, are uniquely placed to gather and then present to Israel’s Jews the evidence that could open their minds to reason – to an understanding that peace is there for the taking if they are prepared to insist that their leaders negotiate in good faith.

Can you do that, Mr. President? Yes, you could. If you did and brought the longest running conflict in all of human history to an end, you would not only save Israel from itself and stop the countdown to Armageddon, you would go down in history, (even if the American economy collapsed around you, which would not be your fault), as the greatest of all American presidents.

So no more “Yes, we can” or even “Yes, I can”. Let’s have “Yes, I will.” As Winston Churchill used to say, carpe diem. (I think the American equivalent is “step up to the plate”).

With truly respectful best wishes,

Yours sincerely,

Alan Hart

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