Palestine does not have to be a lost cause

The main case to be made in such a Palestinian policy thrust is that it’s not in anybody’s best interests, including those of the Jews of the world and Israel, that the Zionist state be allowed to go on defying international law and pouring petrol on the fire of Islamic extremism.

The days of there being one rule for the behaviour of all nations except Israel and another rule exclusively for Israel must be ended.

There are only two ways to run the world. One is in accordance with the rule of law. The other is jungle law. Unless contained, the nuclear-armed Zionist monster could take us all back to the jungle.


As I was bringing this article to a close I received as many others did a message from Anna Baltzer, the Jewish-American campaigner for Palestinian human rights. It said in part that the revelations in the Palestine Papers have “exposed the utter futility of US-brokered peace talks. I am more convinced than ever that the solution lies with listening to the Palestinian people themselves, civil society, and their call for boycott, divestment, and sanctions (BDS) on Israel until it complies with international law and respects Palestinians’ human rights.”

So am I, dear Anna, but if the Palestinian people are to be heard to good effect, they must be represented by a credible leadership answerable to a reconstructed and re-invigorated PNC.

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  1. martina tamburrino:

    Dear Alan,

    I was really looking forward to a post by you on the subject of the Palestine Papers. I still don’t know what to make of them – the reason being, I do not always trust Al-Jazeera Intl and I just could not bring myself to watch the channel long enough for any meaningful sign of their possible good faith. I imagine you are able to rely on your own sources for information on the Papers’ reliability.

    Yes, I remember very well your previous article on what a re-invigorated PNC could mean – and I think it is a very important point you are making. Perhaps there is a realistic chance the PNC might indeed heed the signs of the times and set out on a new start, now that something powerful is stirring up in the Arab world. A meaningful help might come from the Egyptian front, as we are learning this very day. And I find it very interesting you also mention Jordan as a possible future ally in the structuring of a Palestine state.

    It is both exciting and frightful to watch the domino-effect triggered off by the Tunisian revolt. It is frightening because we know that revolts are a bloody business – yet I see no other means for the liberation of the Arab population from their repressive regimes.

    Dear Alan, I think times are ripe for something to happen on the Palestine front. So many things have changed during the last couple of years. People have become more aware, authors – even Jewish and even Israeli authors – have written meaningful and revealing books that have opened peoples’ eyes, PressTv broke powerfully into our homes and has enriched our lives with outstanding programs such as your interview-series, and as a consequence many initiatives got off the ground to come to the aid of the besieged people in Gaza. The BDS is getting stronger – but not enough by far, much is yet to be achieved. All-over Europe and other Western countries ordinary people have repeatedly taken to the streets to speak-out for their brothers and sisters in Palestine and to denounce Zionists’ crimes – it happened even with the brave people of Germany, who face arrest if suspected of anti-Semitism.

    So, the way I see it, it is possible that any time now an unexpected event might arise to trigger the spark needed for things to get rolling to an unstoppable pace. When times are ripe, such events happen almost inevitably and they usually spring from unsuspected sources. Only wishful thinking? Perhaps it would have been, only a few years ago – but today … Today I have real hope, Alan, that Palestine is not a lost Cause at all – even as I write, I see PressTv’s “Breaking News” about the “Egypt Uprising” – I’m afraid Egyptians are in for harsh times.

    Very enjoyable and enlightening in your article is the quote from your friend Prof. Moshe Machover – a true little jewel. These beautiful insights are very entertaining – they make the content of your articles come to life.

    Martina, Italy

  2. Tom Mysiewicz:

    I’ve been contemplating a different solution. The Palestinians are too weak to resist the combined pressures of Israel and the U.S. Therefore, they cannot be a negotiating partner in any sense of the word. Israel was created by UN edict, which implied the simultaneous creation of a state/area for Palestinians. Therefore, it is the UN that should make Israel return to the 1967 borders and work out a permanent peace framework. I recently pointed out to Uri Avnery, who indicated 7-million dislocated Palestinians cannot possibly return to Palestine, that how come 20-million Jews in the world (who have never been in Palestine) presumably can?

  3. kyle louzoun heisler:

    The nation of Israel lives Israel was promised and it was won fair in square.


    kyle if a thief robs you fair and square and his belief that what
    he does not posses can be his if he can rob you fair and square,would you concede your property .

  5. Mercy300:

    SECHEDO that was well said:)

  6. Sung eun koo:

    I can’t understand

  7. zen donegan:

    that territory was originally jewish!! it was stolen from them by christians and muslims, the dont just want the land they want israeli’s raped and killed. god forbid they have anymore land to terrorize people than they already do!!palestinians are the oppressors. OPEN YOUR EYES!!

  8. Tom Mysiewicz:

    Zen–was Rome Chriistian in 70 AD/ACE???? You Hasbara guys should at least get your facts straight!

  9. KRN:

    PNC would be a great idea; however, between PA and PNC the Israeli army would take over Palestine.
    Negotiations won’t get us anywhere, it is the people who must act, not by fighting -only- but by boycott, and by making the world know. As you have probably seen, July and August witnessed a change in the average Palestinian’s idea about the PA, many are starting to see the relation it has with the Israeli government. Hopefully, someday it will be clear

  10. KRN:

    that it is inevitable to go through the solution you proposed, but until then, we must all make the world know; as decartes believed, to fix something we must demolish and rebuild from the ground up.

  11. Fact Check:

    This is what I do not understand, Palestinians put on a suicide vest and kill innocent children and they are dubbed ” freedom fighters” and an Israeli soldier shoots back to DEFEND himself and he is wrongfully dubbed a terrorist. Then some people go around crying bloody murder Israel is terrorizing these innocent people. Well First let me establish a few facts
    1. there has been a Jewish presence in Israel for over 3000 years.
    2. The UN granted a little sliver of land to the Jews and the day after Israel fought a war in which they were attacked by 7 arab countries. Needless to say Israel came out victorious
    3. People always go around saying that Israel took the land in 1967 from the Palestinians. Well not true Jordan was sovereign. oh and by the way there was no such thing as the Palestinian cause before 1967 when Jordan was sovereign.
    4. The reason Israel has implemented walls and check points is to keep her citizens SAFE
    5. There are over 1 million Arab Israelis whom are not discriminated against and enjoy every right a Jew has in the country.
    Even if you disagree with me, lets all pray for peace.

  12. KRN:

    @fact check
    Palestine existed in prehistory, land of the Canaanites, and the Pilests. Palestinians don’t wear suicidal vests nor do they believe in their efficiency. Gaza is on the edge of going through one more massacre, third civillian to be killed in the past 3 days by Israeli attacks on Gaza. The UN never “granted” Jews a piece of land, the UK did. Also, the number of Palestinian children shot by Israelis is vastly more than all Israelis shot. Freedom fighters fight for the right to be free from occupation, free to mobalize, free to eat, drink, breath what they want, and not be in a big prison.