Sharon and a Nobel Prize for Nonsense

The question provoked in my mind by Cameron’s tribute to Sharon was this. Did he praise Sharon’s “pursuit of peace” because he is ignorant of Sharon’s record, described by Blumenthal as a “bloody career that spanned decades, destroyed entire cities and presided over the killing of countless civilians”; or was it because like most if not all Western leaders Cameron feels the need from time to time to kiss Zionism’s backside?

I suspect the later and when he takes his face away from it (Zionism’s backside), I suggest that he reads, in The Guardian’s Comment Is Free space, Avi Shlaim’s conclusions about Sharon’s enduring legacy. It has been, Shlaim wrote, “to empower and embolden some of the most racist, xenophobic, expansionist and intransigent elements in Israel’s dysfunctional political system.”


One interesting thing very few people know about Sharon is that he was opposed to Israel developing and possessing nuclear weapons. His argued that Israel had military superiority over the Arabs with conventional weapons and better motivated manpower and could maintain that superiority; but if Israel acquired nuclear weapons there might come a day when the Arabs had them, too. In that event Israel would no longer be free to impose its will on the Arabs.

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  1. Rehmat:

    No British prime minister or the leader of Her Majesty’s loyal Opposition has the gutts to stand-up to Israel or British Jewish Lobby. David Cameron has boated about his Jewish family roots – while the Opposition leader Ed Miliband is a 100% kosher Zionist.

    I remember, when in 2010, David Miliband announced that British government had decided to expel an “un-named Israeli diplomat” in response to its passports being used in the Dubai assassination of one of Hamas’ leading freedom-fighters, Mahmoud al-Mabhouh – two members of Israeli Knesset, Aryeh Eldad and Michael Ben-Ari, called David Miliband and the entire British nation as “dogs” and “anti-Semite”.

    “I think British are behaving hypocritically and I don’t want to offend dogs on this issue, since some dogs are utterly loyal,” Aryeh Eldad of Israel National Union (MK).

    “The British may be dogs, but they are not loyal to us, but rather to an anti-Semitic system,” Michael Ben-Ari, MK.

  2. David:

    Sharon was one of the generation of exceptional narcissists and supremacists and racists. His legacy is the idea that Jews can imprison, torture, degrade, humiliate and kill gentiles if they coveted the gentile’s property. Apparently, this principal is alive and well and it is very “biblical.” Obscene people have now made an obscene state.