The disappearance of President Obama & Netanyahu’s security scam

I replied: “At a point the IDF would roll over the Palestinian state’s borders and crush it out of existence, and as it was doing so Israel’s leaders would say to the world something like, ‘We think you will now understand why we have to do this.’ And the world would understand.”

Arafat banged the table with his fist. “Exactly!” he said. “That is what would happen!” He added: “After struggling and sacrificing so much for so many years in order to get a small measure of justice, do you think we Palestinians would be so stupid as to give Israel the pretext to take everything from us and close the Palestine file forever?

I replied: “No, Abu Amar, I don’t think the Palestinians would be so stupid. I also believe that no properly informed and rational Israeli could think they would be.”

Today I go further. If Netanyahu really believes the nonsense he talks about the threat that could or would be posed to Israel’s security by a Palestinian mini state, he is not only the victim of his own and other Zionist propaganda, he is deluded close to, or even at, the point of, clinical madness.


Shortly after Obama had spoken, a very dear Jewish friend of mine telephoned me to say, “At the very least he ought to have guaranteed that he won’t be assassinated before the next election.”


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  1. V Paulsen:

    On the day that Barack Obama, as a candidate for presidency, pledged allegiance to Israel before AIPAC I withdrew from the Democratic party. The POTUS is obliged to pledge allegiance to the US, first and foremost, not to any other nation To do otherwise is treasonous. Barack Obama is, unfortunately, a highly ignorant person in many ways (e.g., economic matters)and no where is his capitulation to Israeli demands greater evidence of this characteristic.

  2. Manu Herbstein:

    “. . . a very subversive thought came into my mind.

    “It was that what America needs is a benign military coup to put an end to the corruption of pork barrel politics which put democracy up for sale to the highest bidders.”

    No military coup is benign. Your subversive thoughts, like mine (links below)are pure fantasy.

    The 2012 presidential election campaign is well under way when Barack Obama succumbs to a sudden heart attack. Vice-President Biden is sworn in as President and the Democratic Party recalls its convention. Jesse Jackson makes a powerful speech proposing that the party adopt Michelle Obama as its candidate. What happens next?

  3. Mohamed Salem:

    The experience of OBAMA as a president of the US shows very clearly how the zionists controle the political system there. The dilemma is this: you want to do your job as elected president of richest nation of the world then you have first to surrender to zionist mafia. I don’t blame Obama I just feel pitty for him on the way eshe bargain his standing idealism of the first weeks in the white house with crawling through shit to please Netanyahu months latter.

  4. Mohamed Salem:

    Whatever Obama will do the Zionists won’t allow him to be elected and they will throw him in the garbage of History like a Kleenex so he still has some red blood he has to stand against Zionists lobby and at least History will remember this position

  5. Bill McGrath:

    I do not see how Obama can get re-elected without the Jewish vote.

  6. Keith Pine:

    Keep it coming Alan , always “enjoy” your material.

    Spread the word!

    La Montagne Noire

  7. Tom Mysiewicz:

    Years ago I was on a website called APFT that dealt with the Palestinian issue. I predicted the outcome Alan describes. Several participants promptly labeled me as “racist” because Obama was brown. It is YOU who are the racists, I pointed out. I can believe a white person could betray my interests–why can’t you believe a brown person could betray yours? Obama is like fancy tinted product packaging. Yow want to believe that what’s inside will cure baldness, increase your virility, bring world peace–but it won’t do any of those things!

  8. Ronald Douglas Kennedy:

    Greetings Alan

    It seams all funds taken from American’s tax payers and given for foreign aid, should and must’ require they met just two things, American’s live under daily : the “US. Bill of Right” and the “US. Constitution” In the receivers concept of there Law’s?

    But not to worry, We have the best Government money can buy. With unending conflicts, our Finest will be forced to defend. What happened to the majority concept of Shalom?

  9. Arthur Lloyd:

    Abbas stood tall;gave his people pride and dignity. Obama “sold the fundamental national interests of the United States of America for the chance of a second term.” Which Presidents before him to Truman have done.

    “In a different America, one in which its citizens were aware of the truth of history and why it is not in America’s own interests to go on supporting the Zionist state right or wrong and becoming along with Israel a pariah state in the eyes of a growing number of the citizens of the world, Obama would be impeached. The charge would be treason.”

    A paper written by Profs. John Mearsheimer and Stephen Walt proves it not to America’s National Interest to support Israel.

    “What America needs is a benign military coup to put an end to the corruption of pork barrel politics which put democracy up for sale to the highest bidders of which one is, of course, the Zionist lobby in association with the lunatics of Christian fundamentalism in its various forms.” Do a search on the “Scofield Bible” You won’t believe it.

    “Netanyahu is not only the victim of his own and other Zionist propaganda, he is deluded close to, or even at, the point of, clinical madness.” [Pathological ?] “He proved to the world that Israel wants neither an agreement nor a Palestinian state, and for that matter not peace, either. See you at the next war.”

    Unfortunately the coup will not be benign. Our troops are in Iraqu defending pipe lines moving Oil to Israel then to the sea and loaded on Lord Rothchilds ships and sold to China. A real scam that we are paying for. He does this thru his connections with the Zionist Gov’t. of the US. George Zorros,J.P.Morgan etc. Lord Rothchild and all will not go quietly. The American Gov’t.

    Thank you Alan;You bring life and truth into History.

  10. Elandalussi:

    IMHO, it’s better for an easy analysis of history & politics to switch the role of USA & the Zionist State. Everything would be clear if one consider the Zionist State as the main state where the decisions are taken and the states in north americain as colonies. From this point of view, Obama and all the former presidents are nothing else than executors and american people as nothing else than a herd headed by the main stream media submitted to the zionists. So please, stop writting that US can stand right against their zionist masters!!! Wake up!

  11. Arthur Lloyd:

    Can’t let this one go. If “Elandalussi” means we should bow to the Zionists, that thought is a big mistake. Christains have fought for sovereignty since the signing of the “The Magna Carta”,1215, and which,I might add, has provided many a safe haven for the jews and Zionists. Anyone with such thoughts will find out what the saying,”Give Me Liberty or Give me Death” really means;and I don’t think you’ll want to find out. God Bless America and what remains of the free world.