The Final Betrayal of the Palestinians?

If President Obama does authorize Secretary of State Hillary Clinton to go flat out for a separate Israel-Syria peace, it’s likely that a new Israeli government led by Barak or Livni would oblige on the understanding, secret of course, that Syria, Jordan and Eygpt wouldplay their necessary part in pressing the Palestinians to accept crumbs from Zionism’s table while making it clear to them, the Palestinians, that further resistance was useless.

Under such pressure, and assuming Hamas had been rendered militarily and politically impotent (at least for a while), it’s not impossible that President Abbas would accept Israel’s terms, in order to establish an entity that could be called a Palestinian state but which would not come even close to satisfying the demands and needs of the Palestinians for an acceptable minimum amount of justice. I can imagine Abbas reading from an acceptance statement written for him by the Quartet’s Middle East envoi, former British prime minister Blair. “My dear people, we must be realistic. This is the best deal we’re ever going to get.”

So it’s also not impossible that there could come a moment when President Obama would be able to claim that he had changed the world by delivering peace to the Middle East.

But what if the Palestinians – the people not their leaders – did not buy the American, Israeli and Arab regime fix?

My guess is that the Israelis would slaughter them. And the regimes of the existing impotent, corrupt and repressive Arab Order would celebrate the final closing of the Palestine file.

In my view the world would then be on an unstoppable course for a Clash of Civilisations, Judeo-Christian v Islamic.

The American edition of Alan Hart’s book, ZIONISM: THE REAL ENEMY OF THE JEWS, is to be published by Clarity Press Inc in April, beginning with Volume One (of three with possibly a fourth) which has the subtitle The False Messiah.

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2 comments on this post.
  1. Omri:

    I know Alan, that you will dismiss any criticism of the evil that you do as “evil brainwashed zionist propaganda” – but no – i am just a mere concerned citizen, who is worried about the lies and filth that you spread.

    Instead of promoting a sane palestinian leadership, and a two state solution – which could have brought peace years ago – you promote a load of ridiculous conspiracy theories (Ilan Pappe has very little evidence on his side), and maniacs with a nationalist agenda who seek eternal war and further suffering (Abdel Bari Atwan, Arafat). You offer support to such abominations as Hizballah and Hamas, (instead of calling for negotiations over Sheba farms – you call for war over it)

    You promote a completley false, and unfounded perception of what zionism is, what israel is and what the history and ideas behind them is.The filthy lies you spread only serve to perpetuate a state of war, hatred and misunderstanding.
    Sadly enough, through your actions – not only do you give legitimacy to the genocidal ideologies of those who want to destroy israel – You thereby cause much more death and suffering among Palestinians – which is at the moment much more severe.
    You see zionist and mossad agents everywhere, and you are happy to take on any load of crap as long as it promotes israel’s destruction.
    If you are not mentally ill in someway, then I really do not know what your driving force is.

    You will dismiss this, in you r paranoid ways, as “another zionist sympathizer” or sometihng of the sort. Well that is only your own problem.
    You are scum – you promote war and bloodshed. Shame on you.
    Jan – the netherlands

  2. admin:

    Jan, it seems to me that one of the two of us is brainwashed and deluded to the point of clinical madness. I am more than content for readers of my blog and book to decide for themselves.

    I recommend you read ISRAEL’S FATEFUL HOUR, a seminal book by a most remarkable Israeli, Yehoshafat Harkabi who was Israel’s longest serving and universally respected Director of Military Intelligence. (A man I greatly admired). On page 199 he wrote the following:

    All these lessons can be summed up as the pressing need for self-criticism. Certainly Israel is not guilty of everything that has gone wrong in the occupied lands. But self-criticism is imperative in order to counter-balance the tendencies to self-righteousness and self-pity that stem from basic Jewish attitudes, from the historical experience of persecution, and from the ethos fostered by Menachem Begin. No factor endangers Israel’s future more than self-righteousness, which blinds us to reality and prevents a complex understanding of the situation, and legitimizes extreme behavior.

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