The Nazi holocaust: My response to my critics

“My advice to you Alan is to ignore them. I have had a LOT of experience dealing with them over the years and have concluded that they are some of the most irrational creatures on the planet. For the most part they are angry, disenfranchised, intellectually lazy and marginalized, with neither spouses nor children, and which I personally think forms the prime motivational energy for their ‘activism’ – the fact that they are bored, lonely and sexually frustrated.”

That is no doubt a considerable overstatement on my American friend’s part but I think there’s a good deal of probable truth in it.

I also think it’s more than possible that some of the deniers are doing Zionism’s business, paid or unpaid.

My main concern was and is that holocaust denial plays into Zionism’s hands. It reinforces in brainwashed Jewish minds the idea that the world has always been against Jews, always will be, and therefore anything and everything the Zionist (not Jewish) state does is justified.

 I am NOT in principle against revising anything including the Nazi holocaust. (How could I be when my three-volume book Zionism: The Real Enemy of the Jews is a complete revision of the whole history of the making and sustaining of the conflict in and over Palestine that became Israel, exposing and then replacing Zionist propaganda nonsense with the documented truth of history? And thank God or somebody for Israeli “revisionist” meaning honest historians like my dear friend and ally in common cause Ilan Pappe). What I am against is revisionism of the kind that is denial by another name because, it bears repeating, that reinforces Zionism. (Those who read me on my own site know that I regard Zionism as evil).

In conclusion I have only this to say to those who assert that I am a clever propagandist for Zionism – You are bonkers (crazy)! Go see a psychiatrist and get some help. Or obtain and read my book – I dare you to do that.

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  1. Gideon Cozens:

    “We lectured and debated together in South Africa and he has shared public platforms with me in the UK). When he tells me Jews were gassed to death in Auschwitz, I believe him. I also note that Crowell does not exclude the possibility of evidence emerging to prove that some Jews were exterminated in gas chambers. ”

    “I believe him”. And somehow we are expected to place this – your personal belief of a single anecdote – above scientific evidence beyond refute, from several solid sources, themselves conducted at great risk to their personal safety and reputation given the powers of the zionist lobby.

    Belief, Alan, is not a powerful refutation of the genuinely perplexed comments that you have received in your last 2 posts. I am afraid that you are now floundering – an old man, past it – defending himself in the realms of anecdotage.

    Why don’t you actually do some real research work and attempt to dispute/discredit the real work done by the historical revisionists that refuse to pass on this (exceedingly bountiful) false history composed as part of the post-war false historiography to the exclusive benefit of but a single racial group?

    Guess you won’t even try, but continue to issue the Zionist slanders of anti-Semitic and Holocaust (cap H) denier against anyone who even chances (or dares) to examine the real evidence.

    I used to admire your posts as representing someone from the MSM that at least had some clue. Now, you have just become another apologist. Pity.

  2. Gideon Cozens:


    And please note that much of the truly racist ‘hate’ speech appearing in VT and other sites is promulgated by trolls paid for in Tel Aviv. I don’t have an evidentiary link to hand but can chase it up if requested. So, so much for your utterly false theory that “Holocaust-Deniers” promulgate the Zionist agenda: the opposite is the case.

  3. Gideon Cozens:

    Final pps

    Actually, looking back upon Alan Hart’s career, his whole thesis and justification is based upon anecdotal evidence, whether gained ‘in the field’ or from contemporary “leaders”. He has no personal insight whatsoever in any of his broadcasts or writings and has never presented a single thought that deviates from mainstream thinking. He must therefore be regarded as a useful stooge.

  4. William:

    Gideon Cozens wrote:

    “He [Alan Hart] has no personal insight whatsoever in any of his broadcasts or writings and has never presented a single thought that deviates from mainstream thinking.”

    I can’t imagine that a person with any ‘critical thinking skills’ worthy of the term would ever say such a thing if he or she were actually familiar with Alan’s writings — unless his or her thinking skills were devoted less to the pursuit of truth than to the advancement of some sort of political agenda, like defaming Alan in order to convince those as yet unfamiliar with Alan’s good work from looking deeper into it.

  5. Rehmat:

    Dear Alan – You should know better than others that the so-called “revisionists” don’t deny the ethnic-cleansing of the European Jews by Nazis which happened as result of the World Jewish Congress financial boycott of Germany in the 1930s. What these “revionists” deny are the inflated numbers of Jews killed by Germans or the existence of the “gas chambers” or the “Jewish soap bars”. If one go by European history – the Catholic Church had in fact killed and expelled more Jews by the end of the 19th century – than Nazis could have done.

    I remember the six rabbis who attended the 2006 Tehran Holocaust Conference – had agreed that Nazis could not have killed more than one million Jews. Even the new sign at Auschwitz Museum says: “2.5 Million Died”.

    Hajo Meyer wrote in his book, “The End of Judaism: An Ethical Tradition Betrayed”, wrote: “My great lesson from Auschwitz is whoever wants to dehumanize any other, must first be dehumanized himself. The oppressors are no longer really human, whatever uniform they wear”.

    British Jewish writer, author and blogger, Paul Eisen, who wrote on December 5, 2012, ‘Why I Call Myself a Holocaust Denier?’.

    “For my money, a child of six can see that something’s not right about the Holocaust narrative, and the science simply confirms what I already suspect. But I differ from the Holocaust Revisionists. They are scholars – historians and scientists who apply ‘truth and exactitude’ to determine the truth or otherwise of the Holocaust narrative. I’m no scholar. I care nothing for the chemical traces in brickwork or the topological evidence for mass graves. But I’ve read the literature, and it just doesn’t add up.”

  6. Albert Richardson:

    Sorry, Alan, but you are simply letting loyalty to a friend cloud your judgment. You must be aware that eyewitness testimony is the most unreliable form of evidence, and that what someone tells you may be untrue for a whole range of reasons that do not necessarily make him a liar. If you aren’t aware of it, start with the Wikipedia article on Eyewitness Testimony and follow it up by reading The Invisible Gorilla. I have lost count of the number of times I personally have asserted something with conviction, only to discover later that I was mistaken, had confused separate events or got times and places wrong, and your friend is dealing with a time when he was young and impressionable as well as being in an environment where everything predisposed him to think the worst of his captors.

    Your only other argument appears to be ad hominem. A lot of racist Jew-haters support Revisionists so Revisionists must be wrong. It doesn’t work like that; the same racist Jew-haters also support Palestine.

    “…the generality of the holocaust… being the fact that lots of Jews were killed, exterminated, whatever word one wants to use.”

    So were lots of Poles, Ukrainians, Russians, Serbs, Croats, Germans, Japanese, Chinese… Many, most even, of them were targeted because they were Poles, Ukrainians, etc. by both sides in the conflict. Were they all murdered too? Where do you draw that fine line between “murdered” and “died in the war”? If you do not find the evidence for a deliberate policy of racial extermination of the Jews, different to any of the other cases (and I do not), then these deaths are all equivalent and no one qualifies for exceptionalism in the form of a Holocaust or even a holocaust.

  7. Albert Richardson:

    Of course I forgot to mention Ingush, Chechens, Crimean Tatars… But is anyone surprised? Who remembers them today?

  8. Jon Hargis:

    Thank you for your hard work Alan. Some of these deniers really have nothing better to do than to try and complain to anyone they can for more attention. What they don’t understand is that no one cares about them because none of their points are valid or amount to anything but minor quibbling. The evidence has been widely available for decades. Millions of Jews perished. Until they show those same Jews are living no one will give a rat’s behind what tree they are barking up. The case has been closed.

    Now the question is where to go from here. Deniers would like to go back to the 1940s, but I am with you: let us live in the 21st century!

  9. Herman King:

    If you believe in the historicity of the holocaust you are not as smart as I thought.It’s religious dogma, devised with the help of numerology as explained by Rabbi Weintraub’s book.Of course many jews died in WW2 but many more Christians died. (I will take Solzhenitsyn as a credible source. Anyhow, how could there have been so many holocausts with the exact number of 6 million dead? Also..the Internatl Red Cross inspected the German camps and said tere was no extermination. Of course the Russians wouldn’t allow the Red Cross in Aushwitz. Coincidence? I don’t think so.

  10. Davey Wavey:

    Those who think you are a Zionist tool have not read your volumes on Zionism.

    It is certainly true that many “activists” are found among those otherwise not engaged, including the lonely, unemployed and “hard up.” I am in retirement and qualify for all three attributes. That said — you can not dismiss the content of an argument on the basis of the life style (or lack thereof) or attributes of the author. That’s how a small comment “betrays” an “anti-semite” as ADL or SWC would have it. It is their way of dismissing the argument and the facts and you do it, as well, by characterizing someone actively “holocaust denying” as just plain lonely or unhappy. It may be so, probably is so, but it is irrelevant to the issue. One can be unhappy and still have a valid opinion. Certainly, though, the “holocaust deniers” are simply wrong. This bad thing did happen though not entirely the inflated way it is marketed by Zionists.

  11. Confoundmeonce:

    Alan, When in this Day and Time Few People Who ARE in a Position TO Speak With Any real Authority on The Subject of zionism…Dares Do so…For Fear OF Some Reprisal Or PushBack..Simply Do not Have The “”Wherewithal’sic.. To Open their Mouths ( Cowards That They ARE )…SO The Clarity you Present Is more Needed >>And Welcome..Than You May Be Thinking ! Ignore The Nasties Who Are Paid ( Or Unpaid ) Agents OF That Bunch Of MisFits. Hundred Of Thousands OF People oerished Before>Any More. Isn`t that A Neat Breakthru ?? And You Can Take THE Primary Credit For THE Truth Of THIS BEing Uncovered. Please Don`t Stop Telling It Like It is. Too Few People Do that . Thank YOU Mr. Alan Hart >
    Add me to your List OF Admirers ( Of The Truth ! )

  12. Joe Ortiz:

    Alan, I first became aware of you when I saw your interview with Stephen Sizer, who is a friend and colleague. I was impressed and thereafter looked forward to your postings.

    As a fellow journalist, radio and television talk show host, author and blogger, I don’t just write my opinions, I try to write the truth as best as I can glean from a myriad of sources. I subscribe to many magazines and websites, and even to many Jewish publications in an effort gain a sense of what is really going on in this troubled world, and hopefully try to be a guide to my fellow Christians, concerning who they can trust, based on the word of God. In your interview with Stephen, I sensed greatly that you agreed with him (and me) that Christian Zionism is a destructive belief and a nefarious agenda.

    I ran across an article written by (historical revisionist) Michael Hoffman, who is known and praised for his in-depth research. Following is an excerpt where he deals with the issue everyone has been discussing on this topic. Hopefully you will read it and provide us with a response other than dismissing his comments with an ad hominem aimed at Hoffman, who appears to have studied this issue for decades. I thank you in advance for your response:

    Israeli power has expanded commensurate with the expansion of “Holocaust” propaganda, as noted by the Israeli author Moshe Leshem: “Israelis and American Jews fully agree that the memory of the Holocaust is an indispensable weapon–one that must be used relentlessly against their common enemy…Jewish organizations and individuals thus labor continuously to remind the world of it. In America, the perpetuation of the Holocaust memory is now a $100-million-a-year enterprise, part of which is government-funded.” ( Balaam’s Curse, p. 228)

    This is why Edgar Bronfman, the billionaire Canadian Seagram’s whiskey merchant and chairman of the powerful World Jewish Congress says, “The growing numbers of revisionist supporters cannot be ignored. We must use every resource to stop revisionism now, before it’s too late.”

    The reason it must be stopped is because revisionism could prevent the holy people from finishing the job they started in Russia and Bavaria, only this time they are using intellectual means to achieve the same end.

    Consider the fact that the people who bear the brunt of contemporary Jewish racist hatred and invective, the Germans, have among the lowest birthrates and the highest abortion rates of any nation in the world. Far more Germans die every year than are born.

    The self-hating Germans are not the only targets of corrosive gas chamber guilt, however. Organized Christianity (more accurately called Churchianity) nowadays is little more than one huge turkey flock, truckling, toadying and crawling in search of Judaic sanctification and approbation. Their savior called the Jewish leadership of his time, “the children of hell” (Matthew 23:15) but those who presume to speak in His name today, call them the saints and sages of the cosmos.

    Only in such a profoundly falsified world soaked in fraud could the international media sit by, uninterested, as the great-great grandson of the blood-drenched Jewish Red Army commander Leon Trotsky, David Axelrod, shot to death an elderly Palestinian couple in November of 1990, as part of an Israeli, “Kach” terror group raid.

    But imagine–if you can–the hubbub if a grandson of a Nazi war criminal had shot a Turkish couple in Germany. The weeping, wailing and never-ending references to “Never Forget” and “lessons of history” would seep out of the collective TV sets of the earth like waste from a toxic septic tank, because what is clear from such a double standard is that the true lessons of history are not being learned and recollection itself is hostage to the diorama of Zionist monomania.

    Sixteen million ethnic Germans were forcibly expelled from Silesia, Moravia and the Volga regions of the eastern territories at the end of the Second World War. On this trail of tears, two million perished–shot to death, starved, raped and beaten. Ask one in one thousand, one in ten thousand people on the street today– “Have you heard?” The answer will be no.

    The Steven Spielberg movie images of cattle cars jammed with human cargo are reserved for Jewish victims alone. The 800,000 mostly Muslim Chechens deported by Judaic commissars and savagely stuffed into railway cars to Kazakhstan, where a quarter of a million died enroute, do not meet Hollywood’s standard of cinematic focus.

    The Soviet cattle car deportations afflicted more than a half-million Estonian, Latvian and Lithuanian Christians who were shipped to the Gulag. 12% of the entire Baltic population was either deported to Siberia or executed by the Jewish Soviet Secret Police. Who knows of it? Who cares? Who tries to keep this history from repeating? Instead, in 1995 the president of Lithuania made a pilgrimage to the Israeli gas chamber shrine at Yad Vashem to grovel and beg “forgiveness” for his people who were the victims of the Jewish Communist murderers. To seek forgiveness in all humility is ordained when it is predicated on the truth. To do so based on false witness in order to idolize the Pharisees is a mockery of justice.

    In the Bolshevik era, 52 percent of the membership of the Soviet communist party was Jewish, though Jews comprised only 1.8 percent of the total population (Stuart Kahan, The Wolf of the Kremlin, p. 81)

    The following is a list of some top Judaic Communist murderers, commissars, spies, assassins and propagandists (aliases are listed in parentheses). This list is by no means comprehensive. To catalog all of the Judaic Communist involved in crimes would require hundreds of pages.”

    Alan, who should we believe unless we ask questions without fear of being called Anti-Semitic?

    Joe Ortiz

  13. k0nsl:

    Thanks for an interesting read. I tried commenting on your other article dealing with the same subject, but you rejected it because I said I didn’t believe in those “gas chambers” :-/

    It may be a sensitive topic for you, but a lot of people around the world don’t believe in them, and much more.


  14. maryam:

    Looks to me that some people don’t understand the difference between holocaust denial and holocaust revisionism.

    Kindly note that I, too, do not capitalize “holocaust” and I think we should all make an effort not to capitalize it. And yes, “capitalize” is an intended pun.

    Atzmon and Eisen are not holocaust deniers. Like many, they call for a re-examination of the historical narrative and the documentation that has been compiled over the years. I hope someone will undertake this in a sincere effort to give us a true picture, devoid of emotional bias and without the attendant zionist pressure to skew the results.

    Alan, as always, thank you for your courageous writing. Don’t let the bastards get you down.

  15. Gene:

    @ Maryam. Thank you for clearing Atzmon’s name as a holocaust denier.

    There is so much proof that a holocaust against the Jews (and others) occurred that it is silly to carry on the argument. I have discussed with members of my own family who lived through it, enough to know that it happened. Much of the literature: Shoah, even Norman Finkelstein, Hajo Mayer, Saul Friedlander, et al., are enough for me.

    The problem is not whether or not the holocaust actually took place or not, rather the Zionist’s use of it, twisting it for their own justification for Israel’s intransigence.

  16. maryam:

    When I was a child, my grandmother had holocaust survivors living in her neighborhood. Everyone knew who they were, and that they had had family members who went to the gas chambers. This is “evidence” enough for me.

    I agree, Gene – the crime is that the holocaust is being used by zionists to obtain second hand pity, and justification for their utterly monstrous and psychopathic behavior towards the Palestinians.

    We both are regular commenters on Richard Silverstein’s blog. I wish he would pick up this topic, but I think he is unable to approach it, just as he is afraid to give up on calling himself a “progressive zionist.”

  17. Gideon Cozens:

    Dear Alan,

    Having now read all of the comments on your “Holocaust” articles in Veterans Today, Information Clearing House and also here at your own site I feel that I owe you a great apology for questioning your lack of curiosity on the subject – accounting for your lack of knowledge – and even suggesting that you may be ‘past it’ because of your age. Indeed now, au contraire, I would like to offer my congratulations.

    As an admirer of John Le Carre I finally appreciate your strategy. Brilliant.

    It did seem strange that as a genuine anti-zionist that you would be unfamiliar with the work of Atzmon and others showing that for many zionists the Holocaust has replaced and supplanted Judaism as the true religion, complete with its own temples, symbolism, myths and high priests. It does not make sense that you would not be aware of this and, having interviewed Finkelstein, you are clearly well aware of the exploitation of this story.

    There is also the fact that you are not afraid of telling the truth as you see it. Quite apart from your book with its provocative title, your interview with Alex Jones on 9/11 was an absolute classic; when you mentioned the possible role of Mossad he almost went into apoplexy. So that is not a reason either.

    Next was the strange style and tone of your writing in these pieces. As noted, your writing can be provocative but never before have I read anything that you have written as being downright rude to those whom you might disagree with, but also to be disparaging without even any consideration of their evidence and argument. These articles do not fit with your previous style of lucid fact-based arguments and gentle persuasion.

    So, why were those pieces written at all?

    The penny finally dropped for me when I read the massive response that these articles generated. This, despite the fact that – apart from the inflammatory titles – they stated nothing that was not consistent with the MSM agenda. Your outrageous statement that questioning the Holocaust only strengthened the zionist cause also was a give-away. You will be well aware of the fact that zionists utterly rely on the holocaust myth to keep their flock in fear and under control and that many religious jews are quite sick of this constant propaganda.

    The final clue that you revealed in the present article entitled – your response to your critics – also was brilliant. Totally devoid of any facts or details, or indeed any considerations of the points raised, some in great detail with copious links, it presented a flaccid, somewhat pathetic defence essentially reiterating what had been said before.

    That’s when it clicked. You are genuinely pro-jewish and anti-zionist so how best to help? Destroy the Holocaust myth, of course.

    But how can Alan Hart help to do this when so many historical revisionists have almost totally failed to get their work recognised by the MSM? Well, in the spirit of Le Carre, why not write a bland, somewhat weak MSM-acceptable piece with a highly provocative title, then wait for the comments to come in. The MSM will happily pick up the pieces because of the acceptable titles but, unwittingly, will provide hitherto unimaginable exposure for the revisionists.

    I hope and pray that this is the true reason for these articles and that your strategy works.

  18. Gene:

    @ Gideon: Your lengthy screeds deter one from bothering to read them. Why don’t you just say what you mean instead of obfuscating your anti-Zionism/anti-Semitism? Let it be said that the holocaust is NOT a myth nor should it be forgotten. But we can, as Avram Burg in his book, “The Holocaust is Over”, teaches us, put it behind us. The issue now is, how to deal with Zionist, entity that persecutes the Palestinians.

    @ Maryam: Indeed, I was a regular contributor to Tikun Olan, but no longer. I find Richard simplistic, and in many cases, dead wrong. And if you attempt to call him on his errors, he merely bans you rather than engage you. I haven’t commented there for some time, nor do I bother reading him.

  19. Albert Richardson:

    I posted this yesterday, but it hasn’t appeared. I can’t see anything objectionable in it.

    Sorry, Alan, but you are simply letting loyalty to a friend cloud your judgment. You must be aware that eyewitness testimony is the most unreliable form of evidence, and that what someone tells you may be untrue for a whole range of reasons that do not necessarily make him a liar. If you aren’t aware of it, start with the Wikipedia article on Eyewitness Testimony and follow it up by reading The Invisible Gorilla. I have lost count of the number of times I personally have asserted something with conviction, only to discover later that I was mistaken, had confused separate events or got times and places wrong, and your friend is dealing with a time when he was young and impressionable as well as being in an environment where everything predisposed him to think the worst of his captors.

    Your only other argument appears to be ad hominem. A lot of racist Jew-haters support Revisionists so Revisionists must be wrong. It doesn’t work like that; the same racist Jew-haters also support Palestine.

    “…the generality of the holocaust… being the fact that lots of Jews were killed, exterminated, whatever word one wants to use.”

    So were lots of Poles, Ukrainians, Russians, Serbs, Croats, Germans, Japanese, Chinese… Many, most even, of them were targeted because they were Poles, Ukrainians, etc. by both sides in the conflict. Were they all murdered too? Where do you draw that fine line between “murdered” and “died in the war”? If you do not find the evidence for a deliberate policy of racial extermination of the Jews, different to any of the other cases (and I do not), then these deaths are all equivalent and no one qualifies for exceptionalism in the form of a Holocaust or even a holocaust.

  20. Tom Mysiewicz:

    2500 years of Western logic and thought down the drain. No longer is it nessecary for the asserter to prove an assertion. Simply make questioning the assertion a crime and jail anyone who does so. Quackheads like Geoge Orwell used to call such crimes “thought crimes”. But then, as “cattle” and “animals put on Earth in human form” to serve the Jews” (as some rabbis and Jewish religious books maintain)what do we need logic and rules of discourse for? We have no human soul (only an animal soul) and hence any pretense at thinking is a mere psychiatric delusion.

  21. Kevin Boyle:

    Dr. Mayer was not necessarily lying at al.. It is easy to see how the ‘gas chambers’ myth could have come into existence, gained ground, got passed on, been believed and then manufactured as an historical fact that it actually was not (being a very useful story indeed to certain parties).

    I, as one of your cited ‘critics’, never thought you were a clever propagandist for Zionism. That really would be bonkers. I read your “Zionism, the Enemy of The Jews” and thought you a thoroughly and transparently decent man who happens to be 100% wrong on THE most crucial issue relating to Zionism….. a bit of a disaster for those of us who would like to take up arms on this anti-Zionism issue alongside you.

    Some say there is no sin, only error…and that may well be true. As true for those of real Zionist faith as for ourselves, for all I know. Let no man judge another’s soul.

    I hope you can see that, if there were no ‘gas chamber’ exterminations that your, particularly your, defence of this meme would be massively reassuring to Zionists who know better.

    The case was most brilliantly made by Jewish Londoner and revisionist Paul Eisen in this article posted on his blog yesterday.

    Really, really worth reading. Hits nail straight on the head.

  22. Kevin Boyle:


    Talk about ‘gas chambers’ has no weight compared to the scientific investigations carried out into this issue. Anyone really interested in the truth of this issue MUST start there. No amount of movies, talking head documentaries, newspaper articles etc can outweigh physical evidence, chemical and otherwise created at the time.

    You try to characterise those who would argue with Mr Hart as ‘haters’ as in “don’t let the bastards get you down”.

    Well, no one is trying to “get Mr Hart down”. Perhaps we are not ‘haters’ at all (except of lies that have caused millions of postwar deaths[and I'm not blaming this on the Jewish people, but the Zionist elite, non-Jews included]). Perhaps we are lovers.

    Lovers of truth? Any possibility of that?

  23. Gideon Cozens:

    @ Gene. I will let pass your arrogant comment on the length of my comments and simply assume that you are a typical blogger that finds reading anything beyond a paragraph too much to concentrate upon.

    So I will keep this short.

    You state that (I am) “obfuscating your anti-Zionism/anti-Semitism.”

    Can you please point to where I am doing this, and why. And – as you suggest that these epithets of abuse are one and the same – could you please expand upon this statement to my own (and perhaps Alan Hart’s) enlightenment. Had you even glanced at the contents of Alan’s book you might have noticed that he tends to differentiate between the two.

    Finally, when you boldly state that “Let it be said that the holocaust is NOT a myth” that is a statement of your belief/opinion/religion but not an undisputed scientific fact. In truth, your opinion on this is utterly irrelevant to the facts and most certainly not entitled to a (capital) NOT as though somehow you were the final ultimate arbtrar of thousands of academic papers on this vexing subject.

  24. Gene:

    Gideon, Assume what you will. I have no intention of getting into a dog fight with a bloviating, know-nothing, who likes to hear himself talk, but has nothing to say. I have read Alan’s book carefully, and fully agree with it’s contents. Apparently you haven’t if you think it confirms your thinking. It doesn’t.

  25. Gideon Cozens:


    Fair enough. My comments were not really made to hear your response (as I expected nothing sensible or reasonable) but to elicit to the broader audience just how puerile is your “reasoning”. But your childish abuse – “a bloviating, know-nothing, who likes to hear himself talk, but has nothing to say.” – exceeds even my expectations. Thanks. Reasonable people can now form their own opinion.

  26. maryam:

    @Gene, you have a good point about Richard. He absolutely cnnot stand to be wrong. Unfortunately, recently he has had some embarrassing problems with credibility which I am not sure he can recover from. I admit, I have lost some respect for him not least because he attacked both you and other commenters unfairly. I still read his blog but if I see any further lapses of credibility or decorum, that will be the end.

    I’m a bit confused here as to just what the problem is with Mr. Cozens. I suspect he is a rather verbose troll and that it might be better simply to address him as such. I find Alan much more credible than Mr. Cozens and I’ve been reading his blog much longer.

  27. Rehmat:

    Here is a link to Eric Hunt’s investigative article on Holocaust published on September 3, 2011.

    Knowing Gilad Atzmon for the last ten years – I can say though he has claimed to be ashamed of being born and raised in Israel – he never denied great Jewish sufferings (holocaust) under Nazis. However, he don’t believe Jewish sufferings to be unique. He believes, the Israeli Jews are committing a greater holocaust of Palestinians than their ancestors suffered at the hands of Nazis.

    Miko Peled, son of Israel’s 1967 war hero, Gen. Peled, who addressed a Vancouver meeting on February 7, 2013 – expressed similar views.

  28. Gene:

    Thanks, maryam.

    Well, Mr. Cozens asked that reasonable people form there own opinions. You have provided him with one. I shall henceforth ignore him, as I do Silverstein, and restrict future comments to Alan’s stimulating musings.

  29. David King:

    Well Alan, it seems your response is just an insult to some very good questions. I note you have not addresses a single concern.

    No one denies that Jews died in WW2. But I think many peoples died. The issues seems to be the political mileage and the embellishment and by contrast the disrespect to other people. The Jews were just a tiny fraction of the people that died in WW2 and half or less than half that died in the holocaust but somehow their deaths are promoted as more important and rewarded as such. This action detracts from the struggles of other people, which gives the false impression of making both the losses and efforts of others appear less important.

    So it seems the points you highlight as being of no importance are those that give advantage to the zionist cause.

    Lets look at some of your highlighted points.

    “Revisionism tends to be extreme in its rejection of Nazi atrocities. (Atrocities which he does not reject)”

    You must understand that the conversation taking place is one where zionists are taking one side of the debate. As such inflammatory words such as “extreme” give a false impression. If someone was arguing in opposition to zionist rhetoric, they will “emphasis” on an ongoing basis the dishonesty of those components of the zionist argument. You should also realise that this was WW2, and atrocities were happening every day. Every single day. So once again it is a matter of contrast against the backdrop of the war.

    “The number of victims is an uninteresting argument.” I say it can be much more than that. It can be a diversion from the main point that many Jews were exterminated.”

    This is simply an offensive and insensitive comment. The “number” is not an argument. The number is the number. What is of concern is the lack of honesty surrounding events.

    The main point is not that many Jews were exterminated. That is not the main point at all. Jews made up just a fraction of those killed by Hitler.

    “My main concern was and is that holocaust denial plays into Zionism’s hands.”

    Alan you insulting people’s intelligence. It is a childish and transparent effort. I urge you to confront the very good questions asked.

  30. Davey Wavey:

    Alan — King makes some valid points. It is the “exclusivity” of the holocaust that is obnoxious and which is bandied about by Zionists and charlatans like Elie Wiesel. Suffering knows no race or religion or ethnicity or nation or people or tradition or whatever the hell it is.

    Jews qua Jews were not national combatants in the war. To the extent that they served in national armies, even the German army, they were combatants, but not as a separate people or nation. From the Nazi viewpoint not only were Jews not combatants, and subject to combat death and injury, but they were sheltered in camps and not even casualties of Allied bombs as were ordinary civilian Germans. This was probably galling to Hitler who did, in fact, initiate a program to eliminate Jewry from Europe. But the suffering of the war extended to other groups as well, notably the Soviets and the Chinese who lost many more millions than the holocaust death toll claimed by Zionists.

    The “exclusivity” of the holocaust is an attribute of Jewishness itself, the “chosen-ness” which has brought so much pain on everyone, including the Jews. This conceit is at the heart of the matter and is expressed even in universalist organizations like Jewish Voice for Peace and J Street. These liberalized organizations are manifestations of the same conceit and must eventually trip over the contradictions embedded in their missions eventually. By then, of course, they will have sopped up the energies of truly independent liberal Jews rendering such ineffective and harmless.

    If a “holocaust denier” is someone who objects to the uniqueness and exclusivity of the “Holocaust”, then they can count me in, as well. Enough with THEIR suffering and THEIR crappy racist state and enough with extortion of European states and American taxpayers. Enough already with $3.2 billion in foreign aid to Israel. Enough with Zionist bribery of politicians and states. Enough with laws restricting freedom of speech at the behest of Jews. Enough with an exclusively Jewish state! Enough with THEIR problems, lies, deceit, and obfuscations and enough with “dual loyalties” and that whole rigamarole. Enough.

  31. al:

    bonkers they are, Alan. Anything can be revised but just go through hundreds of videos made by Nazis in camps and one does not need to be a historian/journalist to see the truth. Or the videos made by Zionists who infiltrated the SS guards?

  32. Rehmat:

    British Liberal Democratic MP David Ward against all pressure from British Jewish lobby and his peers – has refused to apology for his earlier statement in which he said that it’s “important to ask” whether Israel’s behaviour toward Palestinians is “because of the Holocaust”. The Zionist-controlled mainstream media have called David Ward an “antisemite” for his criticism of Israel and a “holocaust denier” for his Holocaust analogy.

    As a surprising twist to the on-going media tug-of-war, world’s renowned American Jewish scholar, professor Noam Chomsky, a friend of Israel, has come out in support of David Ward. On his personal website, Chomsky wrote: “I agree there’s nothing remotely antisemitic in his remarks, which are in fact familiar in Israeli discussions“.

    David Ward claims that he had visited Auschwitz Museum (Poland) twice. In his Holocaust analogy, he did not question the Zionist narrative of the Holocaust (6 million Jews killed by Nazis), but wondered how the victims of Holocaust became oppressors in Palestine.

  33. David King:

    Some good points by both Davey Wavey and Rehmat. I am at a loss to see how this viewpoint could be criticized. It is just advocating equal rights. It is just wanting to level the field and stop discrimination. Everyone should be treated the same and respected the same.

  34. Kevin Boyle:

    Quote: “In conclusion I have only this to say to those who assert that I am a clever propagandist for Zionism”

    No one said that. They said you were a dumb believer in the biggest lie of all. The one that gives Zionists their strength. Therefore if you attack those who attempt to expose the lie that gives Zionists their strength, what are you then….

    ….never mind your intention. We understand that your intention is good. But what are you then in practice?

  35. Gene:

    Just to throw a little oil on the fire -

    Ron Rosenbaum analyses Holocaust remembrance. It seems to me he is just another Elie Wiesel-style Israel-firster who wants to preserve the Holocaust as a uniquely Jewish experience, and justify Israel’s claim to represent all Jews. Before we get all carried away, I would suggest we read Avram Burg’s “The Holocaust is Over: We Must Rise from its Ashes.” Burg is an Israeli Jew, and former member of the Knesset, who recognizes that as horrendous as the Holocaust was, we cannot allow it to influence our actions today, and use it as a justification for Israel’s policies against the Palestinians.


    nb. I have read his book on Hitler and have had email exchanges with him about it.

  36. Brad Brzezinski:

    Gideon Cozens: “I don’t have an evidentiary link to hand but can chase it up if requested.”

    I’m very interested in seeing it.

  37. Aeryn Berg:

    “For the most part they (“dENIERS”) are angry, disenfranchised, intellectually lazy and marginalized, with neither spouses nor children, and which I personally think forms the prime motivational energy for their ‘activism’ – the fact that they are bored, lonely and sexually frustrated.”


    Just how closely did your friend get to know these deniers, to have learnt so much personal information about them?

  38. Douglas Ralph Zork:

    Mr. Hart,

    I look forward to the opportunity to speak with you when you are the guest on Dr. Kevin Barrett’s Truth Jihad this coming Friday.

    I have read your excellent 3-volume history of Zionism and the Jewish state of Israel, and I have subscribed for several years to your perceptive articles on Palestine-Israel and the Zionist lobby.

    You are seriously mistaken, however, not to capitalize the proper noun “Holocaust”.

    The powerful cabal who defined and propagated the meaning of the Holocaust intend to allude to the uniquely significant suffering of European Jews at the hands of the Nazi Reich: A human sacrifice — a whole burnt offering to God — the sacred founding event of an appalling religion: the new touchstone of Jewish identity, and the eternal shame of the Western world.

    I trust you will have read today’s updated version of Paul Eisen’s magnificent essay “The War for the Spirit.” Notice that he properly capitalizes the Holocaust.

    The concluding sentences of Paul Eisen’s essay go to the heart of the matter:

    “Palestinians must know that they are not just facing the might of the Israeli state but also the power of organized world Jewry and its primary arm, the Holocaust. Perhaps Palestinians should consider lobbing a few stones in that direction. Perhaps we all should.”

  39. Rehmat:


    Elie Wiesel is considered the “Holocaust Messiah” – and Simon Weisenthal, “Father of Holocaust Religion” by the Zionist crowd. The first was calle “Liar” by Dr. Finkelstein – while the later “fame-seeking myth-maker and an Israeli Mossad agent” by professor Tom Segev in his book “Simon Weisenthal: The Life and Legend”.

    With old age, Elie Wiesel, has terned into a Jewish Messiah. Not long ago, he slammed Netanyahu for comparing Holocaust with Israel’s “existential” threat from Iran.

  40. Gene:


    Yes, I know all that. The point I was trying to make is that Rosenbaum has the same agenda as Wiesel, and thus not credible.

  41. Björn Lindgren:

    Dear Alan Hart,

    In your article “The Nazi Holocaust: My Response to my Critics,” you ask “But why would anybody want to deny the Nazi holocaust when there really is so much irrefutable evidence that many Jews were exterminated?”

    Well, I´m not into psychiatrics, but maybe I can shred some light on this question.

    Denying the Holocaust fits all too well to a broader picture of a weltanschuung of lies. Lies about our principal equal walue, lie about oneself, about others. While not being consious about the uncounscious roots of these lies, they are projected upon others.

    Those who hate others are often encaged in their own hate. They are taken blindly “from behind,” which results in that the hate ocupies the whole scene of mind; then projected on a fearful and hateful world of dog eat dog.

    The seed of Fascism/Nazism exists already in the basic norms of Western civilization: admiration for strength, contempt for weakness.

    Press these norms and values just a little bit, and you will to a lesser or higher degree arrive at Nazism.

    There may also be an element of planting seeds for the future in the denying of the Holocaust. Breivik didn´t expect to survive his two attacks, but expected to be seen as a visionary avantgarde in the future. Paving the road for a future comback for Nazi rule.

    Many of the most persistent Holocaust deniers have cornered themselves so gravely that giving up the Holocaust denial would threaten their whole “ideological” set up. Better living in a lie, than living from nothing.

    Denying the Holocaust could be a ticket, acid test, to entering the inner circles of Fascism/Nazism, a culture saturated by
    megalomania and conspiracy. Well worth trying, even it is recognized as a lie.

    Chris Hedges writes in an article, “White Power to the Rescue,” in Truthdig 28 January 2013,

    The steady rise of ethnic nationalism over the past decade, the replacing of history with mendacious and sanitized versions of lost glory, is part of the moral decay that infects a dying culture. It is a frightening attempt, by those who are desperate and trapped, to escape through invented history their despair, impoverishment and hopelessness. It breeds intolerance and eventually violence. Violence becomes in this perverted belief system a cleansing agent, a way to restore a lost world. There are ample historical records that disprove the myths espoused by the by the neo-Confederates, who insist the Civil War was not about slavery but states’ rights and the protection of traditional Christianity. But these records are useless in puncturing their self-delusion, just as documentary evidence does nothing to blunt the self-delusion of Holocaust deniers. Those who retreat into fantasy cannot be engaged in rational discussion, for fantasy is all that is left of their tattered self-esteem. When their myths are attacked as untrue it triggers not a discussion of facts and evidence but a ferocious emotional backlash. The challenge of the myth threatens what is left of hope. And as the economy unravels, as the future looks bleaker and bleaker, this terrifying myth gains potency.”

    However, Norwegian peace reseacher Johan Galtung was correct when he said about Breivik, “He is one of us.”

    That is, he is the fruit of our society, its implicit and explicit darkness. (Norway, and Sweden, is killing civilians in Afghanistan and Libya. In order to show loyalty to the Grand Duke, the U.S.)But Breivik should be part of the (Gandhian) solution: dialogue and conversion.

    The remedy for those who hate and deny is to see the dark motifes (norms, values, and goals) straight in the face, and make them conscious. A long, painful, and hard work. Often connected with expulsion and social isolation.

    But hate and denial is even more painful, because they shrink, or mutilate, our natural open mind, and capacity for compassion and affinity with the world as our home.

    Cheers, Björn Lindgren

  42. Joe Ortiz:

    Alan, you may want to read this book (in PDF) which answered more questions for me about the Holocaust, including the rabbinical origins and the specific meaning as to why the “Six Million” figure is important to those who promote this so-called event.

    “The Holocaust Dogma of Judaism” by Ben Weintraub.

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  46. Davey Wavey:

    @J Wilson – “Germanness” did not kill people, Nazis did. “Anti-semitism” and fascist ideology are not “German” at all. Indeed, we see much racism and fascism in Israeli political life presently.

  47. David:

    Would it be considered ‘anti-semitic’ of me, to remind you of that front page of the New York Times- and other international newspapers- which stated: “World Jewry Declares Economic War on Germany.” (Which was done as a reprisal for Adolph Hitler printing his own currency and dumping the central bank).
    As for whatever did- or did not happen- at Auschwitz: I’ll stick with David Irving’s version of it!
    Show us your tattoe, Eli Weasel!

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