The World and Israel: Complicity in Zionism’s Crimes and Why

The above will be my last but one post for several months. As things are and look like going there will be nothing new to say until Hillary Clinton has won the race to the White House. My last post before I take a break will be the text of a presentation I’ll shortly be making in Italy in support of the publication of the Italian version of my book. (As expected the Zionist lobby put great effort into trying to prevent publication but its threats have been counter-productive). The title of my Italian presentation is Palestine and Zionism: The Whole Truth.

During my break from commenting on events in Israel-Palestine I’ll be working on a book I am writing about my own global learning experiences and what they’ve taught me about why our world is in such a dangerous mess and what must be done if our children and grandchildren are to have a future worth having. The working title I have assigned to the book is Our Children Will Not Forgive Us.


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  1. Sami:

    Thank you for this splendid essay. I wish you well for the future. By the way, the title you have chosen for the book you are writing could not have been more ‘prophetic’ perhaps? I know that at the end of the day, like all other humans, journalists have to focus first and foremost on their bread and butter. This fact enabled the bastards to brainwash the unenlightened and control governments.

  2. Patricia:

    The whole situation is disgusting, this hold over AMERICA by ZIONIST. They are in every state, influencing. Working hard against Hillary!

  3. oNTOGRAM:

    The nuclear threat is a bluff — even the “you know how crazy we are” posture is a bluff. One has only to call the bluff and Israel will fold up. A strong President should counter bluff with the entire Mediterranean fleet and a couple thousand F-16′s aimed at Israel. They will come crawling and sniveling. They are deceivers and liars and they are weak where it matters — character!

  4. oNTOGRAM:

    Furthermore, it’s about campaign money and nothing else. Nothing else. The Congress is weak also where it matters….character. Just the money.

  5. Janis Hetherington:

    Thank you. Do please read Rania Hammad’s piece for our web site.She is based in Italy by the way so perhaps you could meet up at your bool launch.

  6. Janis Hetherington:

    Thank you. Please read the piece by Rania Hammad who is based in Italy. Perhaps you could meet up at your Book Launch.

  7. Sami:

    I think oNTOGRAM has underestimated the power of the Zionists who are the most dangerous crime syndicate in the US and will have no hesitation in physically eliminating any president who stands in their way. JFK was one gutsy president and we know what happened to him – his VP collaborated with them in the crime and covered it up too! LBJ could not even do anything about the deliberate attack on the USS Liberty. It will take nothing short of a military coup to decontaminate the corridors of power in DC or a catastrophic war where the people might wake up from their induced slumber and take decisive action.

  8. David Marchesi:

    As usual, an informative and clearly-expressed article.I think Alan Hart’s , and, I hope, my children will forgive us because we have each tried within the limits of the blatant or subtle disinformation/ misinformation peddled by the Zionists and their placemen (that is, almost all the “mainstream” media) to open the eyes of our entourages and warn of the dangers of ostrichism. In the context of the cowardly conformism of “Western” statesmen-again, with very few exceptions, perhaps including Carter-even Alan Hart’s sisyphean labours must be , well, sisyphean.
    It is becoming increasingly difficult to excuse the various bodies which claim to represent Jewish people in “the West”-their cretinous , often hysterical defence of the indefensible behaviour of the Jewish( Zionist) State will foment anti-semitism, recklessly but -dare one ask ? deliberately, so as to trade on it, as Hart tells us Golda Meir commented .
    Along the way,the bullying swagger of the Cruz types also stands out as an apparently irresistible tendency in what passes for “democracy” .
    Year by year, out of the spotlight, Dayan’s facts on the ground are, of course, the crucial issue.

  9. Fatimetou:

    Very good text. Please go on!
    Israel far-rights won’t do anything to endenger the word because they are still waiting for the Messiah to complete their “project”…

  10. Jean Snyder:

    This is the best reason for having Hillary be the next president of the United States. Thank you for my In the meantime I shall continue efforts to enlighten the misled about the lack of truth telling b y the media.

  11. Rehmat:

    Dear Hart – please don’t ignore the fact that there are nearly 80 million Christian Zionists (Evangelists) in United States who are the backbone of America’s pro-Israel policies and Islamophobia.

    Among the current dozen US presidential candidates, there are only two Jews, Sen. Bernie Sanders, a Zionist Jew, and Jill Stein MD, a ‘self-hating Jew.

    In Britain, France, Germany, Australia and Canada – politicians are controlled by the local Jewish lobby groups.

    Anyone, who has watched witch-hunt of Jeremy Corbyn by the Jewish-Zionist establishment, would know how these so-called Western “democratic world” is controlled by a tiny foreign entity.

    Louise Ellman, a Jewish Labour MP from Liverpool Riverside, was recently interviewed by Sky News, owned by Jewish billionaire Murdoch. During the interview she ranted Jewish problems with Jeremy Corbyn leadership. She accused her own party members of making antisemitic statements. She also accused Jeremy Corbyn for not taken action against these Jew-haters.

    In response, Piers Corbyn dismissed Ellman’s allegations that Labour was not properly handing antisemitism as absurd on Twitter – adding that Zionists can’t cope with anyone supporting rights for Palestine.

    Piers Corbyn is elder brother of UK’s Labour Party leader Jeremy Corbyn. He is the founder and president of Weather Action, a weather forecasting organization.

  12. Mike:

    Rehmat, don’t undermine an excellent piece by Alan with stupid (and arguably antisemitic) claims like Murdoch being Jewish. He is not he is a pro- Zionist cynical and malevolent media. mogul but not a Jewish one.

  13. Mary Pishney:

    Thank you for your first hand account of the monstrous blackmail that has imprisoned the civilized (or so they claim to be) world from any action that would show they have the thinnest regard for justice in the ongoing rape of the Palestinians and the blind stupidity that appeasing a monster leads to anything but far greater crimes and injustice. I was under the influence for years of the so-called, “Christian Zionists” which is no more “Christian” than a “Christian Nazi” advocacy for Hitler would have been. Carter is a brave man, one of the only ever to have been in a power position and then write books about the truth of the ugly face of Zionism and the murderous invasions of Gaza. The ship of criminals and lackeys to the likes of Soros and his cabal of NWO fiends would never do anything honest as decrying what Jimmy has, because they are willing lackeys to the Zionists, making them and us, partners in their rape of humanity in the middle east. I look forward to hearing more from you and reading your books.

  14. Karen:

    Thank you so much for this great information. There is just one thing I wanted to mention and that is regarding Louise Ellman – it is a psychological fact that those who use the word “hate” are the ones were full of hate themselves, so regarding her “Jewish-haters” – I really need to say no more.
    Naturally, as a good decent law-abiding person of society, I completely and utterly support Palestine in their bid for freedom, being treated with respect, having a decent normal life including on the land that has been stolen from them over the last nearly 3/4 of a decade, and I am continually peeved and shocked and saddened at the huge lack of help they are receiving from world governments. Dr. E.

  15. Barry Wright:

    This article and great comments are astounding, simply brilliant. Why don’t more of us, especially Americans, know about this danger to us and the world and insist that our representatives and POTUS take action?

  16. eagle eye:

    Alan, great expose, one of Leonard Cohen’s ‘cracks, thru which the light gets in’.

    Have you read Douglas Reed’s “The Controversy of Zion”?

    For me it was the perspective that revealed the whole narcissistic cult for what it was, and it explains the nature of the beast.

  17. Tim:

    Hillary becomes president? Only if Obama pardons her. There is not much choice in USA politics. I view Hillary as evil incarnate and Trump as “Foghorn Leghorn”. Seeing as it’s all a joke anyway why not put a cartoon character in the Whitehouse?

  18. Sameemian:

    Zionism says my way or doomsday which clearly shows their arrogance against humanity as whole!