WANTED – A new strategy for Palestinian resistance


This would impose significant security, financial and other burdens on Israel but, more to the point, it would make the task of calling and holding the Zionist state to account for its defiance of international law and its crimes something less than what it currently is – a mission impossible.

What I mean is that Israel’s policy and actions in the new situation would make it increasingly difficult for the major powers led by the U.S. to go on supporting Israel right or wrong. If they did they would be exposed fully naked as Zionist puppets, complicit in Zionism’s defiance of international law and crimes. My speculation (am I naive?) is that they would not want to be seen like that.

Handing complete responsibility and accountability for occupation back to Israel would not only concentrate the minds of the leaders and governments of the major powers. It would also enable activist groups of all faiths and none which campaign for justice for the Palestinians to sharpen their focus and be more effective.

With the PA dissolved and Israel completely responsible and accountable for its occupation, the Palestinians could assist the process of refocusing the world’s attention on their claim for justice by demonstrating, peacefully, on a weekly basis, in each and every Palestinian community on the occupied West Bank. The demonstrators would be armed only with banners bearing a simple message – “End The Occupation”. And they would not respond to any Israeli attack with stone throwing or violence of any kind.

Quite possibly Israel’s government would ban such demonstrations, but such a ban would convey its own message to the world, as would a violent Israeli reaction to peaceful Palestinian demonstrations.

Who would speak for and represent the occupied and oppressed Palestinians if the PA was dissolved? Simple. The PLO, preferably with fresh elections to its executive committee.

Quite possibly Israel’s government would then ban and outlaw the PLO but that, too, would convey its own message to the world.

A new strategy for Palestinian resistance as indicated above would change the dynamics of the conflict.

Without such a change I believe that Zionism’s monster child will remain above the law and free to impose its will on the Palestinians, the region and the world.

In that event obtaining an acceptable measure of justice for the Palestinians will be and will remain a mission impossible.


President Obama’s silence on Israel’s latest killing spree – I agree with Ilan Pappe that it’s “incremental genocide” – invites my complete contempt for him. A post by Chris Ernesto with the headline Thank you, President Obama, Love, Israel says all that needs to be said on this aspect of the matter. It is available on



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  1. ontogram:

    The Israelis manipulation of the truth about the teens demonstrates that Israel is a closed, military dictatorship, not a democracy by any measure. These people are craven beyond belief.

    I have long advocated turning the occupation back to Israel. It is a good strategy and something they will try hard to avoid.

  2. Naseer:

    well said, even palestinian supporters began to ask how long it will continue like these…!
    sustained propaganda, sustained naming as terrorists (yes, with the full support of US as always)sustained domination in world media to maintain lies again lies are made oridinary people to belive this lie as truth!!!
    But the truth is with Hamas. Even sacrificing their beloved ones life they are standing concretly on truth and resisting against the junkle justice. No couragiuos people on earth like Gazans. Hats of Gaza..thak you Mr. Alan for your couragious stand to say loudly the truth.
    From India

  3. Rehmat:

    Rabbi Michael Lerner has claimed that the 1.7 million Gazans are being slaughtered by Israelis – because Hamas is “friend of Netanyahu and Jewish settlers”. Now, that’s what I call “Jewish comedy”.


  4. Palestine « Human Rights Foundation:

    […] Read the source article at Alan Hart […]

  5. David Marchesi:

    Iron self-control can break, and I don’t really see the young people of Palestine perpetually and everywhere taking the humiliations doled out by the occupiers. At the very least, stone-throwing à la David would provoke murderous responses from the Zionist Goliath on occasion, with a potential for escalating violence each time. We have seen the way racist policing has fomented black people in London ,say, to lash out from time to time.On a magnified scale, this surely would lead to brutalities, even murders, such as the Zionists have been getting away with for decades already. I doubt if publics and those who pass for leaders in the “international community” would be aware that Israel was the only official “authority” in the OPT any more than the PA is seen for what it is now ( i.e., as Alan Hart notes, a conduit for Israeli policing)
    There ought to be a role for the UN in the whole ghastly situation, since the UN ( under Truman’s guidance) helped, after the British, to create it. That is where Alan Hart’s article on the Arab Peace Initiative makes a crucial point.

  6. An Open Letter to My Palestinian Friends - Pressenza:

    […] As my heart bleeds for those of you suffering in Gaza and elsewhere in Palestine, I want to add my voice to those who are encouraging you to consider revising your strategy of resistance to Israeli occupation. See, for example, ‘Wanted: A new strategy for Palestinian resistance’ http://www.alanhart.net/wanted-a-new-strategy-for-palestinian-resistance/ […]

  7. An open letter to my Palestinian friends | Counter Information:

    […] As my heart bleeds for those of you suffering in Gaza and elsewhere in Palestine, I want to add my voice to those who are encouraging you to consider revising your strategy of resistance to Israeli occupation. See, for example, ‘Wanted: A new strategy for Palestinian resistance’ […]

  8. An Open Letter to My Palestinian Friends… | GlobalNewsCentre.com:

    […] (TASMANIA)  As my heart bleeds for those of you suffering in Gaza and elsewhere in Palestine, I want to add my voice to those who are encouraging you to consider revising your strategy of resistance to Israeli occupation. See, for example, ‘Wanted: A new strategy for Palestinian resistance’ http://www.alanhart.net/wanted-a-new-strategy-for-palestinian-resistance/. […]