What might Netanyahu do when his American mob tells him Romney won’t win?

In his secretly recorded statement to Republican fundraisers Romney also said, according to the Associated Press, that “the Palestinians are committed to the destruction and elimination of Israel” and that the prospects for a two-state solution to Mideast peace are dim. “You hope for some degree of stability, but you recognize that this is going to remain an unsolved problem, and we kick the ball down the field and hope that ultimately, somehow, something will happen and resolve it.”

In what was said to be a “rambling response” to a question about the “Palestine problem” (it’s actually a Jewish problem), he also asserted that “The Palestinians have no interest whatsoever in establishing peace,” and “the pathway to peace is almost unthinkable to accomplish.”

And there was more nonsense where that came from. He was, he said, against applying any pressure on Israel to give up “disputed” territory for a two-state solution with the Palestinians. “The idea of pushing on the Israelis to give something up to get the Palestinians to act is the worst idea in the world.”

It’s because Romney is so ignorant about foreign policy matters that he is delighted to read from Zionism’s script. What a disaster for America and the world a President Romney would be!

In one of his most stupid statements while grovelling for Zionist organized campaign funds and votes, Romney accused Obama of “throwing Israel under a bus.” Perhaps somebody should say it’s time for Obama to throw Romney and Netanyahu under it. (Okay, I just said it).


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  1. Rehmat:

    Netanyahu and Romney are birds of the feather – their mouths are far bigger than their brains. Furthermore, both live in their self-denial.

    However, the most of American Jewish lobby groups believe Obama is more reliable when it comes to Jewish and Israeli interests than Romney who is unpredictable and surrounded by White supremacist Zionist Christians.

    Israel Lobby is trying its best to demean Obama for not invading Iran before November. Noam Neusner, Dubya Bush’s former Jewish speechwriter, in an Op-Ed in Jewish daily Forward (August 29, 2012), claimed that ‘Mitt Romney is Real Tikkum Olam Candidate’. Therefore, he suggests that Jews who care for their Jewish values; individual freedom and prosperity (big banks and bailouts), should vote for GOP candidate Mitt Romney, a Mormon, whom Jewish editor Mark Ames of the Exile magazine calls The Curse of Joseph Smith.


  2. maryam:

    Alan, I hope Netanyahu takes his little red war wagon and goes home – and shuts the hell up. I think it may actually happen. Most of Bibi’s desperation comes from worrying that Obama will win re-election. If it becomes obvious that it’s a done deal, he won’t have any choice than to go back to Tel Aviv with his tail between his legs.

  3. David King:

    What will Netinyahoo do?

    He might launch a war; or he might try to launch one.

    All intelligence from the US is in agreement. Any israeli attempt will fail. Without doubt; cooler minds will be watching over Netinyahoo; from both ersatz israel and the US.

    An attempt from zion will hand Iran international and legal justification to carry out any and all acts necessary to ensure the safety and security of it’s people.

    Here is an argument Iran might use.

    A failed precision bombing attack by Netinyahoo might anger this lunatic to such an extent, that Iranians could justifiably fear and argue the possibility of him initiating a general nuclear war. To protect their country, Iran could turn the tables on the zionist state. Confront ersatz israel with it’s illegal nuclear missiles. Demand israel’s stockpiles be destroyed. Demand the UN place heavy crippling international sanctions on Apartheid israel. When those sanctions are not applied, or fail, Iran could then use the exact same arguments (word for word) that the israelis have used; and go it alone to assassinate zionist scientists; government officials etc. All doors would be open to it; as they have the right to self defense etc etc.

    So what will happen?

    Netinyahoo will try to initiate the attack. Others will move to arrest him. While in prison, he will hang himself. People will wonder where the rope came from.

  4. Miriam:

    No matter what the “polls” tell us…no what the exit polls inform us…REMEMBER 2000 election…remember all the ballots that were tossed ? (92,000 in certain African American precincts alone)…and then in 2004, similar large numbers of ballots were thrown out by their Sec of State. This time ’round there is a more sinister but open effort to Disenfranchise tens of thousands of voters in states which voted for Obama in 2008 by incredibly limiting and complicated new VOTER ID requirements and it has been surmised that states like Pennsylvania may be fully compromised with an overall loss of 1 Million voters alone. The poor, elderly and African American voters will be particularly affected by this mandate in PA despite individual voter histories of more than 50 or 60 years without being able to obtain a “birth certificate” at this point they will not be allowed to vote. The GOP is quite happily announcing that they expect Pennsylvania to “go for Romney in a big way” because of this new voter ID mandate. Lots of surprises….and a Supreme Court that just might dare to repeat their outrageous decision to hand it over.

  5. maryam:

    Remember, the US always stops the UN Security Council from imposing any punishments on Israel. So don’t hold your breath.

    And the Al Gore 2000 election fiasco allowed the SCOTUS to set a dangerous precedent.

  6. pabelmont:

    Well, N’yahu dearly loves his war (his American war) on Iran. But to me this is all smoke-screen for the spread of the settlements.

    A better question is: What will Obama do once he wins?

    Will he dare (4 years later) to tell the world on Nov. 7 that it is now USA policy that the settlements are illegal and the wall is illegal and that settlers should be removed and settlements and wall dismantled? And to place before the UNSC on Nov 8 a resolution calling for removal of settlers and settlements and wall, all within a time certain (a year, perhaps)?

    Will he see that that is the only hope? Hope so, for it is the only hope.

  7. maryam:

    The lame “peace process” is dead and buried; Netanyahu needs not even a mosquito net to cover settlement building activity. It’s ongoing, has been ongoing, and unfortunately will continue along with property seizures and home demolitions.

    If any attempt is made by the UN to remove settlers en masse, Bibi and the US Congress will move heaven and earth to stop it.

  8. David King:

    Latest news of course is that the US and China are headed for a bust up. I don’t believe that the US will start a war against Iran now.

    Lets all just hope now that zion starts something.

  9. maryam:

    I never believed the US would attack Iran; it would lose standing in the world it cannot afford to lose, and the US economy simply cannot withstand the strain of another war. I would also venture a guess that its military cannot, either.

    The whole idea of attacking Iran over imaginary nukes goes back many years; Netanyahu whined that Iran was developing a nuclear weapons program as far back as 1992, so no one is taking him seriously. Obama also knows he is a liar:

    “Netanyahu’s been predicting the imminent appearance of an Iranian Bomb since at least 1992, when he declared, “Iran will have the bomb by 1997.” He’s a Chicken Little. The sky has not fallen on Israel.

    Netanyahu’s a Boy Who Cried Wolf. Year after year, the intelligence reports confirming a military program just don’t come in. Obama, who was caught on open mike agreeing with Sarkozy’s depiction of him as a liar, no doubt knows the Israeli prime minister is a master of sensationalistic distortion. It’s there in every piece of his argument.”

  10. David King:

    Hi Maryam,

    I have been personally aware of zion’s threat of a war against Iran for 4-5 years or so; and I have never swayed from the belief that ersatz israel was just trying to manoeuver the US into attacking Iran. This position was not arrived at through wishful thinking but based on hard nosed assessments expressed in 3-4 articles by American Generals. It was never going to happen.

    What makes this issue and the events surrounding it; so exciting, is that it has become a significant stumbling block for zion. It is both a loss of face and a loss of support and will, and as has been outlined; a spotlight on the political processes operating between the US and the ersatz israel. That act alone will weaken the relationship, and the unbalanced support towards Apartheid israel.

    Anyway you look at this issue, zion has lost and so has continued the downward slope it has been set on since 2006. Good news for all humanitarians.

  11. David King:

    “I have never swayed from the belief that ersatz israel was just trying to manoeuver the US into attacking Iran. This position was not arrived at through wishful thinking”

    Wishful thinking????

    No I wasn’t wishing the US would attack Iran. I must be very tired.

  12. Rehmat:

    Yesterday, Iran’s President Dr. Mahmoud Ahmadinejad delivered his 8th and last speech at the UN General Assembly meeting in New York City. However, during today’s speech, Ahmadinejad wore two hats; President of the Islamic Republic of Iran and the Chairman of the 120-nations Non-Aligned Movement (NAM).

    In contrast to early speeches by US president Barack Obama and British prime minister David Cameron, who threatened both Syria and Iran – Ahmadinejad talked about peace and justice. He avoided mentioning US-Israel sponsored bloodshed in Syria or the US-Israel produced provocative anti-Islam movie ‘Innocence of Muslims’. To show their guilty consciences – the US, British, Israeli and Canadian delegates walked out of the forum as soon as Ahmadinejad took the mike. They all accused the Iranian President of spouting “paranoid theories and repulsive slurs against Israel”

    Ahmadinejad decried the “current abysmal situation of the world,” saying it resulted from “the self-proclaimed centers of power who have entrusted themselves to the Devil.” He also slammed the“arms race” and “nuclear intimidation” being perpetuated by “hegemonic powers,” as well as “the continued threat by uncivilized Zionists to resort to military action”.

    During his address, Ahmadinejad spoke the word “peace” 12 times, “justice” 15 and “love” 13.


  13. maryam:

    Someone please show me the evidence that the US and Israel have anything to do with what is going on in Syria. Please.

  14. maryam:

    Also, there is no evidence that Israel had anything to do with that stupid video. Conjecture is not fact. The US is not backing the Syrian war; there is no evidence of it and only very wild and convoluted theories.

  15. Richard Steven Hack:

    The US is absolutely backing the Syrian war and just yesterday they announced increased aid to the insurgents. France went further and declared they would begin supplying lethal aid to the insurgents.

    You will see the US/NATO/Turkey attacking Syria by end of this year or early next year. This is a strategic necessity before attacking Iran.

  16. maryam:

    Post a link to whatever substantiation you have. Otherwise, it’s just your daydream.

  17. pete:

    Bottom line is they own us. There are no americans left in our leadership, only lackey,s to jewish money. Oh America what have you fallen to.