When is a terrorist not a terrorist? & War with Iran or not?

Do Barak and Netanyahu really intend to attack on their own, or is Israel only trying to prod the West into more decisive action? That is the million-dollar question. It has been discussed intermittently for the past three years and it seems that Washington does not have a satisfactory answer to it.”

In a few days time General Martin Dempsey, chairman of the U.S. Joint Chiefs of Staff, is scheduled to arrive in Israel for talks with Defense Minister Ehud Barak, Chief of Staff Lt. General Benny Gantz and other senior Israeli defense and intelligence officials.

Dempsey knows that when U.S. Defense Secretary Leon Panetta met with Netanyahu and Barak last November, they refused to give him a commitment that Israel would not attack Iran without informing America of its intention to do so.

If I am right about the panic in the Obama administration, my guess is that Dempsey will try to obtain the commitment Panetta failed to get. What if Dempsey does not succeed?

My guess is that whatever he may say in public after his meetings, Dempsey will tell the Israelis in private that if they go to war with Iran they will be on their own. The U.S., I can almost hear him saying, will not become engaged except to defend its own national interests if and as necessary “because the American people, most of them, are tired of war.” He could add “and we don’t have the money to pay for it.”

An interesting question for the coming days is something like this: What if Dempsey returns to Washington without being able to give behind-closed-doors assurance that Israel (despite what it might continue to say to the contrary in public for propaganda purposes) will not go it alone with an attack Iran?

In theory there is a card President Obama could play. He could put Israel on public notice that if it attacked Iran and if as a consequence America’s own bests interests were harmed, the U.S. would have to rethink its relationship with the “Jewish state“. A statement to that effect would imply that the days of America’s unconditional support for Israel right or wrong could be coming to an end.

But that’s not a statement Obama could make this side of November’s presidential election. So if Netanyahu is not bluffing, and if he was determined to bomb Iran’s nuclear facilities before November’s election, there’s nothing Obama could do to stop him, even knowing that the end game could be, as Giraldi speculated, World War III.

My own view has always been that Netanyahu is bluffing to the extent that he even he is not crazy enough to order an Israeli attack on Iran without a green light from the U.S. and American cover and participation,

I hope I am right. If I am it could be that General Dempsey will return to Washington with the news Obama wants and needs – that without a green light from the U.S, Israel will not bomb Iran’s nuclear facilities.


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  1. | When Is a Terrorist Not a Terrorist? & War With Iran or Not? | | truthaholics:

    [...] Not a Terrorist? & War With Iran or Not? Posted on 16 January 2012 by truthaholics When Is a Terrorist Not a Terrorist? & War With Iran or Not? ~ Alan [...]

  2. Landon:

    Well done, Mr. Hart; thank you.
    I believe you are mistaken about the timing of Santorum’s statement. He said that at an Oct 2011 appearance in South Carolina. Sen. Lindsey Graham introduced him to the audience — see here: http://articles.businessinsider.com/2011-10-27/politics/30327433_1_nuclear-program-iranian-scientists-russian-scientists

    It is appalling and deeply troubling that Richard Land’s evangelicals group endorsed Santorum; Catholics — even Catholics at the sorta liberal National Catholic Reporter website — neither discuss nor condemn Santorum, nor have an informed understanding of Iran. In contrast, Richard Silverstein has the courage to state the facts.

    Shame on Christianity. America is going the way of Easter Island.

  3. Landon:

    I’m afraid you’re wrong, Alan; I think Netanyahu is mad enough to attack Iran with or without American support. But I also believe it is incumbent upon Obama to say to Israel and to the people of the United States, “We will not support Israel in an attack on Iran, and if you attack alone, the relationship between the US and Israel is irrevocably severed.” Eisenhower told Israel to get out of the Sinai, and said he didn’t care about the impact on his impending re-election — which he won. I think the American people will rally around a leader who puts American interests and basic values ahead of winning an election or Jewish campaign financial support.
    That’s what a real leader would do.
    There might even be a Nobel Peace prize in it for Obama!

  4. Arthur Lloyd:

    The world does not need a Nuclear War.
    In his interview with Golda Meir Mr. Hart was informed that as last resource The Zionists would resort to Nuclear Weapons.”The Liberty Affair – “Pure Murder” on a “Great Day”, the lesson of the cold-blooded Israeli attack on the American spy ship was that there is nothing the Zionist state might not do, to its friends as well as its enemies, in order to get its own way).” For Zionists it’s “All or Nothing”. This is pathological; Insane. So to eliminate this possability the Jewish people should take back their government, eliminate the Zionist Faction,control their arsenal and join the internatiional community.”Then they rode off into the sunset and lived happily ever after.” I doubt it. The Zionists have created a Holocaust for the Palestinians for over fifty years, a living Hell in their own country. The main concern for this movement by some scholars that instead of eliminating Anti-Semitism, they Have made it worse. They have. Thanks to the American Zionist lobby and the American Jewish Vote The Zionists do as they please. Golda Meir raised $50 Million for the cause of Israel. The Zionist have betrayed many peoples including their own and America. These Zionists are our problem.
    http://www.texemarrs.com/102009/zionist_jews_in_power.htm/ The American Government. Once America wakes up to this
    truth there will be many changes. America will again draw a line in the sand. Remember “The Alamo”. The Zionist “War Cry”, “Remember the Holocaust” used against their people will soon wear very thin. We have the same pathological government. Mr. Harts “Stooges in Congress”, 93 Senators signed away the last of our freedoms, Bill 1867. They are actually traitors. The new Bill,1698, just submitted is an extension to NDAA. We not only go to prison without trial, but lose citizenship as well. Our Celebrity Zionists; Jamie Diamond, Fed Reserve, “Doing God’s Work”. Allan Greenspan, made error in his financial model; and with Hank Paulson bankrupts the world. More of God’s Work. I live in Mohave County,Az. where we normally have beautiful skies but regularly very high flying aircraft are seen expelling those aerosol Chem-trails almost from horizon to horizon. They,PTB,[powers that be] are saying they are controlling the climate, protecting us from the heat but the spray has been analysed once it hits the ground. Its basically poison. Aluminum-oxides +.
    Israel has never been in our National Interest. http://www.lrb.co.uk/v28/n06/john-mearsheimer/the-israel-lobby/
    Once America regains its values there should be no Zionist Lobby. There will be lobbies as it is a natural part of Government but better controlled as will many of the other facets of Government;especially financial.
    The World does not need a Nuclear War or any war. The Gulf War; just using Depleted Uranium between 1990 and 1991 US military incurred: 467 individuals wounded in action, 148 killed in battle, and 145 killed (i.e. accidents). total number casualties was 760 at the time of redeployment .
    VA officially recognizes in the May 2002 report that a total of 262,586 individuals are “disabled veterans” due to duty in the Gulf and that 10,617 veterans have died of combat related injuries. The Zionist don’t seem to care but I think we and the world do. We should not let this happen. The “Greedies” want it for nothing. We can survive on negotiating and trade.
    .http://www.brasschecktv.com/page/6198.html / 15 min. prof. Vid. resisting the truth.
    Ignorance is no sin but wallowing in it is stupidity. Ron Paul is the only Politician that is Honest. He has preached the same sermon for twenty years, He’s the only one trying to bring down the Zionists, The Federal Reserve Bank. “The Creature from Jekyl Island” Get rid of it. Thanks Mr. Hart. Keep stirring the pot.

  5. TRANSCEND MEDIA SERVICE » When Is A Terrorist Not A Terrorist? & War with Iran or Not?:

    [...] working to a Security Council background briefing, in the covert diplomacy of the search for peace.Go to Original – alanhart.netClick to share this article: facebook | twitter | email. Click here to download this article as a [...]

  6. Ross:

    Zionist is spelled

    J E S U I T.

    Rome wants Jerusalem bad.

    She is reported to already have the title deed.

    Rome runs the Jihad.

    Jihad is just another form of the Councel of Trent, Talmud, Protocals of Zion, Quaran, Cultural Revelution, etc. These were all “inquisitions” for the glory and power of the Jesuit’s Rome.

    It will be the “new inquisition”.

    True Jews are persecuted by the Zionist/Jesuit controlled Jews.

    Bible prophesy is right on schedule.

    Jesus is coming again, be ready, be repentant, be saved.

    No, I won’t set a date.