Zionism beyond control & Choices for the Palestinians

The ‘Hitlers’ are always there: Just a week ago, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said for the nth time that there is no shortage of those who want to exterminate us completely. In other words, there is no lack of reasons to continue to reinforce the fear of the Holocaust which, according to his father, historian Benzion Netanyahu, has never ended.

So it is that we don’t have any rivals, adversaries or even enemies. Only Hitlers. This is how the Holocaust is taught in school, this how it is that Israeli students are taken to visit death camps – and how it came to be that, as Ha’aretz reported on Friday, just 2 percent of Israeli youth feel committed to democratic principles after studying the Holocaust… That’s the way it is with traumas. Because of our human limitations, a trauma that is not dealt with makes us constantly see yet another trauma approaching – even when whatever is coming has no connection to the previous trauma and may even be a good thing. Trauma leads to belligerence and a strong tendency to wreak havoc on one’s surroundings, but first and foremost on oneself.

What we consider rational is actually a frightened, defensive, aggressive pattern. Our current leaders have made Israeli Judaism just a post-traumatic syndrome, while they lead us to self-destruction.


There will no doubt be some and perhaps many anti-Zionists who will welcome the prospect of Israel self-destructing. I don’t because of what Golda Meir said to me on camera in the course of an interview I did with her for BBC Television’s flagship Panorama programme.

At a point I said: “Prime Minister, I want to be sure I understand what you have just said. You do mean that if ever Israel was facing a doomsday situation, it would be prepared to take the region and even the whole world down with it …?

Without the shortest of pauses for reflection she replied (she almost spat the words at me), “Yes! That’s exactly what I’m saying!

I believed her then (as did the writer of the lead editorial in The Times which quoted what Golda said to me) and I still do.


Who said the following?

“Israel better rid itself of the territories (grabbed in 1967) and their Arab populations as soon as possible. If it does not Israel will became an Apartheid state. Demography is a greater danger than not having the territorial depth the right wing is always claiming Israel needs to defend itself.”

No, dear readers, it was not U.S. Secretary of State Kerry! According to veteran Israel journalist Hirsh Goodman it was David Ben-Gurion, Israel’s founding father and first prime minister.

In his 2005 book Let Me Create Paradise, God Said to Himself, Hirsh tells how home on for leave for 36 hours at the end of the Six Days War he turned on his bedroom radio and heard Ben-Gurion speaking those words. Hirsh, who grew up in South Africa added: “That phrase, ‘Israel will become an Apartheid state’ resonated with me. In a flash I understood what he was saying.”

Unlike Kerry Ben-Gurion did not offer a grovelling apology for using the “A” word.

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  1. Rehmat:

    My friendly American Jewish blogger Roger Tucker has always called the said pape ‘The Jew York Times’.

    More and more Israeli Jews are waking-up to the reality that Israeli army is not to protect Jewish lives but to carry out Zionist agenda of grabbing more foreign lands by military aggressions.

    On this Memorial Day, Lior Ben Eliahu, the brother of Tamar Ben Eliahu, who died in a Jerusalem bus bombing, penned an open letter addressed to Israeli defense minister Moshe Ya’alon saying that Israeli regime is not interested in peace and quiet.

    “I ask you, Defense Minister Ya’alon, on this Memorial Day, for a bit of personal soul searching. Have you yourself helped push Israel and its citizens toward “peace and quiet?” Do you really “strive for peace?” Even before you were appointed defense minister, you announced that there is no place for the establishment of a Palestinian state. And specifically this past month, when the peace process ran into difficulties you decided it was the right time to approve the expansion of Jewish settlements in Hebron and violate the status quo there. Furthermore, you decided to approve the expropriation of 984 dunams of private Palestinian land in the Gush Etzion settlement bloc, and to declare them state lands for the purpose of expanding the settlements of Neve Daniel, Elazar, Alon Shvut and the illegal outpost Nativ Ha’Avot. These actions, along with your opinion on the establishment of a Palestinian state, force me to wonder what the word “peace” means to you, and whether you are truly interested in peace. Are you truly interested in leading Israeli citizens toward peace and quiet, or perhaps towards new settlements to be built between as many Palestinian villages as possible?,” wrote Eliahu.


  2. Graham Griffiths:

    To those of us who have for a long time taken an interest in the situation, it is no surprise that the talks ‘failed’, when the Israeli government had no intention of conceding anything in the first place. As with all previous ‘peace talks’, the whole thing is a charade to give the Zionists the excuse that it was the ‘Arabs’ who walked out.

    The problem is, though, that Zionists are so industrious that they have so much hasbara under their control. There is even a group on Facebook against BDS. We need to let the world’s media know much more about what is going on, but how I do not know.

    This week’s article makes the strong point that Hamas can indeed be negotiated with. The wonderfully articulate Uri Avnery expressed this in his weekly post only recently: that you can often get further with you enemies by reaching out to them; but one argument I often encounter with Zionists online is that the Hamas Charter still calls for the destruction of Israel. As I find the turgid document so difficult to wade through, I was wondering if someone could offer some enlightenment on this?

  3. Confoundmeonce:

    Isitreal has never courted Peace in any negotiation that has ever occured since 1967. Or before 1948. They were then Given just enough “Territory of the Palestinian Lands…to Stand on and Build off of. No way Were Those Land Grabbers going to take a chance of having to back off of even one square inch of it. Peace with the Palestinians..Whose Lands were Stolen from them ? Give me a Break ! What these Thieves and Squatters must Realize..is that What was Taken Must be Returned..And If It isn`t… Then More Troubles will Be forthcoming,m And This will Come from World Opinion…Against The Land Grabbers…Isitreal. Every day this horror venture of oppresion Goes unsettled >>The Worst The Outcome will be for ISITREAL.

  4. Jamal:

    As an Arab citizen in Israel, I really do not want to see it self distruct. Living in an Egypt or Syria like (not to mention PA) country is a terrifying thought. Unfortunately it seems like our brothers in Palestinian leadership will again make the worst choice.

  5. Confoundmeonce:

    Alan , Your Article is Quite insightful…As Usual. But WHEN are we ever going to Travel Past the holocaust…and stop allowing This event to be used constantly. We all know it is a Rusty Weapon now..that really does not Help the cause of these zionist in any manner. The world is So Fed up with Hearing about it..There has been Too many Other atrosities that Have transpired all over the Universe..[That Other Peoples Do not Attempt to USE for Fodder for generations.] Please..write One Article concerning The Palestinian- Isitreal ‘Stand=off’ And Let the holocaust REST. I`m sure, It is Near time that The Palestinians are going to Win this Terrible Situation That has been Leveled Against them..for Years. And It will come about strictly due to World Opinion Aimed Against Isitreal..Because of The Confiscation of Palestinian Territory and subjecting the Lawful Residents of the Land..to Atrosities of All kinds..in the attempt to Get Them OUT. For Shame, b.Netty.