Open letter to British Conservative Party leader David Cameron

The second is that if the citizens of the mainly Gentile nations of the Judeo-Christian world in which most Jews live are notinformed of the difference between Judaism and Zionism, there is a very real prospect, at a foreseeable point in the future, that all Jews everywhere will be blamed for the crimes of the hardcore Zionist few.

To give the statement immediately above some necessary context, I’m now going to paste in some extracts from a short as yet unpublished paper I have written on the subject of How to stop the monster of anti-Semitism going on the rampage again.

The giant of classical anti-Semitism is being re-awakened in the mainly Gentile Judeo-Christian world. A prime cause of the re-awakening is the behaviour of the Zionist (not Jewish) state of Israel. (In my original text Harkabi’s warning as quoted above is here).

It’s my view that after the obscenity of the Nazi holocaust, and because of it, the giant most likely would have gone back to sleep, remained asleep and, in all probability, would have died in its sleep ? IF Zionism had not been allowed by the major powers, first Britain, then America, to have its way, as Balfour put it, “right or wrong“. (There is a case for saying that with British and American politicians as “friends”, the Jews of the world have not needed enemies).

What, really, is the basis for believing that anti-Semitism is seriously on the rise?The increase in the desecration of synagogues and Jewish graves (and the like), verbal abuse and assaults on Jews are a pointer. But there is something far more sinister. It’s what a growing number of Gentiles, middle to upper class people in particular, are thinking and now beginning to say behind closed doors and at dinner parties. What do they say? “These fucking Jews!” And it’s grown, this antipathy, in response to Israel’s arrogance of power and the correct perception of Israel as the oppressor. And the more it becomes apparent that Israel is the obstacle to peace on any terms most Palestinians and other Arabs and Muslims can accept, the more this antipathy will grow, with the real danger that it will break out, become unsuppressed, and manifest itself as violent anti-Semitism.

As things are, and look like going, Holocaust II, shorthand for another great turning against Jews, is a real possibility in a foreseeable future.

It’s also my view, which I know is shared in private by not a few eminent Jews, that if the monster of anti-Semitism does go on the rampage again, it might well start its journey in America.

Two summary reasons why:

  • Many members of Congress (past and present) hate themselves for doing the bidding of the Zionist lobby. If the opportunity to let rip with their suppressed, guilt-driven anger arises, they will want revenge.
  • The prime pushers for the invasion of Iraq were neo-cons who are also hardcore Zionists. While few want to admit this publicly, many know it to be so.
  • QUESTION: What can be done to eliminate the danger of the monster of anti-Semitism going on the rampage again?

    Short answer? The Gentiles of the Western nations among whom most of the world’s Jews live must be informed and educated about the differencies between Judaism and Zionism, and thuswhy it is wrong to blame all Jews for the crimes (yes crimes) of the hardcore Zionist few.

    And that’s why I devoted more than five years of my life to researching and writing Zionism, The Real Enemy of the Jews.

    When I take to the public speaking and debating trail coast-to-coast across America, the following are three main points I’ll be making to Americans:

    • DON’Tblame the Jews who live among you for Zionism’s crimes.
    • DON’Teven blame the Zionist lobby for buying influence on American foreign policy because it, the lobby, has only played the game according to the rules.
    • DOblame your corrupt, pork-barrel system of politics which puts what passes for democracy up for sale to the highest bidders.

    The essential difference between the Gentile me and hardcore Zionists can be summarised a follows. I want to do my bit to stop the monster of anti-Semitism going on the rampage again. They want, even need, anti-Semitism, to justify their crimes – past, present and future.

    I’ll conclude (well almost) with a definition of what a Zionist is today. (A definition which has been endorsed by, among others, Professor Ilan Pappe).

    A Zionist today is one, not necessarily a Jew, who, to quote Balfour, supports the Zionist state of Israel “right or wrong” and who cannot or will not admit that a wrong was done to the Palestinians by Zionism, (a wrong that must be righted on terms acceptable to the Palestinians for justice and peace).

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