“Could Arab (Palestinian) staying power ultimately defeat Zionism?”

2. As the Zionist state becomes more and more isolated in the world, enough Israelis come to their senses and demand that their government goes for the One State solution in order to best protect their own interests. One of my Jewish friends said it could be called Palestein! If it happened this would be the end of Zionism and complete victory for Palestinian steadfastness. (My own take on the One State solution is well known but bears repeating. The Jews, generally speaking, are the intellectual elite of the Western world. The Palestinians are by far the intellectual elite of the Arab world. Together in peace and partnership in One State with equal human and political rights for all, they could play the leading role in changing the region for the better and by doing so give new hope and inspiration to the whole world).

3. Zionism’s in-Israel leaders create a pretext (possibly involving Mossad agents dressed as Arabs planting bombs) to go for a final round of ethnic cleansing – to drive the Palestinians off the West Bank and into Jordan or wherever.

It’s because I believe a Zionist Final Solution (as in 3 above) is a real possibility in a foreseeable future that I think a way should be found for the major powers, led by America, to put Israel on public notice that if it did resort to a final round of ethnic cleansing, it would be universally condemned as a criminal state and subjected to sanctions of every kind, universally applied.

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  1. TI:

    4 Israel unilaterally leaves most of the West Bank keeping which ever parts of East Jerusalem it wants and the settlement blocs.
    Forcing an independent Palestinian state without settling the conflict.

  2. John Bradford:

    Thank you for an excellent article, I agree with it all, except for your final sentence.

    Consider all the terrible things done by, firstly Jews in Palestine in the late 1940s, secondly Israelis after the creation of Israel…. The dispossession of Palestinians at gunpoint, the brutal occupation of the oPt and Golan since 1967, the point-blank refusal to implement various UN resolutions, the flouting of international law, etc.

    If, before all that had happened, you had said “A way should be found for the major powers, led by America, to put Israel on public notice that if these things were ever to happen, it would be universally condemned as a criminal state and subjected to sanctions of every kind, universally applied.”

    You might have said that, we all might have believed it, but it didn’t happen, a way has not been found yet. So why do you suppose that a way will be found in the future merely because Israel completes what it began in the late 1940s? Are you seriously suggesting, in the face of overwhelming evidence to the contrary, that America would ever withdraw its support for Israel, whatever Israel does?

    No, whilst I am sympathetic to what you say, a solution to the Arab-Israeli conflict will only come when the world stands firm against Israel and America. That means China, with its stranglehold over America’s debts, and the Middle East, with its stranglehold over America’s oil.

    Persuade China to stop bankrolling America and persuade Saudi Arabia to stop supplying oil, and we might get somewhere.

  3. Rolf Schmid:

    I would like to add a 4th option:

    The Israeli Jews leaving Israel for the USA, which they already dominate!

    Than the whole Palestine is available for all Palestinians including the refugees!

  4. syed mehdi hasan ashraf:

    Nice peace of artical,I just hope we learn to protect our future by showing’Sumud’to the commands of our creator rather than indulging into conspiracys against other nations.History tells us conspiracy neither brought peace in nation’s life nor protected nation’s future for long.If one’s action is going to hurt other human being one way or the other,it is million time better not to take that action,be it by an individual or collectively.
    Be ‘Sumud’to the commands of our creator.

  5. nahida:

    I am sorry to disappoint you Mr. Hart, but your calculations are wrong, yet again!

    Your three possible outcomes are not the only scenarios as you would like to believe.

    There are many more that you seem to ignore.

    How about for example; a Tsunamic march towards occupied Palestine by Palestinian refugees, their Arab, Muslim and international supporters… where people march in their MILLIONS, as they did in Tahrir square?

    You know, Tsunamis are forces of nature, but there can also be a human Tsunamis!

    How about a Hizbullah or “Salah-Eddin” scenario??

    We are people who know their history well, and you know and we know that the Crusaders have occupied Palestine for 200 years. You see, 60 years is nothing compared to that!

    Where are the crusaders now???

    As for your second scenario that which you prefer best:

    “The Jews, generally speaking, are the intellectual elite of the Western world. The Palestinians are by far the intellectual elite of the Arab world. Together in peace and partnership in One State with equal human and political rights for all, they could play the leading role in changing the region for the better and by doing so give new hope and inspiration to the whole world”

    Palestinians, especially Palestinian women, have already reached another conclusion, Mr. Hart. They have realized that their future can NOT be materialized with tying themselves as slaves to the self appointed “Chosen”, “masters” “Jewish elite”. This is called suicide by enslavement. We see it happening all around us in the “civilised”, “democratic” and “capitalistic”(or should I say “Cabbalistic”?) world, at the hand of the “elite” you are so fond of.


    Palestinians, who have been steadfast for over a century do not accept to be tails to any dog, elite or no elite.

    Palestinians can only have a future when they sever every tie with their criminal rapists “Israeli Jews” and fully Liberate their homeland from the occupiers, who have failed during a whole century to behave like normal human beings.

    “Israeli Jews” and their supporters need to realize, and the sooner the better, that:

    There is no future for the occupiers in the land they have colonized by force

    Forced marriages with rapists are unethical and inhumane


    I hope that will clarify the Palestinian vision and aspiration to you Mr. Hart


  6. Hamas armed wing ends truce with Israel:

    [...] [...]

  7. “Two Peoples, One Future”- NO, BUT NO THANK YOU | SHOAH:

    [...] his artcile Alan Hart present us with a myth of a solution to the chronic Palestinian suffering, presented as [...]

  8. David King:

    I agree that there are 3 theoretical alternatives but I would express them this way.

    1. zionists get everything.
    2. Palestinians get everything.
    3. They share everything.

    I believe that it is the second option that will succeed. I believe that there are many possibilities that exist to bring this situation to fruition but they are possibilities. The “demographic bomb,” will make it untenable for a zionist state to exist.

  9. Rodolfo:

    Alternative No 3 is my “favorite”, because that`s the most probable!

    In combination with WW 3 of course!

    Great prospects not only for the Palestinians!!

  10. nahida:

    Nalliah Thayabharan…… What Judaism are you talking about?

    Is it Talmudic Judaism where supremacy reign supreme??

    Or is it Kabbalist Judaism where even more supremacy thrives and blooms?

    Or is it “israeli” Judaism in which 70% of Jews believe that they are the “Chosen”?

    Can we consider that “wisdom” as part of “ethical Judaism??

    Or could these laws be part of “ethical Judaism”???

    Would you please inform us what do you mean exactly by the words “ethical Judaism”??


  11. Raj:

    There is indeed a very seuoris consideration that it can be claimed the Ashina of Khazars tribe ancestry, almost in the same manner like we have old DNA – new DNA comparison match, if we accept several statements as historical truth;- the Ashina royal tribe (clan) ruled over Khazaria during existence of the Western Gok-Turk /Celestial Turks/ Empire- the Ashina royal tribe (clan) seized direct control and rule in mid 7th century over Khazaria, after Gok-Turk Empire collapsed- in 8th century only part of rulers of Khazaria (meaning the Ashina tribe-Clan)converted on JudaismSo far, increasingly emerging number of evidences speaks in favor of this quotations known from a number of formal and historical sources and reports. This is particulary underlined with Q1b discovery among Ashkenazi Jews, and with the latest archeological work of Russian scientists. They show that Judaism was practiced only in a very narrow ,the ruling ,circle.