Are Israel’s Jews, some of them, on their way to becoming Nazis?

To the hackneyed reproach that this point of view is unethical, I answer -absolutely untrue. This is our ethic. There is no other ethic. As long as there is the faintest spark of hope for the Arabs to impede us, they will not sell these hopes – not for any sweet words nor for any tasty morsel, because this (the Palestinians) is not a rabble but a people, a living people. And no people makes such enormous concessions on such fateful questions, except when there is no hope left, until we have removed every opening visible in the Iron Wall.

That, a decade before the Nazis came to power in Germany, was the ideology of what was called Revisionist Zionism. Its Big Idea was the application of brute force in order to give the Arabs, when they had been dispossessed of their land, no hope of getting it back. There was to be no consideration of what was morally or legally right or wrong. Compromise was entirely ruled out. It was a “them or us” strategy.

With that attitude prevailing as Israel heads further and faster down the road to Nazi-like fascism, there can be no hope for an initiative from within for peace on any terms the Palestinians could accept.

Does that mean there’s no hope at all?

If the answer is “No”, I think the future is predictable. As I have indicated in previous articles, there will at some point be a final Zionist ethnic cleansing of Palestine, and that might well convert the rising, global tide of anti-Israelism into classical anti-Semitism, bringing on Holocaust II, shorthand for another great turning against Jews, starting quite possibly in America. (My friend Hajo thinks that is what Zionism wants because it believes that it’s only a matter of when not if the monster of anti-Semitism goes on the rampage again, and that when it does very many American and European Jews will flee to Israel for refuge and permanent settlement. If that is really what Zionism’s in-Israel leaders want, I said to Hajo, they might be disappointed because there’s another possible scenario. To best protect themselves by playing their necessary part in preventing anti-Israelism being transformed into classical anti-Semitism, American and European Jews might distance themselves from the Zionist monster, say goodbye to it. This they would hope, as I do, would demonstrate that they are not complicit in the Zionist state’s crimes. Hajo agreed this was a possibility).

Larry Derfner refuses to give up on hope. Under the headline The Bibi-Lieberman deal: A wake-up call to the would about Israel, he wrote that by unifying himself and the country’s ruling party with “an internationally despised neo-fascist”, Netanyahu has brought Israel “a sizeable step closer to the limits of Western tolerance.“. And he, Derfner, expanded that thought with these words:

“Ultimately that’s good news. The only way Israel is ever going to give up the occupation and its habit of military aggression is by going too far – by becoming such a Goliath that the Western world finally tells it to clean up its act or find some new allies.”

In my view there is merit in Derfner’s argument to the extent that it’s not impossible the limits of Western tolerance of Israel’s defiance of international law and constant sabotaging of efforts for peace will be reached and passed, and that a day could come, possibly in the last year of President Obama’s second term, when Israel will be told “Enough is enough”, and that it will be totally isolated and subjected to the full range of sanctions if it does not comply with international law. But…

Even if that was to happen, it’s by no means impossible that Israel’s nuclear-armed leaders would tell the whole non-Jewish world to go to hell.

In my book I wonder aloud if future historians will conclude that catastrophe for all was inevitable from the moment Britain gave Zionism a spurious degree of legitimacy with the Balfour Declaration.


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  1. guillot:

    Bonjour monsieur Hart,
    Il y a longtemps que je le pense et je sais que je ne suis pas la
    France Guillot

  2. Rehmat:

    Israeli-born Jew writer, author and jazz-player Gilad Atzmon has called Zionist regime worse tha Nazis. However, the fact is Zionist Jews collaborated with Zionist Christian Nazis in almost every field in Europe.

    Rabbi Wolf Gunther Plaut (died 2012), the former president of Canada’s Israel lobby group ‘Canadian Jewish Congress (CJC’ and Chief Rabbi at Toronto’s Holy Blossom Temple wrote in his 1990 book, ‘The Man Who Would Be Messiah’, has claimed that Frankist Jews had committed the Holocaust. The book’s ‘Forward’ was written by no other than Elie Weisel, the father of ‘holocaust culture’. Weisel did not disagree with Rabbi Plaut.

  3. Confoundmeonce:

    Alan Hart, Your summations are, as Always, Right ON. No matter Which way These Zionists Might Try to Wiggle now…They are Running OUT of Wiggle room. I don`t think it is going to wait for the last year of Obamas` second Term…to Set .. Netty down and Tell him HOW IT Is. He has Outgrown His Raisin` ! the best I can Figure . The Citizens of This US of A. Are OUT of Patience with That Bunch of Nuts. And Any Jewish Person HERE..who Wants to BE An israelite-Jew..They are Free to Take A Flying Leap out of This Country. I, personally, do not believe that Illegal settlement is going to be Standing Much Longer..Now That The Palestinian Peoples ARE ON A ROLL ! They now Have THE Right to present their Complaints Directly to the UN..And Have to be Taken Seriously. Many heads Are going to be Rolling in Every Direction Then. Most All of THE World IS Behind The Palestinians Rightful Bid to reclaim their HomeLand from this Bunch of Squatters. Full Speed ahead, Palestine ! The Right Has the Might !

  4. maryam:

    One of the best pieces you’ve written, Alan. And spot-on. I see the brink approaching (I hope) – Israel’s announcement of its intentions to build 3,000 housing units in Area C, effectively killing the 2 state solution (at least in the minds of those who still think a 2 state solution is remotely viable), as revenge against Palestine’s successful bid for recognition by the UN, may be the last straw.

    Unfortunately, no one as yet has taken note of the more than 20 violations of the ceasefire committed by Israel so far – and that in yet another breach, they have moved bulldozers into the Gaza strip yesterday alongside the buffer zone and are leveling the earth for a ground invasion.

  5. David King:

    I think the future is predictable. As I have indicated in previous articles, there will at some point be a final Zionist ethnic cleansing of Palestine, and that might well convert the rising, global tide of anti-Israelism into classical anti-Semitism, bringing on Holocaust II, shorthand for another great turning against Jews, starting quite possibly in America.

    “Ultimately that’s good news. The only way Israel is ever going to give up the occupation and its habit of military aggression is by going too far – by becoming such a Goliath that the Western world finally tells it to clean up its act or find some new allies.”

    These two comments represent my view. I think it is good that Netinyahoo and Lieberman team up. Together they will create an environment in ersatz israeli citizens develop a self of entitlement so potent; that international demands are ignored.

  6. TRANSCEND MEDIA SERVICE » Are Israel’s Jews, Some of Them, on Their Way to Becoming Nazis?:

    [...] working to a Security Council background briefing, in the covert diplomacy of the search for peace.Go to Original – alanhart.netClick to share this article: facebook | twitter | email. Click here to download this article as a [...]

  7. Roberto Rodriguez:

    Dear Mr. Hart:
    I agree with you, except that I think it is unlikely (or impossible)a Holocaust II. A “great turning against Jews”, yes, but I believe that nothing even close or similar to the Holocaust.
    The turning against will be in the form of mistrust and even aversion, but excepcionally, violence.
    At least is what I see from the point of view of a Latin-American.

  8. William Smart:

    Jabotinsky was an agent for the Okhrana and had to leave Russia fast around the time of the 1917 Revolution. His military skills were of interest to the British but they were highly effective in Palestine in 1920. He and other Russians took up sticks (and a few guns), paraded and trained quite openly in Jerusalem and attacked the Christian/Muslim Easter Parade of Nabu Musa (sp?).

    After writing the Iron Wall (and being banished from Palestine as a thorough going menace) he is notable for being almost the only Zionist trying to pretend that the Palestinians would be able to stay in their homes. His real intentions are well recorded, however.

    Jabotinsky unexpectedly died in 1940. He has 57 parks and streets and memorials in Israel, more than any other “heroes” of Zionism.

  9. Vera Gottlieb:

    Stopping short of gas chambers??? The stench of Nazi-ism certainly is around – the tactics almost the same.

  10. Sandy Cheyne:

    An excellent article, and only in one aspect would I disagree with Mr. Hart. He mentions that the final ethnic cleansing of Palestine might convert the rising, global tide of anti-Israelism into classical anti-Semitism, bringing on Holocaust II. This must never be allowed to happen. Our enemy here is Zionism, not Israelism. Anti-Zionism is anti-racism, and as such is the exact opposite of anti-Semitism. Compare the situation with Nazi Germany. The defeat of the Nazi regime did not lead to anti-Germanism, if I may coin a term.

  11. diane arceneaux:

    thank you so much this evening for your comforting blog post.
    i have been seeing this happening right in front of our eyes. all i can do is shake my head. i don’t want anyone to suffer. that is what we have to let go of.

    normal in every other way…


  12. maryam:

    Anti-Israelism? My dear, it is anti-Zionism.

    Israel will destroy itself. The idea of a Jewish state was so wrong from Day One. Something that is wrong cannot last. It is eating itself alive as I write this. In its place will rise a single state of Palestine, where Jews, Christians and Muslims will live together just as they had done for thousands of years.

  13. Bob:

    Dr Hajo Meyer is quite right in his assessment of Zionism and how it’s Fascist values have been instilled in Israel’s population. With this popular belligerence within, and the recent UN Resolution, combined with the USA’s weakening economy (the (formerly) rich benefactor) I can see Israel’s position becoming untenable.
    OK the Nut Jobs might try and use their nukes and that could be a lot more catastrophic than when the AWB blew up Johannesburg International Airport.
    Alan concludes rightly about the Balfour Declaration: I think the rise of Hitler, World War 2 and the Holocaust were the next step to follow. No wonder some call it the Baal-Peor Declaration!

  14. Antonio:

    For the moment just this: Thanks Allan for Your article …

    Will come back …

  15. GPJA #446 (Part 3/3): International news & Analysis – 6/12/12 « GPJA's Blog:

    [...] Are Israel’s Jews, some of them, on their way to becoming Nazis? [...]