Is Peace (in Israel-Palestine) Possible?

* The man who did most to make peace possible on terms which any rational Israeli government and people would have accepted with relief was Yasser Arafat, which was why, from Zionism’s perspective, he had to be demonised and destroyed.

* The colonial enterprise that Zionism is has CORRUPTED everything it touched, beginning with the United Nations and including the media and Judaism. (That’s not an original Alan Hart comment. It was made to me in private conversation by a long-serving and very, very senior UN official who was respected by all governments, including those of Israel).

Here endeth my short summary of the truth of history. Why is it important that the citizens of nations be informed of it? My short answer is this. Our governments, the one in Washington DC especially, are never, ever going to use the leverage they have to call and hold Zionism to account unless and until they are pushed to do so by informed public opinion. THE problem throughout the Western world, and America especially, is that the citizens of nations, generally speaking, are too uninformed to do the pushing – because they’ve been conditioned by the media to accept a version of history which is simply not true.

And that’s why I devoted more than five years of my life to researching and writingZionism: The Real Enemy of the Jews. It’s a complete re-writing of the entire history of the conflict, replacing Zionist mythology with the documented facts and truth of history; and I’ve given events in the Middle East global context to show how all the pieces of the most complicated jig-saw puzzle fit together. My purpose is to empower the citizens of nations to become engaged in informed and honest debate – to DO the pushing to make democracy work for justice and peace. Before it’s too late for us all.

So why, really, is the media frightened of coming to grips with the truth of history as it relates to the making and sustaining of the Arab-Israeli conflict?

If I may, I’ll answer by reading a paragraph from the Preface to Volume Two of my book:

“On public speaking platforms to date I have given two answers. One is that editors who are hostages to commercial pressures fear that if they offended Zionism too much, they would be punished by the withdrawal of advertising, which in terms of lost revenue would be catastrophic for many if not all newspapers. The other (and this applies to the media in general, excluding only those who peddle Zionism’s line) is that they don’t want the hassle of being accused of anti-Semitism. The false charge of anti-Semitism is the blackmail card which the obscenity of the Nazi holocaust enables Zionism to play to silence criticism of its self-righteous and aggressive child, Israel, and to suppress informed and honest debate about who must do what and why if the countdown to catastrophe for all is to be stopped.

The bottom-line point is that rather than risk offending Zionism too much, the media CENSORS ITSELF. (Not quite always in the case of The Guardian- the newspaper Zionists most love to hate, and the Independent.But more often than not. And nobody does it better, self-censorship, than the BBC for domestic output. Its World radio Service is magnificent).

I go on to say that, in my view, there’s a third reason for the complicity of many if not all publishers, editors and politicians in the suppression of the truth of history. It is the unspeakable belief that the truth about the nature and behaviour of the Zionist state of Israel could provoke Holocaust II, shorthand for another great turning against Jews everywhere. … Now, if I may, another little reading from my Preface:

“I am driven by a totally opposite belief – that the only way to stop the monster of anti-Semitism going on the rampage again in a foreseeable future if Zionism continues to have its way, is by telling the truth of history, to show, among other things, why it is wrong to blame all Jews for what a minority have done and are doing, in the name of Zionism, in Palestine that became Israel. I have no doubt that publishers, editors and politicians who are complicit in the suppression of the truth of history honestly believe that they are serving the best interests of the Jews (as well as their own short-term vested interests). But to them all I say: You are wrong. Dangerously wrong. By refusing to come to grips with the truth of history and, in particular, the difference between Zionism and Judaism, and why it is perfectly possible to be passionately anti-Zionist without being anti-Semitic, you are helping to set up all Jews to be blamed for the crimes of the relative few.”

THE KEY to understanding is knowledge of the difference between Zionism and Judaism.

Zionism asserts that they are one and the same in order to make the charge, sometimes explicitly, sometimes by insinuation, that all criticism of

Israel is a manifestation of anti-Semitism.

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