Is terror an option for the occupied and oppressed Palestinians?

I think it’s probably not an exaggeration to say that the Palestinians of the occupied West Bank and the besieged Gaza Strip cannot have an electronic conversation or communication of any kind without being monitored. That’s in addition to the fact that the Palestinian communities of both territories are riddled with informers, Palestinians who have been turned into assets or spies for Israel’s security services, usually by threats of one kind or another. One threat often made to Palestinians wanted as informers by Israel’s security services is that their sisters or daughters or wives or mothers will be raped if they don’t do Zionism’s bidding.

Simply stated, the occupied and oppressed Palestinians no longer have the freedom necessary to plan, organize and execute a sustained campaign of terror. And that is a large part of the reason why most Israeli Jews are content with the status quo.

In my view the occupied and oppressed Palestinians have only one option – to continue with their incredible, almost super-human steadfastness, staying put and refusing to be de-humanized by their Israeli oppressors while not surrendering to Zionism’s will.

But to continue their sticks-and-stones struggle with nuclear-armed Greater Israel, the occupied and oppressed Palestinians need a reason to hope that they will one day obtain an acceptable amount of justice.

The only reason for hope that I can see is that a day will come when, because of the policies and actions of its self-righteous and deluded leaders, Israel will be a pariah state loathed, despised and perhaps even hated by just about the whole world.

If that day comes, it’s reasonable to assume that whoever is occupying the White House would have to say to Zionism’s in-Israel leaders and their lobby in America, “Enough is enough,” and then back his (or her) words with action, globally co-ordinated, to cause Israel, in exchange for real peace, to end its occupation of the West Bank, lift its siege of the Gaza Strip and complete its withdrawal from all Arab territory grabbed in 1967.

Is that too much for the Palestinians to hope for?

There is, of course, a case for saying that a viable two-state solution (even if it could be achieved) is not enough for the Palestinians to hope for because it would require them to accept that their right of return would be severely limited in terms of numbers. Behind closed doors Arafat and his senior leadership colleagues calculated that probably not more than 100,000 refugees would be able to return to the limited land space of a Palestinian mini state. The rest would have to settle for compensation. But that would not necessarily close the door to a greater measure of justice for the Palestinians.

The hope of Arafat the pragmatist was that a generation or two of peace based on a two-state solution would lead to the creation of one state by mutual consent, in which case the right of return, still on the agenda, would be more manageable.

Is that too much for all of us who want complete and full justice for the Palestinians to hope for?


In an article just posted on Redress Information and Analysis, Blake Alcott has argued that the two-state solution is a “Zionist solution” and is to be rejected because it leaves Zionism in being in one of them. To Blake and all those who think like him I say this. While I agree that peace based on one state with equal rights and security for all of its citizens is the only outcome that can provide the Palestinians with full justice, insistence on it for starters will most likely mean that the Palestinians get nothing, and that those of them who are occupied and oppressed will be the victims of a final Zionist ethnic cleansing.


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  1. rosemerry:

    Thanks Alan. I agree that most Israelis now, led by Netanyahu, continue to put “facts on the ground” to delay indefinitely, ever since the “Oslo agreement”, any chance of Palestinians getting any reasonable chance of a future. They hope many will get fed up and leave. Palestinians are very steadfast and determined, so this cannot work, but is easier than the alternatives. Israel is only able to go on with its cruelty because of support from the USA/UK/Europe/Canada/Australian governments and the misinformation given to their populations along with fearmongering about the dangers allegedly posed by Muslims among us as well as in their own lands.

  2. Roger Tucker:

    I linked to this piece on my site, as I usually do with anything Alan writes, with the following comment: “Another excellent piece by Alan Hart, but regarding the strategy of settling merely for a return to the pre-1967 borders, I continue to argue that it makes no sense to settle for the silver or the bronze when you can still go for the gold. Otherwise, you’re likely to wind up with nothing.”

  3. David Evans:

    It is my view that if this third option is pursued Tel Aviv will end up a radioactive crater in the foreseeable future.

  4. ontogram:

    While Israel gains ground in the WB (through legalized theft), it loses ground in the international community. Were it not for the US, Israel would have no friends anywhere. Israelis deserve to be shunned and, of course, this will lead them to more murder and confiscations. They deserve it because the left allowed Likud to carry the craziness of the “elect” into the real world and for this stupid belief to have real consequences. They deserve to be isolated for believing themselves to be “chosen” and superior to other peoples and to build a state on obvious stupidity.

    The thing that will work, really work is BDS and that is why Israel works tirelessly to undermine such efforts. True boycotts of Israeli goods and services would throw Israel into depression and the middle class will simply emigrate. Threatened with becoming just another impoverished ME country, Israel will come to the table for real, perhaps for the first time. This can work because it does not require the US government to buy into the program. Individuals alone can make it work by shunning anything Israeli, or even connected with Israel. If Americans and Europeans stop buying that idiotic SodaStream, the company will simply go bust, and be bailed out by the state which can ill afford such bailouts. The Israeli quality of life is ranked in the bottom half of developed nations and this quality would deteriorate quickly. A good portion of the mobile middle class has dual citizenship and are not opposed to resettling. The only Jews left will be Likud and Palestinians can simply roast them for lunch and nobody would interfere. The loathsome obnoxious Begin or the twerp terrorist Shamir or the pig Sharon. You can’t sustain a nation with such material. But then that’s just my opinion.

  5. Graham Griffiths:

    For a long time I’ve been of the opinion that I can’t see a solution to this depressing situation without bloodshed. Much as I deplore terrorism, it has to be conceded that it often brings results, as the article illustrate, not least with the example of the Zionists in 1948.

    I’ve read of the ruthless, blackmailing methods of the security services before, but I don’t recall any concrete proof. If we had more, it would be incumbent on supporters of Palestine to publicise this. BDS does indeed seem the best way forward but it needs this kind of information to counter the powerful Zionist hasbara. Otherwise the bloodbath I fear will one day happen. Never before in history has a people been oppressed in this way for ever.

  6. Vera Gottlieb:

    Whatever it takes! Wasn’t israel’s founding based on terror? Of course, in those days it wasn’t called ‘terrorism’. What hypocrisy.

  7. Ronald Douglas Kennedy:

    It’s long past time there Good Uncle’s took the keys and dollars away from this rouge raciest anti Semitics tribal group, denying there blood brothers equal right’s.

    We’re is the UN. international call for law order and democracy, supported by the USA. If not its nothing more then a grand play sham, As they continue to protect and feed the zionist call. Its all ours, the Chosen.

    Have any of you read “Wounded Veterans Are In Crisis your help is need now for our returning heroes”, Our Finest. How is it this sick play we’re in now, calls out paying the zionest bills. But our Senators & Congress, from the vary state’s our finest left, to wage these sham wars, they we’re lead in to. Will not take care of them now?

  8. Herman King:

    Why hasn’t Israel been declared a terrorist state? Because the USA, its enabler, is a terrorist state.

  9. pete:

    Israel,s goal is to take over the whole middle east and believe me with our help it can happen. It is not hard to see why so many other countries hate us. All in all nothing is going to change, Israel will thru their financial clout continue to buy whole governments {like our own for instance]. I certainly hope I am wrong but I doubt it. Lady Liberty,s breats are starting to sag and her eyes are getting the deep lines of a well used up whore, thanks to our wonderful ally nazi Israel.

  10. Rehmat:

    Under all international laws, the military resistance carried out by the occupied and oppressed native people against the foreign forces occupying their land are not classified as “terrorists”, but are recognized as “freedom fighters”. Palestinians, Afghans, Somalis, Chechens, Philippinos, etc. are all freedom fighters.

    Now, if these natives have excess to F16s, tanks, missiles, and other modern conventional and nuclear arsenals – and they use it against civilians as the Israeli and American forces use it – these resistance militia groups can rightfully be called “terrorists”.

    Shyam Chand, a former minister of Haryana state (India) and author of “Saffron Fascism” – in his article Terrorism Inc.: Nexus between CIA and Mossad, published in Mainstream Weekly, November 16, 2008 – stated: “How is that Zionist Americans and Israeli Jews are connected to so many things involving murders, single and plural? How is that the same Israeli security firm was incharge of all 9/11 airports as well as the London Tube and Madrid train station at the time of attack? Informed research points the finger of accusation to the same group of people. It turns out that the number of people murdered makes the Holocaust Industry victims bigger killers than victims……. Fone Fakers were invented by CIA and Mossad before 9/11 which was an inside job of both of them. The same Fone Fakers are used in India. Innocent people are arrested on the basis of calls made through these Fone Fakers…… Not only the nexus between the RSS and Mossad worth investigation, our defence co-operation with Israel needs reconsideration before the ominous shadow of Mossad falls on our defence forces.”

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