Israel-Palestine: THE question

The short answer is that Zionism conditioned them to believe that the world has always hated Jews and always will, and that’s why, Zionism asserted, it must do whatever is necessary, without question, to preserve the “Jewish state” as a refuge of last resort for all Jews.

One of many truths about Zionism is that it needs anti-Semitism in order to justify its policies and actions. (In recent weeks I have been monitoring the comments on a number of web sites and I have come to the conclusion that Zionist assets are most probably the originators of much of the anti-Semitic poison that is spewed out).

The problem today as I understand it is that what became in my opinion (as stated above) an irrational fear in many Jewish minds is in the process of being transformed into a rational fear. That’s quite a complicated thought and I’ll now do my best to explain what I mean.

What we witnessing in the world today, provoked by Israel’s policies and actions in defiance of international law and UN Security Council resolutions, is a rising tide of anti-Israelism or anti-Zionism (meaning opposition to Zionism’s colonial enterprise). Contrary to what Zionism is seeking to make the Jews of the world believe, criticism of Israel’s policies and actions is not by definition a manifestation of anti-Semitism, but… There is a very real danger that anti-Israelism or anti-Zionism could be transformed into anti-Semitism.

The implication seems to me to be this. Throughout most if not all of the second half of the 20th century there was an opportunity for European and North American Jews to let reason be their guide and conclude that they were not going to need Israel as a refuge of last resort. If they had come to that conclusion, they would have been free to acknowledge the wrong done to the Palestinians by Zionism; and that acknowledgement could have opened the door to a real peace process.

But not now. The days when that could have happened are gone. The more Israel becomes isolated and perceived as a pariah state, and the more successful Zionism is at convincing most Jews of the world that what is happening is an indicator that anti-Semitism will be going on the rampage again, the more likely it is that the need of most Jews to keep their minds closed to the truth of history will be reinforced.

Last question for now.

Is there nothing that can be done to cause the closed minds of most Jews to be opened, at least to the point of acknowledging the wrong done to the Palestinians by Zionism?

If the answer is “No” I think the future is predictable – a final Zionist ethnic cleansing of Palestine followed by Holocaust II, shorthand for another great turning against the Jews. In that event what I call the greatest paradox in all of human history would be clear to all. The Zionist state was created to save the Jews from anti-Semitism but became, as many Jews prior to the Nazi holocaust feared would be the case, the agency that provoked anti-Semitism. (And that’s why I insisted on Zionism: The Real Enemy of the Jews being the title of my book, even though it is about much, much more than that title suggests).

In the past I have touched on something that could be done to assist the Jews of the world, European and American Jews especially, to open their closed minds. I called for a New Covenant, not between the Jews and their God but between the Jews and the Gentiles.

For their part of the deal, and to assist Jews to see that they didn’t need Israel as a refuge of last resort, the Gentiles would commit to slaying the monster of anti-Semitism. An undertaking to let the monster die in its sleep would not be good enough, I said. There would have to be evidence that a stake was being driven into its heart.

For their part of the deal the Jews of the world would commit to making common cause with those of all faiths and none who were calling and campaigning for peace based on justice for the Palestinians with security for all.

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