Israel-Palestine: THE question

When I look at that idea in writing it seems trite. But perhaps it’s better than no idea.


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  1. Richard Steven Hack:

    This is human nature: always make the one move in an attempt to fix a problem that immediately creates even worse problems

    You can set your clock by it…

  2. Bob:

    The problem many Jews have is a product of how they have been conditioned by their peers in the diaspora. This is something that has been going on over a long time. Peer Pressure and Denial: A Them against Us thing. I remember once a UK Rabbi said something to the effect of “…the Holocaust was brought about by…something within the Jewish people…”. Many people who are conditioned to be abused go on to become abused, abusers themselves or both.
    Do we see any signs of an awakening amongst many Jews or is it being suppressed by the Zionist supporting media? There are Anti-Zionist Jewish groups but they may as well not exist when one listens to mainstream media. Or are they too receiving Zionism’s “Treatment”?

  3. Ted:

    Then there are the religious Jews who claim that “the deed for our land is the Torah.” This land belongs to the Jews as it was given by god and all others are not only not welcome but they can be expelled and killed and this is happening today. The there is the unconditional support of the USA and the zionist lobby there composed mainly of evangelical christians.

  4. Rehmat:

    There are many reasons that the Zionist governments and media don’t want the general public to know the truth – which is that Zionist and Nazi leaders share the same bed for years. One has to read Rabbi Wolf Gunther Plaut’s 1990 book, “The Man Who Would Be Messiah” – or Hannah Arendt’s 1963 bppk, “Eichmann in Jerusalem” to find out the truth.

  5. rosemerry:

    Antisemitism has been around for a long time, as have all sorts of racism and distrust of “the other”. However, many Jews see any criticism as inherently antisemitic, and see no link between their attitude and the response. When a group treats all others as inferior, and resents any observation eg that the vast majority of media, finance and other US/UK businesses are Jewish owned, then extends this assumption of antisemitism to any criticism of the “Jewish State of Israel” the situa

  6. Andrew E. Mathis:

    Two of your premises are wrong. The first is that most Jews don’t acknowledge the ethnic cleansing of Palestinians between 1947 and 1949 from what became Israel. Most in fact do acknowledge it. Those that are Zionists will usually justify it as somehow necessary or will quickly point out an equal number of Sephardi and Mizrachi Jews expelled from their own countries at around the same time. Second, I take issue with your statement that this ethnic cleansing was done “in the name of all Jews everywhere.” If your meaning is that the Zionists did these things claiming to represent all Jews, then fine. But if your indication is that these actions were a priori approved of by all Jews everywhere, then you’re wrong.