Palestinian people power – could it be a game-changer?

For what purpose? When they got as far as they could go, they would demand that the governments of the world do whatever is necessary to oblige Israel to stop defying international law and end its illegal occupation of the West Bank and its criminal blockade of the Gaza Strip.

Such an event would demand and command the attention of the world’s media, and it’s by no means impossible that the coverage would light a fire of understanding throughout the Western world; understanding of the fact that the nuclear-armed Zionist state of Israel is the aggressor, the land thief and the oppressor and that the Palestinians are its victims. Such a fire, if it was lit, could trigger a people power response in the Western nations that would make it impossible for Western governments, even the one in Washington D.C., to go on supporting Israel right or wrong.

If Israel’s leaders were stupid enough to order the IDF to break up and disperse the Palestinian marchers by shooting to kill, there would be a bloodbath. In that event it’s possible, in my view probable, that the fire of understanding the Palestinians had lit in the Western world would become an inferno of anti-Israelism that would force Western governments, including the one in Washington D.C., to call and hold the Zionist state to account for its crimes.

Though it would further isolate Israel and America, I don’t think a UN General Assembly resolution recognizing a Palestinian state in 1967 borders would change the facts on the ground. But if a vote in the General Assembly was taken against the background of the demonstration of Palestinian people power as outlined above, that could be a game-changer.

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  1. Finn Nielsen:

    Mr. Hart you are correct.

    We should not forget what Gandhi’s Salt March to the Sea showed the British Empire to be.

    We should neither forget the long training that preceded the Salt March.

    Do you have a leader for a Long March to the Borders ?

  2. syed mehdi hasan ashraf:

    Past experiences of jews forces majority of them into dis trusting not only muslims but people from other faith also.This dis trust is so strong that they can not see beyond a circle that they have created to safeguard rhemselves from being harmed by non jews.
    In my opinion world has no solution to offer to this conflict,judging by many half hearted solutions we read and heared.Frankly we are only waiting
    for intervention from our creator.

  3. Vera Gottlieb:

    What I’ve been saying for quite some time already: fight fire with fire – in israel/Palestine or any other place.

  4. Steve Naidamast:


    As a military historian who is also extensively read on the Israeli-Palestinian issue, I do not completely agree that what would basically be a massive protest would work successfully to the benefit of the Palestinians. With the nut-jobs in the US Congress along with a terribly spineless president, there is little to spur them in aiding the Palestinian cause to any extent no matter what they do. For the most part they will ignore it in the same fashion they always do by exclaiming to the world that Israel has the right to defend itself. And forget the UN; it is just as spineless as Obama.

    As a military historian I am also an analyst of strategies and tactics and in any such confrontation the most opportune point for a good strategy or tactic is to strike where the opponent least expects it. And by now, Israel most likely very much expects such a show of “People Power” by the Palestinians.

    No, I suggest the complete opposite. If Israel doesn’t want peace as much as we all know she doesn’t, than we should bloody well give it to her in spades. The Palestinians should all agree to give up their lands to a Greater Israel on the basis that Israel ensures their transition to new home countries in the region where they will be provided immediate citizenship or at the very least working residencies, shelter, education and jobs to be able to support their families.

    Given that at this juncture the Palestinians will never see their former lands again, be provided their own rite of return, let alone their own national dignity on such a pittance of land that may or may not be granted in time, you have to ask yourself exactly what are the Palestinians fighting for any longer? Their best option, the use of concerted terrorism is long past leaving them to be nothing more than a large annoyance to the Israeli state.

    By surrendering and leaving so publicly it is highly doubtful that the anyone of any nationality will want to have anything to do with such a racist nation again. As far as the Americans are concerned, well the Israeli Firsters over here are all whack-jobs including those in Congress and their Evangelical Supporters. They won’t have any idea what to do either when “all the Jews return to Israel” and Jesus doesn’t make his appearance…

    I believe when the Palestinians finally give up their fight, only then will Israel collapse since it is this fight right now that is the single thing holding it up.

    A long time ago, Amos Elon, an Israeli sociologist wrote that Israel wouldn’t have any idea what to do with real peace if it was ever proffered to her… and that was in the 1960s. Considering that Israel is nothing more than racist war-monger now, she would know even less…
    Trust me, Israel will not know what the fuck to do then!

  5. Arthur Lloyd:

    People Power! What people? The Jews are the people with the power. And as was admitted in this post had the Palestinians been as ruthless as the Jews this story might have had a different outcome. And as Alan meticulously inscribed in his book, Zionism,to me,is only a by-product of the people. I would use his book as my “Brief” presented to the “World Court” to support the case that we,”gentiles”, are dealing with a pathological entity. His book has eliminated any room for “Conspiracy Theory” .
    He has driven a wedge into the “Subterfuge” of the Middle East and each post will aid in its enlightenment.

    Their quest;land rather than peace. Their use of terrorism to drive out the British after WWII. The way they are treating the Palestinians today in their own land;Is this not pathological considering they use the “Holocaust” as their ploy. Palestine is an example of how the Jews would treat the rest of the world if they get their own way. Remember Gilad Atzmon’s remarks about the Book of Ester. Very important. The Jews had the Romans kill Christ and now they are attempting to manipulate the US.

    As Mr. Hart reminds us of the Zionist Stooges in Congress,which is true, lets look at the American Government. Rahm Emanuel is now Mayor of Chicago.

    The US. is using Depleted Uranium in their munitions,”WMD”. They are contaminating parts of the world deliberately. Thousands of American Soldiers have died because of its use in the gulf war. The Jews first used it against the Egyptians,1967.
    Is this not pathological? I recommend you read this account of the same people we are dealing with. The Eight Families; And the same people corrupted the Catholic Church. Visit American Academia;95% Liberal Graduates;76% . Students graduate every year and the country is going down the tube.

    One of the comments made in your interview with Norman Finkelstein was that the Jews do well and are proud of this. I contend it is not an even playing field. They definitely have proven their attitudes and beliefs are certainly different than Christians and all to them are gentiles. To prove my point here is a post by Gilad Atzsmon. I’m sure much of this attitude is blended into their philosophy. As Gilad commented they have not had a new book from 70BC. until the 18th Century.

    For me your book explicitly outlines the differences in philosophies. The question is how do we reconcile with a people whose ideology is based on the old testament,waiting for the Messiah,but whose attitude that everyone else other then Jews, is irrelevant.
    It is a problem that must be resolved or Have we come Historically “Full Circle”? One exception. If the globalist,”One World Order”, succeed,then there will be no problem. The world will be one secular or atheistic world if it survives a WWIII.

    Oh Yes,about Norway. Another 9/11 only a wee bit smaller.