Rosenberg’s rubbishing of BDS misses the point

But let me end this piece on a positive note. Properly presented the case for One State is not only about the need to stop the countdown to catastrophe for all, it is also truly inspirational. Though I will be ridiculed and abused by rabid anti-Semites for stating it, the following is the essence of the case.

The Jews, generally speaking, are the intellectual elite of the Western world. The Palestinians, generally speaking, are the intellectual elite of the Arab world. Together in peace and partnership in one state they could change the region for the better and, by so doing, give new hope and inspiration to the whole world.

If that vision or something very like it was promoted by the BDS Movement, I think its critics and detractors would be exposed for the irrelevance they are.




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  1. Rehmat:

    M.J. Rosenberg, a typical Zionist propagandist who prefers to live in self-denial. BDS has never called for the boycott of goods manufactured in Israel established on stolen Palestinian land in 1948. Almost all the Jewish activists at BDS have openly said that Israel has the right to exist. Some of them do believe that Palestinians who were lucky to escape the Jewish terrorist militias in 1948-49, have the right to return to their homes in Israel or fully compensated for their losses.

    Dr. Finkelstein, who like Rosenberg is against BDS, however, told RT’s Abbe Martin that Palestinian will make no gains by negotiating with the US or Israel.

  2. ontogram:

    Zionism is the root cause of the violence of the ME and it is Zionism that must be defeated totally and completely. History will do this. The Palestinians simply need to survive to win. Zionist Israel was outdated from its inception and it will not survive. For all their power in the region and in the US, the Zionists cannot win. The Jewish people are not about to provide the demographics needed even for interim survival, historically speaking. In fact, one more generation and American Jews will not give a shit about Israel at all. Then what? The Zionists will continue as a power block, but essential backing will erode.

  3. Mohamed Salem:

    the BDS movement impact is mostly in driving the Palestine tragedy into western debate no matter it’s effect on the israel’s economy.In fact Israeli economy lives parasitically on the economies of rich countries: subsidies, theft of technology, mobility of human resources, money laundering …

  4. David:

    Mr. Hart correctly states that “…Jews are from many different homelands, with very few of them having any biological connection to the ancient Hebrews….” Given this fact, he then asks “how could they, all Jews everywhere, have had a ‘right’ to self-determination IN PALESTINE…?” Let’s be clear. Even if 19th, 20th and 21st century CE foreign Jews could trace their ancestry back to the biblical Hebrews (whose United Kingdom, for the record, lasted a mere 73 years, i.e., less than a blip), they would still not have had the “right” to pour into historic Palestine, violently dispossess and expel the native Palestinian/Arab inhabitants in order to create an exclusionary/expansionary “Jewish state.”

    In short, foreign Jews have/had no more right to Palestine than Irish Catholics or Mexican atheists, i.e., none whatsoever.

  5. Daniel Harari:

    It is quite funny, the way “human-rights-watchers” focus on Israel, (even claiming it is the root of all violence in ME as ontogram said) while all around us arabs are murdered by other arabs by the hundred-thousands.
    So of course BDS is after Israel itself and not the “occupied territories” (who are the occupied from? Egypt? Jordan? when has a country named Palestine ever exited?)
    “… If the Zionist state is not dismantled and eradicated it will most likely take the region and quite possibly the world to hell.” – are you kidding?! a state of 7 million people (1.5 of which are equal rights arab citizens) taking the world to Hell?! not china, not saudi arabia, not Iran, Iraq … not Syria!!!
    oh boy, being an antisemite really messes with your mind.
    best regards

  6. Graham Griffiths:

    Ah! First time I’ve seen one of these Zionist apologists on this site, Mr Harari. It’s usually on other board that I see this tired old accusation of anti-Semitism against anyone who criticises Israel. And how do some of you lot manage to convince yourselves that a ‘country named Palestine never existed’? There are scores of maps and references in books from the 30s and earlier that refer to the country, as well as hundreds of thousands of people whose families had lived there for centuries before Ben Gurion’s forces forcibly evicted them.