The World and Israel: Complicity in Zionism’s Crimes and Why

My wife and I were taken to meet the Carters by one of  their Zionist lobby minders. When he closed the doors behind the five of us he was clearly assuming that he would sitting with us and would be able to report back to his masters what had been said. Jimmy  raised his left hand in a stop gesture and said to the minder: “Please leave us. Rosalynn and I want to be alone with Alan and Nicole.”

When I zeroed in on why Carter had surrendered to Dayan and Begin and torn up the joint US-Soviet Declaration, I said there was speculation at the time that he had been told he could forget about being re-elected for a second term if he required Israel to make what its leaders would regard as unacceptable moves for peace.

I then said to Carter that I didn’t buy the notion that the threat to withdraw Jewish campaign funds and votes would have been sufficient to cause him to back down. He was, I went on, less than 10 months into his first term, had probably factored the traditional Zionist blackmail threat into his own equation, and concluded that the peace he was confident he could deliver, with Soviet assistance, would win him the support of most Jewish Americans, enabling him to put the Zionist lobby out of business.

I rounded off by saying with a smile, “Mr. President, if you had been allowed to deliver peace, the constitution might have been changed to give you a third term in office!”

Carter smiled and said my speculation that a threat to deny him a second term would not have been enough to blow him of course was essentially correct. He then went on to tell me the essence of the threat that Dayan had actually presented to him.

If he pushed Israel too far, Begin would let the IDF of the leash in the region and it would, among other things, invade Lebanon with two objectives – liquidating the PLO and taking for keeps Lebanese territory south of the Litani River.

Carter was, of course, fully aware that such a demonstration of Israel’s arrogance of power would de-stabilize the region and might well put a comprehensive peace beyond reach for all time.

As told to me by Carter, Dayan’s final flourish was this.


Mr. President you must know that my prime minister is mad. He could even bomb the Gulf oil wells.


Another truth Carter revealed to me was that any American president has only two windows of opportunity to confront the Zionist lobby – the first nine months of his first term because after that the fund raising for the mid-term elections begins, and the last year of his second term if he has one. (In the last year of his second term President Obama has washed his hands of the conflict in and over Palestine that became Israel and walked away from it).

Reinforcing the fear that all Western (and other) leaders have of confronting the Zionist (not Jewish) state is their knowledge, which they will never admit to having, of why, really, Israel possesses nuclear weapons. They know that Israel’s leaders were driven to acquire them not for defence but the need to have a nuclear blackmail card, to enable them to say to any American president, “Don’t push us too far or we’ll use these things!

In my book I quote Dayan admitting this to me by obvious implication in a conversation I had with him in 1969.

When I add to that what Prime Minister Golda Meir said to me in an interview for the BBC’s Panorama programme – in a doomsday situation Israel  would be prepared “to take the region and the world down with it” – I think that only one conclusion is invited.

The complicity by default of Western (and other) leaders in Zionism’s crimes will be never ending because Israel is, as it has long been, a nuclear-armed monster beyond control.


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