There would have been “something wrong” if the US had NOT bugged Netanyahu!

Dayan was aware of that possible scenario and that’s why he ordered Israeli forces to attack the Liberty, killing 34 of its crew and wounding 171 as well as taking out its listening and communicating facilities. He needed the Johnson administration to be deaf to what he intended before it was too late for it to stop him.

I have often written and said that with enemies like the Arabs (regimes and elites) Israel doesn’t need friends.

I think it can also be said that with friends like the leaders of the Zionist (not Jewish) state of Israel, America doesn’t need enemies.

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  1. confoundmeonce:

    It would be Very Short-sighted ( to say the Least ! ) If Anything B.Netty Said..Was not Monitored by Our ”Secret Service>>>. For After all, What does This Guvmt. Have That Tells it.. That Anything From That Direction Could Ever be Trusted ?? After all. Everyone Knows “Isreal’ stole ”Secrets” from Our Guvmt. since DAY_One.’ How can b.Netty Get in a Huff When He GETS The SAME treatment ?? We Would be Crazy to Not Monitor Every Move he Makes..For He Can`t be relied on..To Tell the Truth. NO Apologies, b. Netty ! You will Get Exactly What YOU deserve.

  2. confoundmeonce:

    AND, to Add To.. What Is obviously How IT REALLY IS.. I Must Say ‘ Congress members…Who the hell do you think you are..that you can carry on Secret Conversations with b. Netty ( As though he was your President..And that this ”entity” they call isreal.. we know Some OF YOU.. [Obvious Traitors To This USA] are sucking up to as though That was YOUR State >>> Not The USA. and worse yet, doing so while Employed By This Nations` citizens…( Who are Paying your Salary ..Plus All of your ”Perks”)… is hypocrisy of the highest order. Resign now, or be removed (and exposed as traitors ) by utilizing our ‘democratic means’ the Voting Booths! You cannot ‘Serve’ to the best interests of This Country.. the USA…pretending an Alliance…. While Giving abeyance to Any Other… State. Since you Think it is AOK to Be “double-dealers…Then, by all means..MOVE YOUR worthless hineys >> To That Place they Named ISreal.
    Anyone have any objections To THIS ??

  3. Ronald Douglas Kennedy:

    Right on point. The past history in the book, Assault On The Liberty, James M. Ennes, JR. reveals the treachery of this Zio controlled state in 1967. Directly leading to the death of 34 Americans,and hear in house American traitors as helpers. Question will the intelligence reports now, just be muddied, delayed, or just lost?

    pages, 75. USS Saratoga launches . Ready Jets armed with tactical Nuclear missiles. Recalled, then rearmed with conventional air to air missiles. As also the USS. America is [ p. 91]. And then she is also left to sit on there deck’s. With a total of 140 Fighter plains waiting to defend the Liberty. some 30 minuets later the Liberty is Torpedoed, Killing the majority of those killed. On this day of zio treachery.

    How deep is the zio infection in our American Government at this time, Will country A. be contracted to debug, them selves?

  4. Rehmat:

    Of course there was something fishy otherwise Jewish group wouldn’t have slammed the kosher president Obama.

    The joke is, Israel has the largest espionage network in United States including the White House and at NSA. Not only, Israel has bugged American presidents’ conversations with world leaders abroad, Israeli Mossad has record of using its Honey traps to lure presidents Lyndon Johnson and Bill Clinton. On Tuesday, GOP frontrunner, anti-Muslim billionaire Donald Trump brought Bill Clinton’s sex affair with Jewish Monica Lewinsky and Paula Jones into presidential campaign.

    “You look at whether it’s Monica Lewinsky or Paula Jones or many of them. That certainly will be a fair game. Certainly if they play the woman game with respect to me, that will be a fair game,” Trump said at NBC’s Today show.

    Let’s be fair to Donald Trump. In the past, his ex-wife Ivana Trump accused her husband of raping her. Her daughter Ivanka Trump, 34, after long sexual relation with Jewish real estate Mughal, Jared Kushner, converted to Judaism to marry him in 2009. In 2013, she donated $40,000 to Sen. Cory Booker’s (D-NJ) campaign. The anti-Iran Rabbi Shmuley Boteach, in an Op-Ed at Huffington Post (August 2015) called Booker as one of his “soul-friend” and called him by his first name throughout. The rabbi also urged Booker to drop his support for Barack Obama over US-Iran nuclear deal.

  5. nELSON wIGHT:

    Sometime, somehow, Justice must come…and Netanyahu and Zionism go down!

  6. John Webster:

    The British Government has recently succumbed to the Zionist lobby to ‘redefine’ antisemitism from being a racist crime (mainly committed by right wing individuals) to a ‘political’ antisemitism that would brand people as being antisemitic if they are critical of Israel. This is part of the attack on those who know what is going on in the area – and support Palestinian rights. To do this is desperate. The Tories and right wing Labour in the UK have done it to ‘weaponise’ antisemitism as tool against the left and those who support Palestinians. It will fail and will lead to many Jewish people, already critical of Israel, finally deserting it.