Understanding the real significance TODAY of the Nazi holocaust

Question: What must happen if there is ever to be enough political space in America for informed and honest debate which includes criticism and condemnation of the policies and actions of Israel’s leaders?

In my view what is most needed is a president with the courage to say something very like the following to the Jews, not only his fellow Americans who are Jewish but the Jews of the world. “The persecution you suffered on and off down the centuries and which climaxed with the obscenity of the Nazi holocaust IS NOT A JUSTIFICATION FOR ZIONSIM’S PERSCUTION OF THE PALESTINIANS IN THE NAME OF YOU ALL.”

If I was drafting a presidential speech which contained those words or something very like them, I would add this. “It is time for all of us to say that we reject Zionism’s implicit assertion that the Nazi holocaust justified its ethnic cleansing of Palestine and still justifies its oppression of the occupied Palestinians, and that we are no longer going to be blackmailed into silence by Zionism’s use and abuse of the holocaust.”


I am fascinated by the fact that some of those who display their loathing and hatred of Jews while denying the Nazi holocaust in the comment spaces of web sites, the Veterans Today site in particular, seem to be speaking from the same script. That makes me entertain the thought that the script they are working from was provided by Zionism, and that they are, in reality, Zionist assets. That’s by no means impossible because, as I have previously noted, Zionism needs anti-Semitism. The more anti-Semitism there is slurping around web sites, the less likely it is that Zionism will be called and held to account for its crimes. It would not surprise me if that is Zionism’s calculation.


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  1. maryam:

    Fantastic piece, Alan, and your footnote speaks volumes. I’m fed up of trying to make people understand this basic concept. I’m sharing this widely.

  2. Bob:

    One can conclude that the promoted story of the Nazi Holocaust is and was always a Zionist asset. No mention is ever made of the killing of homosexual people, trade union activists, disabled people etc.
    Of course the atrocities committed daily and through history by Israeli forces (which have amounted to a Holocaust of the Arab peoples) are quiely snuffed out by a compliant global mass media.

  3. Roberto:

    From Venezuela, I have the same impression: “Zionism needs anti-Semitism. The more anti-Semitism there is slurping around web sites, the less likely it is that Zionism will be called and held to account for its crimes.”

  4. Rolf Schmid:

    Der Alan,
    my compliments for this excellent article.
    Unfortunately You did not touch the since decades ongoing scientific controversy about the existence of Gas chambers.
    But everything else is “a point”, particularly Your draft for a speech of an US president which is overdue but will most probably not happen soon.

  5. Rehmat:

    No one denies the fact that the Jews did suffer under Nazi regime – but so did Gypsies, Christians and atheists. Professor Norman Finkelstein in his book, ‘The Holocaust Industry’ has quoted his mother. a holocaust survivor, that Jews did not have monopoly over the Holocaust. She said that many other people went through their Holocausts – American Natives, Afro-American, Korean, Vietnamese – and “now Palestinians are going through their Holocaust”.

    Interestingly, many Jewish historians ha questioned the figure, “Six Million Died”, which began as “Eleven Million Died”.

    Former Toronto Chief Rabbi and President of Canadian Jewish Congress, an Israeli lobby group, Rabbi Wolf Gunther Plaut (died 2012) in his 1990 book, ‘The Man Who Would Be Messiah’ admitted that Holocaust was committed by Frankist Jews. The book’s ‘Foreward’ was written by no other than Elie Weisel, the father of ‘holocaust culture’. Weisel did not disagree with Rabbi Plaut.


  6. Gene:

    Yes, Alan, your final paragraph say it all. But you are not the first to make this call. In George Steiner’s controversial novel (1981), “The Portage to San Cristobal of A.H.”, he makes the same points by having Hitler in his final speech say; “Perhaps I AM the Messiah, the true Messiah, the new Sabbatai whose famous deeds were allowed by God in order to bring His people home. ‘The Holocaust was the necessary mystery before Israel could come into its strength.’” …. “I took my doctrines from you. I fought the blackmail of the ideal with which you have hounded mankind. My crimes were matched and surpassed by those of others. The REICH begat Israel.”

    And today, Zionism continues along the same path.

  7. Vera Gottlieb:

    It wasn’t the Arabs/Muslims who killed 6 million Jews – so why take it out on them? And the more the Zionists pursue their ethnic cleansing of Palestine, the more anti-Semitism we’ll have. To many people anti-Semitism, anti-israel or anti-Zionism are one and the same. ‘Never again’ but it seems to depend on which cultural/religious group you belong.

  8. dodo:

    the elimination of most of the native Indians of America, for example.

    Not to mention what’s being done, right now, as we speak, to the Australian Aborigines. Nobody seems ever to remenber them (except me and John Pilger?)
    Other than this, well done,Alan, as usual.

  9. Peter Presland:

    There are two linked and over-arching reasons why the details of the Jewish Holocaust should be subjected to renewed vigorous, non-partisan, and honestly sceptical forensic historical inquiry:

    1. In the Western world, to take part in such inquiry, or to provide succour of any kind to it, is to commit career suicide in public, professional, scientifc or academic life. In Germany over the past 20 years or so, no fewer that 270,000 people have been convicted under its so-called ‘Hate Laws’ – alleged to be directed at so-called ‘Neo-NAZIs’ but in reality simply a crude political/judicial sledge-hammer to prevent any such honest inquiry. Many of those so convicted have served extended prison terms (David Irving, Günter Deckert, Germar Rudolf, spring readily to mind). In the same country a list of over 20,000 books is maintained; to publish, promote or sell any of them in the Federal Republic is a criminal offence; they are forbidden from schools, universities and public libraries, and destroyed when found (Shades of Farenheit 451 eh? – but real in 21st century ‘freedom-loving’ Germany and much of Western Europe. What are they REALLY afraid of? Is the truth REALLY so dangerous??

    2. The current official narrative of “The Holocaust” (which your piece very effectively defends with its selective, uncontextualised evidence) has become the rigidly enforced founding dogma of the Zionist State. In that respect it has taken on the attributes of all such dogma; Pace medieval Catholicism, on pain of excommunication and all other sanctions/punishments available to the righteous against their enemies – IT MUST BE BELIEVED, or else.

    None of the above should be taken as defending the Third Reich in any way whatsoever. It’s confused, anti-science dogma of Germanic racial purity and superiority was offensive in the extreme; as was its treatemnt of the Jews, whether or not the ‘official narrative’ is accurate in all its detail. However, what obligatory adherence to that official narrative DOES do, is provide very effective cover for the Zionist State to behave in ways little different to those of the NAZIs. It also hides the extent to which the Jews of Western Europe had become genuinely hated by the non-Jewish majority during Hitler’s rise to power. Such hatred was certainly not confined to Germany, and to raise a mysterious, not-to-say allegedly spontaneous, ‘anti-semitism’, with the Jews as eternal victims, is simply an anti-intellectual cannard which prevents serious inquiry into whether or not the actual behaviour and loyalties of Jewish populations may have had a bearing on the matter. Again, the detailed truth can only be inquired into on pain of those dreaded sanctions.

    The truth is never welcome by powerful interests if it threatens their official narratives. The fact that such massively disproportionate sanctions are invoked against those questioning this particular ‘Official Narrative’ should be a bright flashing red beacon to honest people; and the plain fact that it is not (yet??) makes me pessimisic and fearful for the future.

    To paraphrase Joseph Goebels: ‘The mass of the population is infinately gullible and always easy to manipulate to the required world view. The Zionist State certainly learned his lessons well.

  10. Kevin Boyle:

    So you confirm your belief in the Nazi human gas chambers by something SAID to you by a survivor who described OTHER PEOPLE removing corpses from ‘gas chambers’.

    Where are these people?

    This issue is fairly new to me as I, like the vast majority of people, have never had an anti-Jewish thought in my life (your equivalence of doubting the existence of these gas chambers to the alleged mass gassing itself is pretty damned offensive).

    The first place police and courts go when examining evidence for a crime is not assertion but PHYSICAL EVIDENCE. Unfortunately for the human gas chambers narrative there is none. Not a single piece. The Arolsen archive states clearly that “there is no evidence that a single person died from gassings in the camps of WW2.” The walls of the alleged gas chamber at Auschwitz has been chemically tested for ferrocyanide content and found, by different researchers, to contain 2-3 parts per million (like the washrooms, dormitories and kitchens). The genuine (delousing) gas chamber [a 10 cubic metre sealed space that really did and still does exist] still has 5000 parts per million ferrocyanide in its walls, which are also stained a deep turquoise, unlike the alleged gas chamber (a young Jew, David Cole, revealed this to the world in 1992 in a documentary that can still be seen on YouTube for anyone who cares).
    The official figures (recorded by the camp authority) of deaths at Auschwitz and other camps, released after the fall of the Soviet Union in 1990, show two great peaks of deaths due to typhus. The first peak in August/September 1941 caused the building of new crematoria (as bodies could not be buried at Auschwitz because the camp is at the confluence of three rivers and the water-table is much too high there).
    The Bletchley park intercepts that captured communications between the camps and the Nazi leadership confirm this information. Could the Nazis not even be honest with each other at this time when they still expected to win the war?
    After September 1941 the death rate at Auschwitz fell back to normal levels.
    The German ‘death books’ and the Red Cross records of the time both put death rates in the low tens of thousands, not the millions and terrible though these places were, the nightmare scenario of Satanic evil and deliberate human sacrifice is not supported by the PHYSICAL evidence at all. Not one bit.

    It is the ‘gas chambers’ that give the Holocaust its truly religious power. The sacrifice of Christ has been displaced by the sacrifice of ‘The Jewish People’ at Auschwitz. Easter is ‘Holocaust Memorial Day’. St. Peters Rome is Yad Vashem. The ‘Holocaust museeums are Cathedrals of remembrance…….and thus Zionist, the instrument of the elite that they use to progress their globalist agenda is magnificently empowered.

    The great talent of the Jewish Rabbibical/banking leadership over the centuries has been to terrorise their own people into a kind of group enslavement by making them believe that everyone else hates them, when the truth is people hate it when they realise that they have been taken over by an enemy within (a grouping following supremacist Talmudic ideology that ordinary Jews, like the rest of us, are brainwashed into supporting). Ordinary Jews are like the rest of us only more so. Their history and this particular voodoo element in it, tends to make them ultra loyal to the government that they believe (falsely) is protecting them.

    Gas chambers either existed or they didn’t and confessions extracted under torture or what A said to B just will not do. All the real evidence contradicts their existence yet powers-that-be and people like you still abuse individuals who raise perfectly reasonable objections to this truly terrible tale, the greatest and most destructive lie ever sold to humanity.

    I am trying to defend the lives of my children and their children from the elite warmongers of this world who give us perpetual war (because we so love humanity, of course), who will not tolerate any questioning of the Holocaust meme (it is some truth, is it not, that cannot be debated openly in the public domain?) Rather like 9/11 and 7/7, regarding the big events that change history (very much for the worse), the official lies MUST be accepted.

    And LIES they are Mr. Hart. It was the absolutely Satanic 9/11 lie (the physics proves it) that lead me to the Holocaust issue.

    I bought and read your book, Ziomnism the Enemy of The Jews, and thought you a great man.

    But you have swallowed the camel. You are an enemy within. You cover up the greatest lie of all. You are a gatekeeper. A covert supporter of the enemy that will destroy us all. You are worse than the transparent liars because you pose as one of us, an true enemy of Zionist.

    But you support its greatest and most powerful instrument of global control.

    I can’t quite match your insult of accusing people like me of wishing to gas our fellow humans alive.

    I wish I fucking could.

    Official ‘Death Book’ Data here (below):
    It appears that more Catholics than Jews died at Auschwitz.

  11. Kevin Boyle:

    PS the truly terrible picture you present at the top of this article as (presumably) proof of the ‘gas chambers’ are obviously genuine.

    What makes you think these are ‘gas chamber’ deaths rather than victims of starvation at the end of the war or typhoid during the outbreaks of 1941 and 1942?

    Furthermore, it is a physical fact that when a human being dies of cyanide poisoning the corpse will be a bright pink colour. Every single photo of WW2 corpses shows them to be very white and pallid…..

    …..so even the real physical evidence that these photographs represent contradicts the ‘gas chambers’ story. And that is all, I believe, that it is.

    A story that could yet kill us all.

  12. Kevin Boyle:

    You publish comments that support the right of people to present evidence against the human gas chambers, but forbid comments containing elements of the evidence itself.
    Or is your justification for failing to print my comment mere rudeness? How very English that would be.

    You will support the Zionist psychonuclear weapon (and hence, all its dreadful consequences i.e. the deaths of millions since 1945) but demur at a rude word.

    Perhaps I should have said I could accuse you of wishing to kill my children and theirs in spurious wars generated by people whom you render us terrified of criticising.

    But I wouldn’t debase myself by suggesting anything so stupid.

    You do not wish death on anyone.

    You are merely a brainwashed idiot with a closed mind. Your self-image as a great humanitarian blinds you to the terrible truth.

    Such a thing could never be just made up, could it? Like 9/11 being managed and carried out by western government/military industrial complex in order to enable invasions and control world resources, this is just too much to believe is possible.

    You are like nearly all the rest that buy into the big lies. It makes me want to weep.

    Seeing that you take Nazi quotes so seriously, here’s another one:

    “If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it. The lie can be maintained only for such time as the State can shield the people from the political, economic and/or military consequences of the lie. It thus becomes vitally important for the State to use all of its powers to repress dissent, for the truth is the mortal enemy of the lie, and thus by extension, the truth is the greatest enemy of the State.”
    Joseph Goebbels quotes

  13. Kevin Boyle:

    It is easier to understand the feelings of outrage of Jews accused of ‘blood libel’ having been recently accused of wishing to gas Jews myself.

    Here is Jerusalem professor Ariel Toaff’s 2008 work on the “Blood Libel” in its various manifestations. Interesting reading (if you are interested)


  14. BrerRabbit:

    I’m not sure that Alan Hart’s public hate-speech should really be allowed.

    The article starts with a picture of a huge pile of bodies that have obviously died of starvation, with ribs poking out through their skin, and its purpose is A) to imply they died of mass gassing, and B) to ethically-damn those who don’t agree.

    He starts off by affirming, that his article ‘will result in me being reviled and condemned…’ Who by Mr Hart?

    Then people who do not believe that large cyanide gas chambers existed are averred to have a “loathing and even hatred of all Jews everywhere”
    Then Holocaust revisionism (ie people who do not accept his story) are “as evil on a par with the commissioning of the slaughter and the slaughtering itself.”
    Once more Revisionists are ‘those who display their loathing and hatred of Jews while denying the Nazi holocaust in the comment spaces of web sites’ – ie peple like me who are posting a sceptical message. Loathing and hatred? Look in your Mirror, Mr Hart.

    Hart’s take on the Goebbel’s Diaries is completely misleading – now all 29 volumes have finally been published, I invite readers to peruse this article by someone who has actually read them: http://inconvenienthistory.com/archive/2010/volume_2/number_1/goebbels_on_the_jews.php
    quote: “As Irving (1996: 388) observes, “Nowhere do the diary’s 75,000 pages refer to an explicit order by Hitler for the murder of the Jews.” On the contrary: we find repeated and consistent reference only to expulsion and deportation. Second, and more importantly, once the alleged extermination process was underway, we have no direct evidence that either Hitler or Goebbels knew anything about it—which is inconceivable.”

  15. Brad Brzezinski:

    I’m not sure why I bother, but here’s some information with respect to:

    The holocaust experience – being the victims of genocide – is not a uniquely Jewish experience ….

    Nazi rallies in the lead up to WWII were centred primarily on the Jews. This is the main lesson we should learn from this period. The Nazis did not pick on any other group to the same extent. Note that Nazism was not limited to Germany; there were Nazi movements in many other western countries.

    It is appropriate to be on the look out for the use of the techniques (hating and blaming) elsewhere as we FAILED to do in Rwanda, but when it’s Jews who are the targets, the results tend to boomerang. As Hartites love to point out, others were also targeted for extermination and I say yes, there were 66 million deaths other than Jews directly attributable to WWII.

    Another thing about the WWII holocaust is that it belongs very much to the west. It’s OUR holocaust. The Germans represented the pinnacle of western civilisation, but look what they did and it happened with the rest of the west turning a blind eye.

  16. ontogram:


    A “blind eye,” Brad? You are ribbing us, aren’t you? The very existence of this discussion and the thousands like it here at the very MARGIN of the global discourse is proof positive that attention is not a problem for Israel and Zionism. And we are just the margin: The MSM exhausts itself in its support for a vile state-sponsored racism in Israel and its utter disregard for the victims of these imperialist scoundrels and liars. Virtually hundreds of organizations “monitor public decency” for the entire world should the word “Jew” appear in any but a flattering and salutary context, not to mention “Israel.”

    The bad conscience of Israelis and world Jews will yet change that awful state. It is instructive to note that that state does not care about the “content of one’s character” (as American Jewish gangsters find haven there) when an American or Russian Jew claims the absurd “Right of Return” citizenship, but rather who his/her parents were. That alone is enough to reveal the whole racist theory.

    Tell me Brad: Why is it that a Jew can be a Frenchman but a Frenchman can’t be a Jew? Are “the Jews” a people, an ethnicity, a race, a national group, a religion or a shared tongue? Which is it? After 2000 years AT LEAST there is clearly no homogenous genetic origin for “Jews.” So who exactly are THESE people who claim THAT land based upon a book that THEY wrote? What binds Jews to one another? Is it Torah? The entire Christian world has virtually adopted Torah. Is it ethnic background? Jews have lived in Iran for about 3500 years, and in the Americas for centuries, Europe, China, England, Greece…

    The answer the State of Israel focuses upon has to do with one’s parents. Which was the same identifier used by Nazis. What if one’s great grandparents were born and raised as Catholic and converted to Judaism? Well, good in the Israel case, and very unfortunate in the Nazi instance. What if this happened to large numbers of peoples in ancient times?

    Who exactly are these self-selecting “chosen” Jews who unleash the full force of a modern army unabashedly funded through donations from foreigners on a civilian people which they had already reduced to mere subsistence, dizzying penury and defenselessness in their own land? G*d damnit — I want to know!

  17. Simon Ring:

    Dear Mr Hart

    I am astonished that you have chosen to repeat the famous Goebbels “quotes” in thge manner that you have.

    Are you unaware that the entire story of the alleged capital h, is littered with mistranslations and achieves it’s dogmatic and mythical status, “balanced” on fulcrums of euphemism and mistranslation?

    Do you not recognise the same methods being used now in relation to the “New Phantom Menace”, the “enemy du jour”; Muslims?

    I am reminded of last year’s case in Cardiff, when a phone call about football in the park was alleged to have meant, “bring your bombs” or some such.

    Has all of this escaped you Alan?

    Alan Hart … fixated with Nazi holocaust denial !

    See what I just did there?

    Alan hart said:

    “The Nazi leader who most frequently and explicitly committed his thoughts about exterminating the Jews to paper was Joseph Goebbels, Hitler’s Minister of Propaganda. Here, for example, are just a few of his diary entries:”

    And then provides “proof” of Goebbels desire to “exterminate” European Jewry, by lifting, “bits” of “translated” German, written in an English language book:

    5 February 1942: The Jewish question is again giving us a headache; this time, however, not because we have gone too far, but because we are not going far enough.

    14 February 1942: The Jews have deserved the catastrophe that has now overtaken them. Their destruction will go hand in hand with the destruction of our enemies. We must hasten this process with cold ruthlessness.

    18 February 1942: …We must show them no mercy and no indulgence. This riffraff must be eliminated and destroyed.

    6 March 1942: … the greater the number of Jews liquidated, the more consolidated will the situation in Europe be after this war.

    20 March 1942: …the Fuehrer is as uncompromising as ever. The Jews must be got out of Europe, if necessary by applying most brutal methods.

    27 March 1942: The procedure is a pretty barbaric one and not to be described here more definitely. Not much will remain of the Jews. On the whole it can be said that about 60 per cent of them will have to be liquidated whereas only about 40 per cent can be used for forced labour,

    29 April 1942: Short shrift is made of the Jews in all eastern occupied areas. Tens of thousands of them are liquidated

    14 December 1942: Jewry must pay for its crime just as our Fuehrer prophesied in his speech in the Reichstag; namely, by the wiping out of the Jewish race in Europe and possibly in the entire world.

    9 March 1943 … (Hitler) approved of my measures and specifically ordered me to make Berlin entirely free of Jews.

    13 May 1943: There is therefore no other recourse left for modern nations except to exterminate the Jew….

    For those that prefer to read about all of the above, in their original context, with appropriate English translations, Thomas Dalton’s informative articles are, well, informative …

    Goebbels on the Jews, Part 1


    Goebbels on the Jews, Part 2


  18. Simon Ring:

    “When the question is posed about where, as academic rsearchers of the Holocaust, we stand today, the simple answer is: in the limelight.”

    Raul Hilberg. 1995

    Sources and Their Uses, p5, in The Holocaust and History, the Known, the Unknown, the Disputed and the Re-examined, 1995.

  19. ontogram:

    There is no documented explicit order for genocide, but there is plenty of evidence of genocide and genocidal intent, even before the invasion of the Soviet Union. There is also acknowledgement of this activity in the record. It cannot, and should not be denied nor trivialized.

    But, it should not be seen as special or unique, either. Humans have committed such acts before and after the holocaust, yet there is precious little memory of these enormous crimes: All are excluded, squeezed out by the activities of consummate charlatans like Elie Weisel and the industry he and others have helped to create to benefit Zionism.

    I am waiting for American taxpayers to fund a Museum of American Slavery or a Museum of the Genocide Against Native Americans to open before I will consider visiting that racist, tasteless, tactless shrine to innocent victims of racism itself, created by a congress in tow to the Lobby.

  20. Kevin Boyle:

    Dear Mr Hart,
    This is a private message that you may post if you wish.

    I apologise.

    I was very angry at what appeared to be your suggestion that ‘deniers’ relished the suffering of Jews. Howard Jacobsen wrote the same thing a few years ago. This may be occasionally true for all I know, but is not necessarily so. There are some Jewish ‘deniers’ too. Brave, indeed, they are.
    I thought you had blocked my comments when, perhaps, you had gone out to visit someone. Anger makes a fool.

    I understand the energy you have given in trying to expose Zionism. You said it first and I thank you for this.

    Jews need to be saved from these people.

    …. and wasn’t this the greater part of Christ’s mission 2000 years ago?


    kevin Boyle

  21. Kevin Boyle:

    I read your article on Veterans Today. As I explained I wrote those angry lines at a time that I thought you were refusing to post my comment citing some of the strongest and most irrefutable evidence disproving the existence of human gas chambers.

    Now you say that the existence of these gas chambers is neither here nor there (because, supposedly, you are not able to argue against the scientific case).

    Well, blow me down!?

    I am asking myself should you address the psychiatric question towards yourself.

    How can you possibly be so (let’s find a polite word) DUMB.
    It is the ‘human gas chamber’ element of the holocaust (and nobody I know denies that Jews were slaughtered mercilessly and wickedly, en masse, on the eastern front) that makes this genocide VERY SPECIAL.
    Without it we have just another bunch of racially-motivated murders.

    Nothing special.

    Without this it would be an inferior genocide to the Chinese-Mao one, to the Rape of Nanking one, to the Ukranian one, to many other Soviet ones, even (if the figures were corrected) to the Irish one.

    This ‘gas chamber’ lie has empowered Zionism more than any other thing(see, with an ‘m’ Alan. Why did you include that pathetic point in your article. Was it meant to make me look illiterate? [Look into it, Dr Freud]) . More than the Orthodox/banking Talmudic commitment to racial supremacy, more even, perhaps, than their limitless funds, this great lie is a superfuel that supplies the engines of the elite.

    A Zionist elite that is our self-sworn enemy, if anyone cares to study their own writings.

    Never mind the fact that Wall Street funded Lenin and Trotsky and that a largely Jewish Soviet leadership celebrated their new-found ascendency in Russia by exterminating 1.8 million of the Christian elite (that’s the community that gave us Tolstoy and Dostoievsky). Never mind that they burned down all the Christian churches and left the synagogues standing. Never mind that the Ukranian ‘Holdomor’ deaths were far higher than Jewish deaths in WW2 and the commanders who directed this crime were very largely Jews. Never mind that Jewish power today is in an absolute ascendency as anyone with eyes to see can easily realise. If Jews dominate the USA and the UK, and they do, then is it reasonable to wonder if the fact we live in a condition of perpetual war anything to do with them?

    9/11 and 7/7 were provable crimes by the covert state, whoever these people be, against their own people in order to justify our participation in the ‘clash of civilisations’ we see going on around us.

    People are incredibly intimidated by state power. Politicians and media operatives understand what can and can’t be said. Their cowardice in failing to ask even the most obvious of questions WHEN IT REALLY MATTERS is one very good reason why we are in the helpless position we find ourselves.

    ‘gas chambers’ is not about ordinary Jewish people whatever you or they have been brainwashed into believing, it is about giving the elite, that appears to be led by banking Jews, a free pass to do as they wish with the lives of humanity.

    And what they wish to do is clear from the writings of the Talmud, the Masonic bible “Morals and Dogma” by Albert Pike and from the Protocols of Zion, a work of absolute genius that in no way could have been forged (though the Zionists who have dominated our media for more than a century [ask Lord Northcliffe] say precisely that). Well, as Mandy Rice-Davies said, “They would, wouldn’t they?”

    So, Mr. Hart I make my case. I am not requiring the attention of any psychiatrist, thank you. I am merely an informed citizen who cares about truth, who has taken to heart Christ’s words “THE TRUTH WILL MAKE YOU FREE”, who wishes to expose and resist the powers-that-be that dominate our lives. Not out of jealousy or of any kind of depraved hatred, but out of visceral concern for all our futures that has been created in me by the publicly accessible information I have sought out and found.

    A little more truth-seeking would do you no harm at all, Mr Hart.

    If you can close your mind to the possibility that this world is in the hands of a very wicked and conspiratorial elite then you, in my opinion, are deluded. Conspiracies violate our natural instinct to trust and we all, sir, have been violated, time and time again.

    I could have taken offense at your insults but saying these things, one gets used to it. At least you didn’t call me a Nazi. I am, in fact, a Christian who believes that Christ got it exactly right about the Pharisees and the ‘money changers’.

    But who takes any notice of Him any more.

    Auschwitz not Calvary. Right, Mr. Hart?


  22. Roger Tucker:

    Holocaust Handbooks by The Barnes Review

    “These books are designed to have the power to both convince the common reader as well as academics in this field. And it is very successful with this approach: Ever since its inception, this prestigious series has gained the attention of many western historians and of several opinion leaders worldwide. The final goal is to eventually tip the academic scale, so that academia will start doing its duty: to demand and pursue public scrutiny of this most influential topic of all western societies.”


  23. Albert Richardson:

    “He told me, and I believed him without reservation, that some of his Jewish “comrades” in Auschwitz were assigned the task of removing the corpses from the gas chambers and transferring them to incinerators for burning.”

    So you believed without reservation something somebody told you that somebody told him about something that happened 70 years ago. Let’s suppose that he really was honestly reporting that third person’s honest belief about what had happened. Here’s an alternative interpretation:

    He heard and believed camp rumours about the gas chambers. He was later sent to one of these “gas chambers” and was ordered to carry bodies from the “gas chamber” to the crematorium. However these “gas chambers” are described in the plans and records of the Auschwitz Construction Office as “morgues”. So corpses would quite legitimately be found there and given a population approaching 100 thousand and the conditions we know to have prevailed in Auschwitz at certain times, these corpses could have been quite numerous.

    I’m sorry, but I require higher standards of evidence than what I read on some web site that someone told the writer that someone else once told him… even when there aren’t perfectly viable alternative explanations.

    If this makes “evil on a par with the commissioning of the slaughter and the slaughtering itself”, I’m afraid all that tells me is your remarkable lack of any intellectual integrity or judgment.

  24. Albert Richardson:

    “He added that the smoke and fumes from the chimneys of the incinerators could be seen and smelled all over the camp.”

    This is a well-known technique and fallacy which probably has a name and which is widely-used by the holocaust industry, similar to showing the naked emaciated bodies of typhus victims at Belsen as “proof” of the holocaust, when no one in fact any longer believes they were gassed or otherwise murdered.

    In this case, the image of the smoking fiery chimney is a standard of the holocaust literature. It’s improbable that emissions ever went beyond some light smoke, but the reality is that no one disputes the crematoria so whether they smoked, stank or belched flames is quite irrelevant, but it’s very effective as a propaganda image, as evidenced by your choice to use it here.

    Oh, and by the way, there were no incinerators, only standard single-corpse crematory ovens, a very inefficient way of disposing of the product of mass murder of millions.

  25. maryam:

    I think Mr. Boyle should just stick to gay bashing.

    Alan is correct; the issue is not gas chambers, but the holocaust and its sacred cows. The fact remains, it happened. Jews made up only about half of the total number of people who were killed, and whether it was as a result of gas, gunfire, starvation, typhus or anything else, if they died in the camps or in the ghetto, they can be counted among the murdered.

    The shameful thing is that the holocaust has become exploited by zionists who have used it to justify Israel’s crimes. Second hand pity cannot work forever, so it is time to re-examine just what the holocaust was, and who were its victims, and why.

  26. Kevin Boyle:

    A brilliant article written by a Jewish revisionist from London, Paul Eisen.

    Really, really worth reading. Hits nail straight on the head.


  27. Kevin Boyle:


    There are Jews who disagree with you. Just about the only thing Zionist criminals fear is exposure of the ‘gas chambers’ lie. See here:

  28. Leonard:

    If the truth didn’t matter it wouldn’t be illegal.

    So the debate takes a look at the facts. I think if Alan proceeds down this path, which many have taken before him using the very same arguments, he will see the light and find himself a Pariah in good company.

  29. Chris Crookes:

    Jewish blogger Paul Eisen: ‘The holocaust is a false and abusive god’.


  30. Kevin Boyle:

    Response to Maryam’s comment forbidden, I see. Still think ‘human gas chambers’ are neither ‘here nor there’ in the context of the holocaust? We’d like to know.

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  32. Michael Martin-Smith:

    The Holocaust and study of it is of ongoing relevance. Holocaust deniers are given aid and comfort by regimes in power which actually call for removal of Israel and Jewry from the face of the Earth- despite the fact that Hitler proved beyond doubt that, even in a Continent occupied by overwhelming military force driven in part by anti-Semitism, it was impossible to achieve this desired goal. This was despite the complete impotence of Jewry in Nazi occupied Europe.

    The result of Nazi policy and the Holocaust has been a nuclear armed Jewish State with the ability to destroy human civilisation in a nuclear winter. Israeli Jews would have no reason to expect rescue from a largely indifferent world taken in by the pseudo heroism of homicide bombers run by Iran in Hizbollah clothing.

    Faced with the absolute certainty that an Islamist victory and occupation of Israel would ensure a second Holocaust, Israel would surely take the rest of Humanity into that darkness of a nuclear winter. Anyone who doubts the certain extermination awaiting a defeated Israel need look no further than Syria for proof. The regime there would kill Jews with even greater relish than it applies to the time-honoured task of slaughtering fellow Muslims!

    One’s feelings about this reaction are totally beside the point- what emerges is the fact that the sole legitimate interest of the 6 billions who are neither Muslims or Jews is a cast iron determination to ensure that Islamist forces are never able to put Israel in danger by acquiring nuclear weapons, and that Israel is never driven to use hers.

    That baleful legacy of the Holocaust is simple fact and of existential relevance to all Humankind.

  33. Kevin Boyle:


    So we must support the US/UK/EU/Israeli war-mongering policies against Iran (and Syria) or else Israel will destroy us all in a nuclear winter.

    Lovely!. Best argument yet!

    Certainly a new and creative way of pressing the Zionist case.

    And what a great reason for us all to accept holocaust ‘gas chamber’ lies. Don’t encourage this Muslim scum. They must be defeated.

    Christ has lost his position. Calvary has been displaced by Auschwitz. The “Jewish People” now occupy this holy space.

    Just get used to it. Worship your new God.

    Mr. Martin-Smith, some ideas (like the lies they attempt to defend) are beneath contempt.

  34. Davey:

    @Martin-Smith Self-justification is the hallmark of criminals and psychopaths. The holocaust does not justify anything. The Soviets hated the capitalist world: Did they nuke Paris, New York, Washington? Why not?

    You are a self-justifying racist repeating the “specialness” of Jewish life, thought, its state (presumably) etc. Israel — the six million of Israel — will eventually democratize, lose its “Jewish” character (which is sentimental tripe by any measure) and that will be the end of it. Someday, Israelis and the world will look back on Zionism and old Israel with the same astonishment we view American slavery today, or as we view the holocaust today. Some stand in the way with their antique convictions, self-justifying, narcissist convictions, convictions my grandfather would have assented to, and others move toward a progressive, democratic and free future.

  35. Davey Wavey:

    A nuclear-armed Israel has encouraged other states in the region to get nuclear arms. Isn’t that transparent? Nuclear arms do not protect Israel except as a means of black mailing other states. Israel is a racist regime that actually does discriminate and actually does hurt Palestinians big time. No anti-semite has power today to hurt Israel or Jews. Only Israel dumping its “specialness” on the world.

    New generations of Israelis will not opt to live in Israel, will opt out of the armed services, and move to Europe or the US. Israel is a sickness, an embarrassment, that only the decrepit Jewish retirees in Florida can understand and they are dying off. To them, everybody is an anti-semite, meaning of course, that they are “special.” Bye Bye, loathsome state! Bye Bye Zionism!

  36. ontogram:

    Martin-Smith: Jews are so special that Palestinians must die, move out, lose their homes and culture, to these people. People can say any silly thing they want about the Holy Holocaust, about the little statelet that eats up US taxpayer money, compromises US intelligence services, kills American sailors, lies to everyone, struts its genome, calls everyone anti-semitic if they complain, steals land, rights, even bank deposits, controls Washington DC, buys the US Congress, lies about Arabs and Palestinians, and does any goddamn thing it wants without penalty anytime and anywhere and they can do this because they are Jews! Better the religious radicalism of Iran than Jewish radicalism, anytime.

  37. Michael Martin-Smith:

    Nothing written above removes the only important fact for the six billions who are not Jews and Muslims. Nuclear winter is a price not worth paying for a form of Middle East justice which would at best be chimerical.

    Israel knows that a military defeat at the hands of Islamists means certain extermination , and propose to exact the ultimate price for such an enterprise.

    That price includes a “nuclear winter”- the Laws of Physics outweigh political niceties- even in a world riddled with “political Correctness”.
    Liking or loathing Jews or Zionists has zero effect on Einstein’s equation of matter/energy equivalence.

    More practical is the other self evident point that an independent Palestine free of Israel would last less than a few months. Such a State would resemble a piece of meat tossed between two ravenous jackals- the States of Egypt and Syria.

    The wars between Egypt and Hattusha, Egypt and Syria , Byzantium and Araby, had little to do with the existence or otherwise of a Jewish Entity.

    Have any of you lot bought a Geiger Counter yet…?

  38. Davey:


    What was the POINT of Israel if the price is nuclear winter for humanity? Jews as victims, forever, eh? The perps as victims: pathological narcissism. “They made me kill them!”

    And why would JUSTICE require extermination? Could it be because Israel is guilty of just such racism? What about a democratic Israel? Why haven’t Iranian Jews been exterminated if that is the REAL REASON for “disliking” Israel?

    And why shouldn’t Arab states have nuclear arms in order to hold off Israel’s extortion? Why should the US support Israeli extortion?

    You are as nuts as Netanyahu and the other obnoxious Zionists.

  39. Davey:

    “chimerical”? As though Israeli or US justice isn’t chimerical?

  40. mehdi:

    down to the israel”اسرائیل بزودی نابود خواهد شد