Who and what is the real Bibi Netanyahu?

That, a decade before the Nazis came to power in Germany, was the ideology of revisionist/honest Zionism. Its Big Idea, which thrilled Bibi Netanyahu’s father, was the application of brute force in order to give the Arabs, when they had been dispossessed of their land, no hope of getting it back. There was to be no consideration of what was morally right or wrong. Compromise was entirely ruled out. It was a “them or us” strategy.

Benzion Mileikowsky/Netanyahu died in his Jerusalem home in April 2012 at the age of 102. Shortly after his death Jason Epstein, a co-founder of the New York Review of Books, let slip to a Jewish discussion group that Benzion once told him that he believed the only way Israel could survive was “by killing all Arabs.”

The question of how much the son was influenced by the father was put to Benzion in an interview with Ma’ariv in April 2009. He replied: “I have a general idea. Bibi might aim for the same goals as mine, but he keeps to himself the ways to achieve them, because if he expressed them, he would expose his goals.”


And there, I believe, is the key to understanding the real Bibi Netanyahu. Because he can’t tell the truth, it being that he is not remotely interested in peace with the Palestinians and that his preferred solution is a final ethnic cleansing of Palestine, he has to tell lies. But to have credibility in the face of Israel’s defiance of international law and criminal actions, they have to be really B-I-G lies and, as Goebbels advised, they have to be repeated again and again.


One obvious conclusion it seems to me is that Bibi Netanyahu has always knownthat everything he asserts about Israel being in danger of annihilation and not having a Palestinian partner for peace is propaganda nonsense. But the truth about him today as he prepares to address Congress again and deliver a public “F*ck You!” gesture to Obama could be more complicated than that.


Way back in 1980 I had a conversation with Retired Major General Shlomo Gazit, the best and the brightest of Israel’s Directors of Military Intelligence. I told him I had come to the conclusion that it was all a myth – that Israel’s existence had never, ever, been in danger. He smiled sadly and replied. “The trouble with us Israelis is that we have become the victims of our own propaganda.”


So it might be that when Netanyahu addresses Congress in a desperate (and I think doomed) effort to create a big enough majority in that Zionist-corrupted assembly to sabotage the deal in-the-making with Iran, he won’t on this occasion be knowingly lying when he asserts that Iran is a threat to Israel’s existence because he has become the victim of his own propaganda, and now believes what he says is true.


If that is the case it would have to be said that he is not only beyond reason but deluded to the point of clinical insanity.


If Israel’s upcoming elections give him a fourth term in office – he is obviously hoping that more standing ovations in Congress will guarantee that – Zionism will continue its cruel and criminal efforts to bring about a Palestinian surrender on its terms, and the pace of the creeping transformation of anti-Israelism into anti-Semitism will be quickened.


There’s no mystery about what Bibi Netanyahu is. He’s a disaster. For the Palestinians. For Israel’s Jews. For the region. For Jews everywhere. And quite possibly the whole world.

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  1. Rehmat:

    I think Sarkozi and Obama described Benjamin Netanyahu as prime minister of Israel the best during a private meeting in Paris in November 2011.

    Sarkozy told Obama: “I cannot bear Netanyahu, he is a liar“. To which Obama replied: “You may be sick of him, but I have to deal with him every day“.

    Israeli professor Neve Gordon called Netanyahu, “Spook, Terrorist or Criminal,” while discussing his life in United States before he immigrated to Israel in the 1980s.


  2. Tom Mysiewicz:

    On the temporal plane, Netanyahu is (1) trying to steal the water resources of Palestine, Lebanon, Jordan and other Mid East states and (2) steal the vast natural gas resource off the Gaza coast with the help of Egypt’s Mr. Sisi. For political purposes (assuming the growing number of people who suspect him of being the Antichrist are wrong)he is playing to the fanatic audience that wishes to destroy Al Aqsa and build the “Third Temple” and resume animal sacrifice. This involves a red calf now in the U.S. that will be three–the specified age to be ritually slaughtered on Temple Mount–in 2016. As for insanity, Netanyahu has chosen to publicly disrupt the American system of government in which the EXECUTIVE BRANCH (President) NOT the Legislative Branch (Congress) makes foreign policy. This is specified in the U.S. Constitution. As someone with secret U.S. citizenship, Netanyahu is surely aware of the import of what he is doing. That’s insanity.

  3. Nelson Wight:

    Alan Hart, it’s no wonder you have been such a renowned diplomat, you still have every facility and fact that makes your every statement so poignant. I wish our (U.S.) government and people (so unlikely) could understand and profit from such elegant advice.

  4. confoundmeonce:

    Alan Hart, Your insight and ability to “Cut straight to the Bone’ concerning Issues we all are needing to Have more clarity About [than we will Ever be Able to seine Up from The Generally misinformed and >>Yes, Radical Places The MSN Gathers.] Your true gift to us is you are never afraid to Speak the Truth. I Pray that God`s Circle of Safety Stays Close around you. Sometimes I Fear for your Well-being..There are So many Ill-wishers out here Who can`t abide facing truths they don`t Agree with. I`m hoping this “Lecture b.Netty is Delivering to Our yellow-bellied bunch of bought Traitors in Congress..Will Totally Back fire on him..He is Really Showing His true Colors more With each Day that Passes >Even his closest Zionist ‘ buddies’ are ready to put him out to pasture. Either That…or the Booby-hatch..is ‘ ready and waiting for him. Awful Fact that he Acquired his ”education’ here in our country…on Our Dime ! And is Still Subsisting On our Largesse !

  5. Bob:

    I suppose if there isn’t a much greater prevalence of sociopathy within Israel (I think sociopaths from around the world have gravitated here) then the majority of people in Israel are apaths: They’ll follow any crappy sociopath/characteropath leader benign or malignant. Unfortunately only the malignant prevail in this ponerogenic “state”.
    Apathy is the biggest human weakness there is and the sociopaths of this world can take it for granted.

  6. Paul Carline:

    Hi Alan, glad to see that you’re still making waves!

    You’re no doubt aware that Bibi was – coincidentally, of course – in New York on 9/11 and in London on 7/7. That he turned up in Paris for the Charlie Hebdo march was no surprise. He seems to be intimately involved in any false flag terrorist event that advances the “demonise Arabs and/or Muslims” and “support the phoney war on terror” agenda.


    Paul (we met in Edinburgh and Haddington some years ago)

  7. Alanna Hartzok:

    Thank you Alan for bringing this information forward as you have made the current reality clear as a bell. There are too many people in powerful positions who are as you say of Bibi “not only beyond reason but deluded to the point of clinical insanity.” It seems to me that humanity’s challenge and choice is between more warfare to the point of possible annihilation of us all and an ethic that the earth is the birthright of all people with practical policies that fairly share the land and natural resources. That way is also clear as a bell for those who look in this direction.

  8. Tammi Burk:

    Alan Hart,

    Thank you for bringing this information forward, as Benzion Mileikowsky/Netanyahu prepares to steal more land from the indigenous People of Palestine, and to destroy more Palestinian Lives, I stand fearful….I don’t understand why the Israeli Public (who claims it wants “Peace”), and the International Jewish Community as whole don’t stand-up to stop this Monster and Demand Equal Rights for the Paestinian People.

    The Indigenous People of Palestine are not going anywhere,and if he manages to kill them all, those in exile who also represent the largest refugee population in the world are not going stand idle.

    I believe the only way to stop this runaway train is for the Jewish Community.

    How many must die, before we take a stand?
    Only we have the power to stand-up for what is right.
    Only we have the power to turn things aroud for all the inhabitants of the land.
    Only we can stop the on comming Blood-Shed.
    What future do we want to leave for kids and their kids?

    I think we have a responsibility to force some Rational into an irrational situation. The question is where to start. How can we educate the public?

  9. William Grassick:

    There is only one way to deal with Israel.
    That is tell the world what they are.
    Start by writing the word Lebensraum on the separation wall and name all the prisons where Palestinians are held and refugee camps after well-known Nazi concentration camps.
    This would effectively split Israel into two groups, the minority extremists and the majority that have remained silent.
    It’s an approach that they can’t possibly fail. The more brutal they become the more they resemble the Nazi’s.
    It was refreshing to see an honest article.

    Thank you.

  10. Benzopal:

    Then it shouldn’t be anyone’s surprize this concentration of psychopathy may well have driven Israelis to corrupt a security system to the extend it provided a leeway for 911 and aided in the unrecognizable destruction of the World Trade Center.

    You do not like this idea?

    Well, we are dealing with more than one psychopath driven by a psychpath ideology. And when multiple parties benefit in their own way, whether that be oil, ideology, weapons trade and financial control, it provides for an inevitable spark. Literally.