Who Is Going To Destroy Israel?

It was in the light of those options that Sharon decided to withdraw from the Gaza Strip as a first step to defusing the demographic time-bomb of occupation.

The second step, which Sharon had thought through before he was taken out by a stroke, was to be a withdrawal from up to 40% of the West Bank, to create the space for three or four bantustans which the Palestinians could call a state if they wished. Sharonw as not remotely concerned that such a solution would fail to provide the Palestinians with an acceptable minimum of justice and would be rejected by them. It was to be a take-it or leave-it offer, and if the Palestinians refused it, there was always OPTION 3. Sharon’s only concern was defusing the demographic time-bomb of occupation. He was aware that some Israelis (and probably all of America’s Christian fundamentalists) would call him a traitor; but he was at peace with himself in the knowledge that what he was proposing would be true to Zionism’s mission – taking for keeps the maximum amount of Arab land with the minimum number of Arabs on it.

The job of telling Israelis the truth about why there had to be some withdrawals from the West Bank was eventually taken on by Sharon’s successor, Prime Minister Ehud Olmert. In November 2007, in an interview with Ha’aretz, he said that if Israel didn’t agree to the creation of an independent Palestinian state (on bits and pieces of the West Bank), Israel would face “a South African-style struggle for equal voting rights”, and as soon as that happened“the state of Israel is finished.”

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  1. asdf:

    Hi Alan, I was wondering what your source was on Ron Prosor as I haven’t heard him say anything about the danger of Israel’s bad image and would like to read it.

    I set up a blog to counter his PR offensive which he said would centre on ‘Israel’s 60th.’

    All my Prosor articles

    I think it was 2004(?) when I saw you speak in Dundee – hopefully we will see you again soon!