Would the isolation of America persuade Obama not to veto?

But an American vote for the resolution or even an abstention would, of course, put Obama into head-on confrontation with the Zionist lobby. Could he come out of it a winner (and, some will add, remain alive)?

My crystal ball doesn’t tell me the answer, but it does indicate how he could be the first American president to break the Zionist lobby’s stranglehold on America policy for the Middle East. If he went over the heads of Congress and used his rhetorical skill to explain to his people why it is not in America’s own best interests to go on supporting Israel right or wrong, there’s a chance that he could win the argument. Americans are not stupid. What they are, most of them, is extremely gullible because of the way they have been mis-informed, lied to, by a mainstream media which, for a number of reasons, is content to peddle Zionist propaganda.

It’s your call, Mr. President. The fate of the region (the Middle East) and quite possibly the whole world will be determined by it.


If the U.S. endorses the Whitewash Israeli inquiry into Israel’s deadly attack on the Free Gaza Flotilla last May, we’ll know that the prospects of Obama putting America’s own interest first at crunch time are very, very remote, to say the least.

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  1. luisa:

    AIPAC will make sure the US uses its veto.

  2. Tom Mysiewicz:

    I did not vote for either Obama or McCain in the last election. McCain I understood. But Obama? Change? What does undefined “change” mean? I had little hope Obama would do anything positive. In this, at least, he has far surpassed my expectations. Obama does not meet the Constitutional qualifications for president in terms of naturalization and citizenship. I believe the Zionist lobby could frast-track his impeachment should he get off the reservation. Does Obama have other skeletons in his closet? Only Bibi knows for sure…

  3. HHM:

    Here is a pretty good deconstruction of J Street:


    Jennifer Loewenstein has one here in the comment section, near the bottom of the page.


    And Stephen Sniegoski does a good job with, The False Hope of J Street:


  4. syed mehdi hasan ashraf:

    Sir until & unless ammerican people play a role in shaping the govt policy towards this subject,no president let alone Obama can move an inch towards solving this prolem whether some one likes it or not.

  5. Robert Battersby:

    With half of Congress having sworn allegiance to Israel (I call this treason), the American people are probably going to have to demonstrate on the streets against their AIPAC dominated Government on this issue. Or perhaps for states to break away from the Union (such as Texas or California)!!!!

  6. Laurent:

    More and more I am that Palestine will be free and one because the Palestinians will have free themselves maybe maybe with a little help of Arabs and Muslims. The US and the so called civilized world won’t move as they never have moved to stop the genocide of the Palestinians have not moved to stop the thief of Palestinians’land etc. And whan it happens(it will happen) “the West” as usual will try to find away to hide their shame, their guilt…in a way the beauty of it all is that Palestine is going to be liberated by Palestinians. Israel is almost history, long live Palestine.

  7. Laurent:

    More and more I am sure that…