A “moment of reckoning” but for whom?

I agree but again there’s much more to it. Israel’s insistence that it must have guaranteed security before peace is a political ploy. You make peace in order to have security. If you get the security you demand before peace, you don’t need peace. (Dictionary definition of ploy: a procedure used to achieve a particular result. In Israel’s case the particular result is keeping occupied Arab land).

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  1. Joseph Lague:

    You are right but he wont. He is a zionist through and through. He will not give up short of erzats Israel. That is, for a Zionist to give up on God’s promise of the land to Abraham is to go against the very purpose of the ctreation. He may find a way to take smaller steps but he will never give up a yard of the land except as a temporary expedient. That is the essence of Zionism. The land is the promise and morality is based on getting it and keeping it by any means required.
    That is my understanding of the essence of Zionism. Everything else follows.

  2. Jacob Roodenburg:


    ” With the mid-term elections out of the way “!

    Wel there you have it.

    If Obama had any intention to be ‘an honest U.S. intermediary’ using his U.S. Presidential Clout to the outmost in order to establish a true and lasting peace between the Palestinian People and Israel, HE WOULD HAVE WAITED TO COMMENCE THESE (so called) PEACE TALKS UNTILL THE MID-TERM ELECTIONS WHERE OUT OF THE WAY!

    I wonder who (maby Rahm Emanuel?) set the agenda for this FARCE in the first place.

    I’ve just read this eye-opener on the information clearinghouse site; ” The State and Local Bases of Zionist Power in America.”, by James Petras (Ph.D)


    The false-hood of both Obama’s and Netanyahu’s intentions was and is very clear, considering Obama’s affiliation with, and both the Republican and Democrat Party’s submissive and corrupt behaviour towards AIPAC and the Neo-Con ilk, who shaped and programmed much of the U.S. Foreign-War-Political-Agenda since 1998. (PNAC, A New World Order, and so on)

    Even here in the Netherlands it’s becoming obvious (via newspapers, television and other media)that the Israeli-Zionist-Propaganda-Machine is gaining ground, and is in fact corrupting Dutch politicians (Maxim Verhagen, Mark Rutte and!! Geert Wilders) and with that, corrupting the Dutch Foreign Policies concerning the conflict between Israel and the Palestinian People.

    No good whatsoever can come from the current farce they call peace talks, the ‘Zionist-Great-Israel’ agenda is set in stone a long time ago, and Obama is the mere AIPAC-PUPPET who plays along.

    Peace, Jacob Roodenburg.

  3. Gerrard Byrne:

    Very sharp observations, as usual. The idea of Israel settling for anything without massive outside pressure, which HAS to come from the USA, seemingly the ONLY country which has ever backed the illegal activities of Israel and prevented serious consequences of such activities. Israel has nothing to lose by indefinitely postponing the peace. Once the peace has been achieved Israel will have to settle with all it has, unless it wants to show the world the Real issue and grab more land without any excuses.
    One of the things I have heard many times is that Israel is “.. changing the facts on the ground..” meaning that when a negotiation is happening the masses of settlements will be seen as immoveable. It’s what they are doing now, acting all hurt and throwing arms up in mock exasperation at the idea they should evict and forcibly remove 600,000 settlers, while not accepting the responsibility for that.
    In my mind, it seems as though a large number of Palestinians are taking a leaf from the acts of Ghandi and using peace to beat the violence. If Hamas were also to do this perhaps the agreement would come quicker, or perhaps Israel would be easier able to achieve their (originally) stated aims (to occupy all of the lands of ‘Greater Israel’ from the Nile to the Euphrates).

  4. Obama has signalled his coming complete surrender to Zionism and its lobby - Alan Hart:

    [...] met with them and Egypt’s President Hosni Mubarak and Jordan’s King Abdullah II. (In my last post I anticipated Obama saying at the point of his complete surrender that “America can’t [...]

  5. Principled Lawyer:

    Clearly a very complicated issue and the following simply reflect some of my thoughts.

    Despite what many people think, Hamas remains the democratically elected government of the Palestinian people. America has to engage negotiations with Hamas, in order for there to be any future peace.

    I think that the former Oslo accords provide truth, on this issue. It is a fact that Israel was the primary cause of its failure. I think that the main issues and conditions, on the part of the Palestinians, were flushed out and posited during these intense negotiations and of course rejected.

    I do not see how the Oslo accords conditions would ever be accepted. The Geneva accord provide a solution and constitutes a Palestinian compromise, but have been rejected by Israel and the USA.

    I think that if settlement building ceased and Israeli troops vacated, from the occupied territories, then that would be the start towards peace. The radical Islamic part of Hamas (the resistence) can only be eradicated, I think, when the Palestinians have equality, infrastructure, reasonable degree of freedom from Israeli military persecution, and respect for human rights among others. Certain fundamental democratic rights and security must be in place, for Palestinians, before peace can be afforded to Israel, in return.

    As for the two state solution, one has to understand and respect the reality on the ground. Israel and the occupied territories appear to be inextricably linked and becoming more so as they expand. What potential is there for a two state solution on the basis of the international green line? Therefore, an Israel/Palestinian state, where equality is enforced, might be the only way forward.

    I think that none of this can be achieved where America continues to pull the strings. Obama has the ability (his knowledge far exceeds his predecessors, on subjects of political science, law and history) but perhaps he does not have the backing of the Senate etc.

    In short, both the large majority of Israelis and Palestinians deserve peaceful coexistence. They both have so much potential. As always, it is minority right wing military and political elite perpetuating problems that can be resolved through non-nationalistic means.

  6. ALAN HART — Obama has signalled his coming complete surrender to Zionism and its lobby | My Catbird Seat:

    [...] he had met with them and Egypt’s President Hosni Mubarak and Jordan’s King Abdullah II. (In my last post I anticipated Obama saying at the point of his complete surrender that “America can’t want [...]

  7. rosemary spiota:

    I do not see any success for the present “leadership” of Mahmoud Abbas as they have gained nothing by their compliance. The silent protests on the West Bank eg Bilin each Friday are met with Israeli violence,while occasional attacks on illegal settlers are splashed over Western media as “terrorism”. Hamas is trying to get Israel to conform to international law, and despite comments to the contrary, are prepared to talk and accept pre-1967 Israel, but are denied a voice.