“Judeo-Nazism” and the prospects for a comprehensive agreement with Iran

But there’s also a case for saying that the would-be deal wreckers in Congress have good cause to be very careful about what they actually do as opposed to what they say to remain in Zionism’s good books. This case rests on the fact that polls have been indicating that a majority of Americans are not only fed up with Congress and tired of war but that they want an agreement with Iran. As does American big business according to my sources.

One obvious implication is that if it was successful a Republican-led effort in Congress to kill the deal-in-the-making with Iran could seriously damage Republican election prospects in 2016. There’s much a rejected Iran could do to add to America’s problems in the Middle East, in Syria and Iraq especially and possibly even Saudi Arabia and other Gulf states, and many Americans would blame the deal wreckers in Congress.

Republican party leaders must be aware of what the future could be if there is no deal with Iran, and that’s why I believe that when Obama push comes to Zionist-driven Republican shove, there’s a chance – I put it no higher than 55 to 45 – that Obama will get his way and a comprehensive agreement will be concluded.


If the deal is sabotaged, and if I was an Iranian, I would want my government to develop and possess a nuclear bomb or two for the purpose of deterrence. My logic would be that if Saddam Hussein had possessed nuclear weapons Iraq would not have been attacked and invaded. And that’s a logic that might well prevail in Iran if an agreement with the P5+1 is sabotaged.

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  1. Rehmat:

    With anti-Muslim pro-Israel law-makers, both Republican and Democrats controlling both Congress and Senate and Liz Sherwood-Randall (Jewish) WMDs Czar while the so-called “soft on Iran”, Pentagon’s top gun Chuck Hagel dumped – Next year will be the best time to make Iraq out of Iran for Israel.

    Both the US and Israel are not interested in resolving Iran’s nuclear issue. They’re preparing the necessary anti-Iran groundwork for a violent military regime change in Iran, as all their efforts to achieve that goal through propaganda and the “crippling sanctions” have failed to change Iran’s Supreme Leader Ayatullah Ali Khamenei’s views about the Zionist regime.

    “It’s now essential that Congress now take up new bipartisan sanctions legislations to let Tehran know that it will face much more severe pressure if it doesn’t clearly abandoned its nuclear weapon program,”AIPAC said in a statement on Monday after P5+1 and Iran agreed to extend the final deal deadline to June 30, 2015.

    Zionist prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu who called US-Iran nuclear talks as “blunder”, approved the extension “better than a nuclear deal between the US and Iran”. John Kerry tried to take the credit for delaying a final deal agreeable to Tehran. Both Iranian president Rouhani and his foreign minister Dr. Zarif said that talks did not need extension if American administration had been sincere in understanding Iran’s concerns. Both said that Tehran will never roll-back its civilian nuclear program.

    Some political analysts are of the opinion that Israel, Russia and China will be the main beneficiaries in the long-term “no deal” scenario while European Union will be the main loser.

    On November 26, Chuck Freilich, former Israeli national security adviser wrote at The BUZZ that since the US-Iran talk has failed to curb Israel’s “existential threat” from Iran with a “nuclear capability” – Obama administration should put the “military option” against Iran back on table.

    Rob Eshman’s article Obama’s Jewish War posted at Jewish Journal on July 11, 2012, opens many doors to what’s being cooked at the White House. “Barack Obama rescued Egypt from fundamentalist chaos and to secure Israel,”Liz Sherwood-Randall told a large Jewish gathering sponsored by Foreign Policy Roundtable in July this year.

    “I would pause here and say there are some who assert there is a different sort of relationship between the president and the prime minister, that it is not a solid relationship. I would assure you that the president has built a very important relationship with Prime Minister Netanyahu. What this administration has done to advance Israel’s security is, literally, unprecedented,” she said.

    She detailed military-to-military cooperation, $205 million spent to assist Israel in developing its Iron Dome missile defense system, Obama’s assistance to stranded and threatened Israeli diplomats in Egypt, and his speech before the United Nations General Assembly arguing against a bid for Palestinian statehood.

    On Iran, Sherwood-Randall maintained that the administration has imposed the most far-reaching sanctions that Iran has ever faced, and that because of its intensive diplomacy, 18 countries – including Turkey, Japan, South Korea and India – have decreased purchases of Iranian oil, halving Iran’s crude oil exports.

    Sherwood-Randall whose father Richard Sherwood was leader of the American Jewish Committee (AJC) for years, pointed out that the president Obama had never ruled out a military option on Iran.

    I sincerely hope all Iranian leaders committed to the survival of the 1979 Islamic Revolution, stop chasing the “ghost” and learn from North Korean experience. Iran should dump NPT in garbage-can like Israel, India and Pakistan did longtime ago. It must rush to build a few nukes. That will put a duct-tape on Obama-Netanyahu mouth. In contrast to North Korea and Pakistan – Iran is loaded with oil and gas reserves and its economy has already withstood the western sanctions since 1980s. Israel-born British writer, author and musician, Gilad Atzmon, agrees with me on this.


  2. george beres:

    While I do not use the phrase, Judeo-Nazis, I long have been aware that Zionist leaders of Israel are the modern incarnation of Naziism. They succeed because their equivalents in the United States have control of our government policies. To cleanse ourselves, we must discontinue all aid to Israel.

  3. Sami:

    Basically, nothing will quench Israel’s thirst for war to destroy perceived enemies, whether real or imagined. Bearing in mind that Iran had done nothing wrong, the charade of talks is simply a tactic to buy time until the people of the western world are persuaded that Iran poses a real threat, hence the need for war. So far, the enslaved politicians are willing, but the people are not buying, hence the lack of enthusiasm to start another war for Israel.

  4. Darwin26:

    i too don’t use Judeo-Nazism i did send that article to all my list-serve ~ it’s not necessary to put that label on the Zionist pigs ~ Zionism is what it is. Conjoining the two words muddies the waters and begs the question while trying to illuminate the virulence of Zionism imo.
    i appreciate Rehmat’s post.
    So much complicity with genocide and now officially Apartheid state.
    The hold the Zionists have over the US State Dept IE the Statagon as well the hold on the other two branches of our Govt Wall St and K-Street~ The allegiance to Israel is rife with sedition imo.

    Viva Palestine

  5. confoundmeonce:

    AlanHart, You Seem to be able to put your ‘ Logic of What is Truth ‘ into Every Phase of This On-going Fight to Find Solutions to This Turmoil the Zionist- nazi-jews have Brought down on The Whole Universe ( now focused Primarily on the Nation of Iran ) And If it isn`t ‘solved Like NOW’…We are all going to be Going up in smoke. BUT..That fact being said..[ Which is to be found at the bottom of Every Thing detrimental that is Happening Between this govmt. and IRAN. ]one thing is quite clear..NO WAY is Iran going to Lay down.. and play dead… and allow psycho-Stooges such as McCain, Lacey-drawers-graham,Cruz,woolsey, etc. to go on acting like they are the “”Last Word on every subject”…etc.. They will be ‘called out’ in the near future ( Once and for all ) There is no way that sanctions placed on Iran by Any Country..Is going to deter Iran .or Change Irans` Need to be Able to compete with Its` neighbors ( friendly or foe… Far OR Near ) on the World Arena. Not Any Thing But WAR can be the Outcome..If Iran is not included on the ”Agenda of The World ” for the good of All Nations. Sanctions Only HURT the Poor who have no say-so at all. But it does Accomplish One THING…It Will Create WAR. War No one Needs. But the War-mongers Who are Pushing for WAR NOT PEACE.. Are too Stupid to Realize THEY will Be Among the First To be Annihilated! What do you Suppose will it Take to Get These Blood=thirsty Sub humans OUT of their job of ruining Our World ? They Must be Stopped..Options are dissipating quickly..